chapter xxxv

Back home from the camp.

They families went back home from a few days of rest in the north, as Marco entered Dodgetown, Chuck and Billy walked up to him, " I just got here let me unwind first, Marco told them. " could you just tell us if they think about it. Said, Billy, "They have go home let me rest a bit, then in a hour meet me at the office, he walked inside and closed the door, they arrived back in Fredricburg, and they walked inside their house, " so good spending time with the gals and their families, said. Carol, "They are wonderful cooks that fish was mouthwatering, said. Freda, " they had to learn to do everything, they were mothers now, said. Roger, they arrived at the homestead and ride into the Barnhouse, they locked up the barn doors and walked inside of the house. They are all in the living room resting, " that was fun, said. West, " we need to go camping more often. Said, Devon. " we will guys with the outfit growing we going to, especially we going to be working back to back, due to Holiday is around the corner, every outlaw is going to be out, said. Jordan, " books out let's read up on the next outlaw, they open their books and Thomas and Hank is showing Kendall and Rayne how to do a docket folders, back in Didge town after Marco rested from the trip, he left his house and went inside of his office, he let Chuck and Billy in," they came to a good thing, if those who want to join there will be ride long , if you really still want to join there will be a five year class that you will take, after you finished the class, you be waved in by Supreme Judge Thomas and Hank, then you be doing a three year trail run without the hold uniforms, where you be with the queens, you will not be introduced in the outfit just yet, they won't be introduced to you yet, any question? Asked. Marco " why can they just hire us? Asked. Chuck, " bad hires half doing I like those way, it more professional this the way we going, and the bounty of law royal hearts is an professional law outfit, they not immature, if you want to take my class, give me a week to set up, if not thank you for coming, " why five years, " it takes five so you get the understanding about outlaws and gangs, how to use words in a right way, words is your gun and bullets, if they need to they only shot to Maine, be on your way I have ton of telegrams, folders of inspection, and Dalles to go over, before Holiday gets here, said. Marco, " so when will class start sir, I thought they were full? Asked. Billy, he cut on the screen, they looked at him, " *the tomb brothers * who we put away hit more then 700 trains in the last couple days, can we put them down as high crime mom and Aunt Jordan. Asked, Preston, "[yes dad, did you make it safe, ] tell us why you think that they should be a high crime son? Asked.Jordan, '[we got to do that again gals, I but the little ones had so much fun, they are interested in the class, I going to need you both teach them how time the voice of reason, snakes, wolves stir, the hangmen loose and the bounty of justice, .] Said, Marco, " five year overhaul, when you get set up we be there . That be the first ones they get train on,[ said. Jordan, Kendall and Rayne are doing filling out the dockets, " good job gals, said Thomas, " it said it here mom they rob multiple times then anyone. Said, Kendra, " [I will open a room in a week, what about spots? And do you want to add,[ said. Marco, " [ we tried to manage twice spots,on our outfits uncle Marco, nothing we can think about, see you in the morning, [ he cut the screen off, " if you see flyer up saying the bounty of law royal hearts class is open come to and be ready to learn, no the queens will not be teaching the class, I'll be doing it, latter on they will train and teach you how to use their signature weapons, right now in between work,being wives, mothers. Grandmothers, Aunts,and a great grandmother, they teaching and training their members and families, said. Marco, " great a week ,we see you in a week sir, they walked out of his office, Marco sat down at his desk and got to work going over the telegrams, back in the North at the Homestead, " under line them, let's keep reading, who can tell us if you do have a trail to follow what should you look for when you tracking a outlaw or gang? Asked, Jessie they got up to get dinner on the stove, " good job keep it babies, dad had to meet the meat on the turners, they kissed their daughters on the head and walked," get pig the night calls for A nice pig dinner. Said, Jordan. " yes Mrs. Garrett, they walked up to the pig pen, he cut on the screen again, "[ first job of the day Mayflower town needs a judge and jury to trail Dawn Dothan, ] said, Marco, "[it is time for there inspection, ] " look for a smoke trail right mom? Asked. West, " [did the marshal send a telegram to LAKE-TOWN?[ what if there no smoke in the air what is the next best thing? Asked. Jordan, the slaughter the pig and put it on the turners. " you got me there Aunt Jordan, said. Ted, " it happened Ted, when you don't have anything to go on the trail goes cold, you look for broken what, wet drops of what? Teeno take the season out to you father, said. Jessie, he got up and walked out of the house, " things sweat right grandma? Asked. Duke,