chapter v

" dad you want to tell us who he is, who does he know mom? Asked. Jordan, " nope, stop asking, said. Marco, ' but say he was our father is that true are not? Asked. Jessie, " you got a job gals, Thomas Hank help them up, Jordan and Jessie i am the only father you have and i was there when you were born, coming up, and i raised you, so who am to you? Asked. Marco, Thomas and Hank help their wives up, " dad of course, said. Jessie, they walked out of the house and got up on their horses and wagons, " boys take your families into the cellar, said. Jordan, " we got them mom and Aunt Jessie, said. Frankie, they rode out of the house, they walked into the cellar, Harrison and Frankie closed the door, Toni and Teeno pick up their rifles and walked out of the house. they out patroling for the gang that shot them, "[ you know how boring this is?] Asked. West, "[ now you know how I feel like, being in protection sucks. ] said. Joshua, " [ I do what I must as your mother to keep you all breathing, said. Jessie, " if that means you going in protection detail then darn your butts are going in detail, said, Jordan. " chez we get relaxed, said. Dain, " tell your siblings that, said. Jordan, "[ I do not want to be in the cellar, can you all speed this up, [ said. Devon, "[ you can not rush the law, take a nap m,] said. Jordan, " [ what your hurry your mothers giving you a day off, ] said, Jessie. " > should you two be on temporary retirement, ] said. West, "[ you are carrying our little sister and brother, ] said. Devon, "[ so what you think they going to let us,] said. Jordan, "[ he is fine and well protected like his big brothers and cousins and sisters, nephews and nieces, ] said. Jessie, up West heading to Freedom Town is the gang that Shot down Weston and Devon in left for dead. *The Jokers*> famous for smash and grabs, there is ten of them. " hello, looks who is heading west Jordan.said, Jessie, she spot them with her glasses, " with the warrant out for them they will be heading our way. Said, Jordan. " so what is the plan you two do know that you are baring right? Asked. Heather, " sit in wait, let them wear themselves out, and get hopeless, and what you point?" She loves talking smart to her kids, point means you can't do no wolf out stuff, mom and Aunt Jordan, said. Frankie, " son we know are limits, do you know yours? Asked. Jordan, " what kind of questions is that, said. Libby, " see, smart, said. Porter, " what if they don't? Asked. Hank, " Grandma. Said, London. " then we go to Session 3# make the arrest, tried, it goes easy with they did, answered. Jordan, " it is the right question, niece in law, just because we are baring your cousin and sibling. Doesn't mean we don't know our limits, Hank rubbed her stomach, they rode into town, they got off their horses and wagons, they went to speak with the mayor, Jordan and Jessie knocked on the door, " who is it. Asked, the mayor. " bounty of law season hearts, the Grovenor to help, said. Jessie, he opened the door,and let them in, he closed the dor behind them Thomas and Hank help their wives to sit, they crossed their legs, " what seems to be the problem? Asked. Jordan, " our bank been robbed by the * jokers* you said you work for the Grovenment?" And Houston to turn to page 20# what it saids about the outlaws called * the jokers*? Asked. Jessie, they opened up their books and read. " they rob a night, said. Tammy, " and smashing and grabbing to, said. Dain, " yes we work for the grovement, by his orders to make an arrest, track and investigation, said. Jessie, " we got a job ro do. We get your money back, they may have head start , they be hot, tire and thirsty. Said, Jordan. They help them up, and they walked out of the office, " they could gone anywhere mom. Said, Ted, " true son in law, use your wolf instincts if you can see, hear, Smell, touch. Said, Jessie, " find us trail Jes, said. Jordan, " will do see you behind us family time to track, mount up, Jessie and Hand put Ryan and Bryson on their horses and wagons and head out, " same here family we got a job to do, said. Jordan, Jordan and Thomas put Connor and Thristan on their horse and rode out, it nearly mid day. The sun is going down, * The Jokers * is ten miles up head. " where we heading, asked. One of them, " the Canyons they won't find us there. Said, the leader, " who? Asked. Another member, the queen of hearts. Said, the leader, they are out in the country, and 4.7 miles away from town, "[ gals, ]-[" dad we just got out here,] said, Jordan. And wagons just pulled up to the house, it's the new mayor of River city, and a person who want to joining the outfit, with the bounty of law school shooting up in Stanford, they walked up to the door, Josie open the door," the Grosvenor is busy with the team , do you have appointment ticket? Asked. Josie he shows his, our new mayor enter have a seat he be with you in a minute, " I don't know that, I just wonder about that team, if their any new spots? " for that you need to go to Stanford and enroll in the class it 12 year class, it teach you the way of law and how to use their tools,[ gals do you have spots open?]-[who want to know, to get in the class you need to see me, get a apartment ticket,] said. Marco, "[ yes we just add several, like dad said talk to him and go to school then we talk,] said. Jessie, "[ dear the new mayor is here , he here you want me seat him?] Asked. Josie, "[ send him and yes since he here now, gals i want an arrest made,] said. Marco, "[ dad we just got out her we let you know if we had them, ] said. Jordan, "[ thank you our season hearts, ] he cut it off she walked him into the office and closed the door behind him " please have a seat he be with you in a minute said. Josie, he walked in sat down, she closed the door, and offered him tea and biscuits, "