chapter Lvi

getting it done before it gets too hot out

" we for the Governor he as issue an inspection, if you don't mind answering a few questions, said, Jessie, " I heard about that I was wondering when you all were coming, would you let to inspect the rooms, bathhouse, and lobby, "Ryan comes with daddy we check out the bathhouse see if everything standard, he picks him up and they walked up the steps down the hallway to the bathhouse, Jessie pick up their youngest, " may we should, come with me, they walked up the steps and went inside one of the unoccupied rooms, " everything clean and pressed? asked. Jessie, " always send for a laundry wagon to take the bed linens to France to get clean, answered the innkeeper, Hank walked into the bathhouse, "[asked him were he get his shampoo and soaps from Jes?] said, Hank, " where do you get your bath suppilies from? asked, Jessie, " Louisanna factory I ship out of Houston for everything, he told her, Bryson wrapped his arms around her, "Sleepy baby? asked, Jessie, " [he said, Louisanna Mr. Garrett how the bathhouse looks?] How long have you been open? Everything is good up, they walked out in shut the door, " Mommy, mommy, called. Bryson, "Yes son what's wrong? asked Jessie, they met up in the lobby, " the bathhouse looks updated, what's wrong son, asked, Hank, "How long is this going to take? asked, Bryson. " yeah Mommy and daddy. said, Ryan. " we be done in while boys, you tired? said, Jessie. " since the good year of 1770 the beginning of Silver City, said. the innkeeper, "Good year, you doing good, how about this you fill out the folder for mommy and daddy boys, put a check next to the inn, said, Jessie, " and hold on to the folder for us don't lose it, they sat them down, they put a check in the folder, " thank you for your time keep up the well done, they walked up the city, what he be treating he passed, Teeno picked up his son Keno, and his wife walked into the dinner, the cook walked up to them, " took you hearts long enough to get up here, follow me, said. the cook. he took them into the kitchen, where they inspect the stoves, cookware, and sink, " as you see everything clean and polish, said, the cook, "[ mom how they know that we were coming?] we see even the floor and walls is clean and scrubbed, said, Teeno. "[ it's a good thing that they know we coming and letting us look around, they cooperating, ] said, Jessie. they walked out of the kitchen, and into the dining hall, they looked at the chairs, and tables, "is the tables new, asked. Jessica, " no, they are wax and shoe shine polished to get that autumn globe of the dinner, answered, the cook, "do you get your goods in the city or out of Houston? asked, Teeno, " all our beverages and foods come from Fredricburg and Dallas, I only cook and served the best, now would you like to try on of my plates? asked, the cook, "Please and we believed you, they sat down, and after he went into the kitchen to cook and clean, he bring their food out, streak and tators, and they sample his cooking, " [ we got to have dinner here mom,] mm this good, you are an outragous cook I mean that, said, Teeno, " no doubt that you care about what you served, said, Jessica, "[ that good huh?] asked, Hank, " [yes,] Keno put a check they finished sampling the food, " how long you been open? asked, Teeno, " since Silver City came to Houston, answered, the cook, "Thank you for your time, as they walked out, he take their plates into the kitchen, Cameron and Kelsey walked into the storefront, " morning hearts you ready to do this? asked, the clerk. they looked at each other, " yeah, few questions if you got the time, said. Kelsey, he show them around the store, everything is stacked orderly and neatly, " where you get your shipment come from? asked, Cameron, " all over the world, you name it I get it, said, the clerk, " do you have an inventory list to order from, asked, Kelsey, he took them to the warehouse and hand them the list, " the whole world is on here, neat, thank you, Cameron put a check next to the storefront, they hand it back to him, " how long you have been here? asked. Kelsey, " I came whenn Silver City came we been together for years, answered, the clerk, " good partnership, thank you, they walked out of the storefront, Jordan and Thomas walked, into the saloon, it is full and you can smell the whiskey," this not going to go smoothly here, said, Thomas, " we can only hope for cooperation, said, Jordan, " hearts I am ready for you where you want to start first? asked, the bartender. " can we take a look around your saloon, just an inspection seeing you establish here, asked, Jordan, " whatever you need, he let them in the bar counter, and they set their sounds on the stool, " stay do not move, said. Jordan, they look at his selections and beer glass, " all clean not a dirty shot, or beer glass, said, Jordan, " where you get your supplies from? asked. Thomas, " Nebraska, Mexico, and Dallas, factories, answered, the bartender, they walked out, they pick up their sons, they look at the rest of the saloon, " so how long you have been open? We good here, boys put a check in the folder, said, Jordan, " been a long time can't really say, answered, the bartender, " thank you for your time, let's go. said, Jordan, they walked out of the saloon, and up the city, Frankir pick up his daughter Jordyn and his wife Annabella walked into the whore house, it was loud and wild, they looked at each other, the madam looked at them, " Hearts come on in, she told them, they walked inside the door,