chapter xxiii

an club is leaving the nest

A telegram has arrived at the homestead, " come what happen to the pool cookout, asked, Grayson, " relax son it's still on, we do the job, where is the job from, asked, Jordan, " Kendall bear with us this day if you still want to leave you can, Raider city, we meet with the mayor, said. Jessie, " gold city how much we being paid, asked, Dayton, " Raider city he already deposit the check they send into our account, said. Jessie, " he minus go over trail files and retail sentencing files, said. Thomas, "I regret taking this spot, said. Hank, " boys by the time we finish it will be time for the cook to order the beef from Longhorn put it on the turns to cook, said, Jordan. " we can do that, they sat back down to finish breakfast when in the year of 1777 the gals have build up their names in the town, city and county, Marco is so proud of his gals, there was a telegram from Lake-town, " we see what we got there, you up sis? asked, Jordan. " yeah let's play the hand, said, Jessie, they ride into the town, people looked at them, they got off their horses and knock on the door, in the year 2000 at the homestead they finished eating, and cleaning up, they got to work, "[ morning i send you the folder Raider city needs a inspection done, Hank and Thamos the file need to be done, ] said, Marco. "[please tell me, Uncle Marco, you are not going to burn us out, we were hoping for a few days of rest, starting today,] said, Jordan. "[ yeah you letting power and control get to you, ] said, Jessie in the year 1777 they walked into the Mayor's office, and as Thomas and Hank were heading into the courthouse, * the mayor told them* that a stagecoach from Morgan Town never make it to the town, that important, with important papers,* " a search you thinking what I am thinking ? asked, Jordan. " open the hose we find the stagecoach, said, Jessie. they walked out of the office when they run into * Hank* and Thomas who was going to a trail, in the year 2000, "[ no we could all use a few days out of the office, so how about after this we get the whole family other and relax in the north, ] said, Marco "[ good to hear that was what we planing get to the homestead, we see you there,] said, Jessie. In the year 1777 they walked out of the office, so how about after this we get the whole family other and relax in the north, ] said, MarcoIn the year 1777 as they were walking up the town they ran into Thomas and Hank, " we are in luck brother, we find our wives, said. Hank, " indeed, may we ask what is your names? Asked. Thomas, "Only if you tell us yours first. Said, Jordan. They smiled, " I am Thomas MO Garrett, said. Thomas, " and I am Hank Joseph Garrett, said. Hank, "Nice to meet you both, I am Jordan Ashley Anderson, said. Jordan, "And I am Jessie Martina Anderson. Said, Jessie. " we indeed found our wives, would you both like to join us for dinner? Asked. Thomas, they got up on their horses, " we working right now, when we get back we meet you up at the Goldy, said. Jessie, they ride out of Lake-town, " we meet you there. In 2000 they arrived in Raider City, they ride up to the mayor's office," Grandma where are we? Asked. Tommy, "Grandson welcome to Raider City Gold mine city, they got off their horses, and they knocked on the door, " you say that their gold here? Asked. Toni, " you have e to have a gold minerq+ grant first, said. Jessie, "Cool, the mayor open up his door, he let them in the door and closed it behind them, he begins to tell them about the robbery, it wasn't an bank robbery it was gold highway robering some told every gold sacks from the mines,* " sis that a lot gold, it could be any around, said, Jordan, " two groupsTeeno you lead your brothers, in-laws and nephews and son South, boys look for tracks, or footprints, call me if you on the trail, Keno, Cameron, * Hank*, West, Braston, Christopher, Joshua, Leland, Trent, Trevino, Ted, John,Drano, Warren, James, Warner, Crispen, Hank the third, Bob, Renshaw, Berry, Carter, Dayton, Bayton, Rico, Tom, Lee, and Duke, Cooper, Brandon, Roger, Renskin, Brett, Dolton, Henry, Peter, Dean, Braxton, Georgio, Jessup, Daniel, Hector, you all brothers, brothers-in-law, uncles and nephew, act like an family there is going to be times that we going to have to spilt in groups, he is the oldest, do what he said boys, Teeno you bring them all back alive and breathing, yes i testing your leader skills as my oldest, time to act like, said, Jessie. " iooch mom that hurts you cut me really deep, said, Teeno, " aw you get over it sweetie, be safe, " i wanrt to go with mom. said, Cameron, " cam when you going to let my hand go? " never why would i? please i not safe on my own. said, Cameron, " come on come with Mom, boys be safe, you watch out for your siblings Teeno Marco Garrett, " I got Uncle Marco's name, and asked. Teeno, "Yes, you name after your grandfather, gals you with us, " all of you time is against us, Frankie Gregory Devon Preston Reed Cullen Smeddy parker Tommy Mike Asher Dain Porter William Tim Clayton Christian Sam Nano Bason Railey Toni Daytona Danny Kendrick Duston George Jesse Yohan Jacob Stay closed in case they call, Frankie time to prove to mommy that you Abigail man and you can handle leading your brothers, brothers in law and nephews, boys he is your older brother and leader, so listen to what he says, gals you also with me. Said, Jordan," I'm with mom sorry Frank, I don't trust myself to be without her, said. Preston, " bro you will be okay, we got your bank, " thank you but I want to go with mom, " actually I don't trust your actions son, not that easy to get rid of the itch of poker or drinking that easily, said. Jordan, "Nope son and nephews you both pass the beginning stages of your addiction problems, they got up their horses and ride in different directions, in 1777