chapter ii

Red Devils

Jessie is feeling better but still has coughing spells from dry mouth, Marco gives her a bag of lemon sickles to suck on to help with the dry mouth, and a cantina of lemon water, and they are on their way to Spring town, * The Black mambas * is in town about to hit the wagon money about to leave, as they were about to hit," everyone takes cover, Warren sweetie cover your eyes, Cameron give me your belt son, she starts to cough, Jordan gave her sister a lemon sickle, " than you, she put it in her mouth, they dismount and took cover, " mom you are not going to that, are you, said, Warren, " why? asked, Cameron, I am a gal son that's my only defense, do what I ask son please hand me your belts he covered his eyes and Cameron took his belt off and handed it to his mother, "What are You waiting for on Give your belt, " mom? said. Preston, "Do it, son, said. Jordan, he took his belt off and handed it to her, they got down. They kicked them in their middles and beat them with the belts, " go telegram your mothers tell them what you have done wrong, Jordan, told them, Jessie sat down and start to cough, they walked up, " mom that downright wrong my middle hurts, cred. Warren, "catch your breath, Jessie, here drink some you little drink again she shakes her head and drink some of the lemon water, she wipe her mouth, " son why you so tempted sweetheart, which one of your siblings ick you in the middle, here you go, said. Jessie, " yeah why are you tounchy? asked, Tammy, " I can't wear that now you ruin our relationship, said Cameron "You beat someone cried, Preston. " wish we would have done that to you, said. Jessie, "Put your belt on son, she started to cough again "Really what is wrong with your mother Rico? Mom that you or your style, said. Jayden, " how it's ruin, cried. Cameron, "Wait you wish you could beat us, asked, Cora, "Honey day were you acting out, pulling out my hair wasn't cutting it, said. Jessie," Funny your niece thinks she knows my style, let's get something, before heading back home, " yeah I don't know my wife's style, how come you know whether style? " Dad you lat or laid her with her," hey, hey that's my woman you're starting to talk about even though she ruined my relationship with my belt, Jessie got up and looked at him, " What is wrong with our child? so don't tell me youfall in love with your belt, crying out loud will get you a new one, said Jessie." you promise me you will never do that again, what is wrong with my parent she going around kicking men in their middle, " why are you so tempted Harris, one in love with his belt and you aretounchy, "I am not I have a wife and kid, said. Warren" You must get that from your father's side or one of your older siblings whose brothers kick you in the middle," crying out loud Mom, we will never do that to him, said. Brett, "Hold up how do you know it is not someone on your side ? asked, Hank. " darling mother wolf doesn't know her relatives, but you do. they got on their horses when a telegram walked up, " Mrs. Garrett the Garrett side is not tempted or touched, son do we need to talk? asked, Hank. " Mom did this to me by kicking men in their middles, said. Warren I am not touched and not tempted, I have a wide and id, protested Warren, "Nephew you still be that with a wife and kid, Jordan told him Tammy shot him a loo. As they headed back home, " your mother-9n-law if she stops kicking men where it hurts I couldn't, " be tempted Warren how come you don't have problem with men slapping mom and Aunt Jordan on their tails but you got a serious problem with tough love? asked, Jayden, " mom and AuntJordan are women that our only defense, said. Heather, " Who said I don't, that my mother and Aunt, no one but dad and Uncle Thomas can do that, said, Warren, back at the house another telegram came in, Josie handed it to him, it's from Silver city, he picked up his Talkieand pressed the button, "[ Jordan and Jessie there is a stagecoach missing a search is need from Silver City, and check out the wagon trail and horse trail too, ] -[" where was it heading sir, and we will,] said. Jordan, "[ Peach town, they never made it, the family was on there way to visit relatives, look like * Red devils* or * Jerkeyis* } said. Marco, " [great them we head out,] Christopher, Renshaw, Asher, Renkin, Chessie Hank iii and Jayden head out see if you can pick up a trail. they headed, "[ be careful and see you at lunch, ]they went off the Talkie, up the valley, they rode down the hills, as the sun is coming in and out, meanwhile, the Red Velvets broke up, Kelsey Catherlin Debra, Hellen, and Mary up the valley, " what are we going to do know, we just got kick out our gang, said. Mary, " then we are doing something more honest and good, where they at, said. Kelsey, " Who are you looking for? asked. Debra, " The queens of heart, they are out here today, and the words they hiring hands, the wind is picking up, "[ anything guys?] -["No mom you on their way?]asked, Renshaw, "there goes some, come on but what do you all think about being a part of the law? asked. Kelsey, " let's do it, said. Mary, rode up to them, as Jessie and Jordan rode, "Don't look for tracks use your bosses to smell smoke, guys what does your bounty book say about tracking * Red devils* they rode up the valley until they came up to a Red devil camping grounds, they pulled out their looking glasses, " dead on they got the stagecoaches, I do not like this, said. Jessie, "its job Jes we need to get them to Peach ton, "yeah yeah big sister Jessie jumps off her horse, Cameron and Trevino got out of their homes, " listen when you kill are devil it's Jason for Jason, so if you have to shot Maine you hear me? " got it, Jessie I know that thank you, said, Jordan, " yeah but our children and husbands don't, where you two think you going?" with you mom, said. Trevino," no way letting you do this alone. said, Cameron. " think you can keep up boys, wait for it, we get the family out here, find the driver, and get the stagecoach out the way, Teeno, Jessica, Heather, Hank, West, Martha, Joshua, Silvia, Trent, Beth, Tiffany, Ted Chessie, Bob, Warren, Tammy, Warner Sandra, Francesca, Renshaw, Cora, Carter, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Hannah, Dayton, Jayden, Daniel, Dolton, Whalma, Levette, Danny Jessup and our grandbabies and grand babies in-law, and great-grandbabies, do not killed them aim down or above, that goes for you to Hank, said, Jessie, they ran down the camp. they rustled around, Jessie holding them back, one got up to pee, "Go around they're in a tent to the left, " there are lots of tents mom, said. Cameron, grabbed them by their shirts to the left, she pulled out her knife "Wait here when I have to get to the tent, she stuck up behind him in bashed him on his head to knock him out, she caught him and waved them to go, they ran up by, she laid him down the ground, and walked by, she points to the red tent to the left, they ran up she cut an opening in it, they walked inside, Jessie cut them lose, and got them out the need "[ we got thefamily go]they pulled out their guns and they rode up the camp, hollering, which woke them up, they got them out the camp, they find the stagecoach Jordan jump off and cut the driver free, they got them both, as Jessie was getting up on her horse one was running up behind her," Mom! Teeno fire and killed him, they stopped,