chapter xxvii


meanwhile in Fredricburg at Roger and Carol's house, they were with their family having a cookout, " how is my only nephew? " we have a nephew? asked, Culombo's new wife, " he doing great he is the Govenor of Houston now, answered, Roger, " I knew that boy was going to make, how you heard how Alexa kids doing, that butt hole, said. Colombo. " Jordan and Jessie are well you know he wasn't going to lose his only nieces in the frost care Culombo, said, Carol. " he promised his sister that he would take them in, he was worried when they got married, he didn't want their marriage to fall apart, " did anyway Thomas Hank was ready to take on being fathers so they caused them of stepping out, said. Carol, " the gals took on both roles of mother and father raising them, its time to see how the governor is doing, said. Roger, "Double J, Jessie must be the oldest, " you tell her that she loves it, she is the youngest, she acts like it, and can't believe she is a great-grandmother now, I wonder how Hank handling being a great grandfather, asked, Roger, "[ evening dad, he handling he more having more, ]" Sam and Sally I love you but, " hah deal with Francesca nothing wrong with being a grandmother, is that right Roger and Becky, she picks them up, " you are a pro, " come here grandma hold your grandson, and bond with him, said, Jessie. "[ hey nephew here you a great uncle no is grandfather?]-{ is the gals around can I say hi,] said. Freda, " [ Freda our nephew Marco, where is my great nieces at,] they land at the shipyard, " let's go Garretts, we got lot ground to cover, rifles at your side, keep the kids safe, Ryan and Bryson no running off, " when I get my pony, asked, Ryan, " son you were raised with manners, went we get off, Hank stop bugging me you not getting anymore a welcome feeling of having great grandkids and grandkids, go to poppy, he slaps her on her butt, " mm Mrs. Garrett I not taking no for answer, " will try it and lose your family what is it going to force your wife to get you more or keep your family? think on and hold your great-granddaughter, you two have some bonding with your grandkids, and great grandkids' mother and wife have spoken, said. Jessie, "[that was Jessie and I still saying Martina for you and your son answer,] said, Marco, "[Grandma will you tell to stop pushing for what we can't give, how about this if there's a trial we stay on into we find something with no promise,]-[" Marco she beautiful, that Jordan?] they got off the ship and got on their horses, " [ no that was Jessie, you tell it's her by her voice if that does help, this might Jordan got thriplet sons and Jessie got twin boys, you remember that you know who is who better, keep the no promise off Jordan,] said, Marco, " you are pushing us again dad! okay if their arrests need to be made we make it, said. Jordan, " this is not Houston outlaws they are grown high crimes they do not care about firing first, if you need to shot Maine, keep our grandbabies and yourselves safe first, family first, dad you want to add anything? " I know you were are you getting paid I see what he says, and tell him to wire the check to my office, you all be safe Jordan and Jessie keep me posted and call in, said. Marco, "Will do, move out, they ride west to do some tracking, and Jordan and family is riding East to Laon City, the Govenor of Nebraska ride up, "[go to go everyone my ride is here, and time to talk smoke turkey, I call you to the night at the inn,] said, Marco, he cut his screen off and got in, " Hoston glade you back here that we ae working together, " same here Nebraska my law team is is out patroling and on other way to one of your city, and my supreme judges send builder docket to Lake-town, [ Thomas Hank,]-[" relax sir they will meet you there, just tell him what is the camp nane,] said. Thomas, the head of the new prison camp plot, they ride down the mountain cliffs, first they all stop to get Connor Thristan Ryan and Bryson a ponies, they got off their horses, and the breeder walked, "May I help you, " do you have a ponies to sale, we only a few, asked. Jordan, "Four they not cheap, he told them, " how much do you want for them, do anyone need a pony I talking directly to my grandkids to let Grandma and Aunt Jordan know, "Please Grandma and Auntie Jordan, begged Keno, Georgory, Jordyn, and London, " we take extra if you have any, how much for them, asked, Jessie, " 590 and yes, he said, Jordan pulled out her bank book and written him a check for $590, she rip it out and hand it to him, he saddle the ponies and brought them over, " thank you, they put them on their new ponies, they spit up again, Jessie and family rode in the woods, as Jordan and Family entered Loan city, " looking sharp there sons, said. Hank, Ryan, and Bryson smiled, "[ is my cuties on their first horses?] asked, Carol, " [hi grandma tell you all six sprouting up like tumbleweeds,]" I do not see anything Mom and Dad, said, Trevino, " we just started son so you not going get anything, said, Jessie, "[ where did the grey eyes come from?]-[" Jessie your great uncle Colombo my brother, her father, did we beg mommy and daddy for a pony, " yes, they big kids now right boys, and gals, ] said, Hank. " the trail could be dead, mom we wasting time, said. Heather, they ride out of the woods, " so if there are no tracks, what's the next step to follow? asked, Jessie, "Broken branches blood, died horses? " Son you sounding dramatic now, said. Hank, "Let me direct it another way if the trail is dead you not in the woods do you look up for smoke or down at the ground, really guys read your tracking books, said, Jessie. " smoke means they set a fire or in a house by a fireplace? asked, Chessie, "[ she get that from you huh Jordan?] said, Freda. "[ wrong name that is my sister's name, it's Jessie, they learning from mom and dad,] correct Chess, so tell us one are we going the right way to look for smoke? asked, Jessie. "[ there another way Jessie got brown hair, and Jordan got light brown hair, will he said he got everything in order to move forth,] said. Roger, "How would I tell if we are? asked, West, " [that what we were up to when he set us on the path, ] your nose will tell you, there be smoke in the air, which there is none right, the air is crisp, said. Jessie, they ride crossed the countryside, meanwhile in Loan City, there was fights in the streets,