chapter ix

Getting unfamiliar Their is an huge jam, stagecoach and wagon train, people training to Houston or leaving Houston, this the only trail to use, they rode up ro the trail they begin to separate the two, Jordan and Jessie got off their horses," take notes in your log books kids and grandkids and great grandkids, said. Jessie, " who want to ask the question so we can get this back to moving, asked Jordan, Sam and Henry jump off their horses ran up to their grandparents, " what you going ro ask boys? Asked. Jessie, " where you going to right grandma? Asked, Sam " ask away Sam, Jessie and Henry walked up to the stagecoach, " you know what you going to ask my grandson? Asked. Jessie, " where you heading to right?, " you got it go for it sweetheart. Said, Jessie. " hi, where you heading to? Asked. Sam, " here is that okay these people to hoping to settle in Houston, the wagon master askrd,"[ mom and dad we have an wagon train, ] where you coming from? Asked. Jordan, " Hi were you going to? Asked. Henry, " Cooper town, have a family, a man got out ," what the hold up! He snapped,Jessie pushed her grandson back," ifcyou getvback in sorry we get you on the way, we just Ned to know where he taken you, said, Jessie, " Delaware rhythms is a free country, said. The wagon master,"[ where they coming from?] Asked. Marco, "[ Delaware, what you want me to do dad?[ you did good grandson get back on your horse, he ran back in got on the horses," what theyvwaiting for? Asked. Sue," when they push you aside they sense aggressive in tones means they had to step up and take charge, said. Savannah, " when he came up mom push Henry back step , you don't mess with us don't think they going to attack, said. Mike, "[ let them pass Jordan,] she wave him through, " why he get to go do so.ething! The wagon train came through," relax sir make it easier for yourself and get back in the stagecoach once they through then you can go, said, Jessie. "[Jordan is the path clear,] -[" almost baby sister, it big freaking train, ] said. Jordan, " [ okay you do know that we are the same age right?] It be while, if you be patient, once they all through then it will be your turn, " is there is another trail we can use? Asked the driver," this is the only trail, just ," no! I have appointments in there, I going to be freaking late!" Henry getvback on your horse you did good grandma is proud of you, said. Jessie, " I am doing my level best to get this clear , if you that freakib,"[jes you a badge calm sis, smoke coming from you are baring my nephew, ] " should trail train sir, something to think about in your future, now please shut up get back in the stagecoach do not get out agian, [ I am calm, people!] Said. Jessie, she walked away he got back in, " can we get through? Asked. His wife," freaking g u.s marshals, no they letting that train through, finally they all through, Jessie way him to go, he rode by," that when a person who think he has more right then you, write it down , they push buttons, deep breath do not blow up like me, even that you are like me children sometimes the wolf comes out on itcown, they laughed and wrote it down, Jordan kissed her sister, " I wouldn't change you for the world Jes, " question tome this can be answer how would you handle the jam? Asked. Jordan, " let that man go first, you okay Mrs Garrett? Asked, Jane," true everyone has a right to the trail, good answer what yur name, Mrs is my mother in law it's Jessie, I will manage, I ask him to return to the stagecoach, said,Jessie. " sometime you have to let logic go first you have people travel distance to get here, he just going to Cooper town, so you asked what really more important here a wagon train that fill with tire warn people,or individual heading cross town, said Frankie, " so they get to go first because they cross open land, then one that lives her has appointment? Asked, Dara, " lady a bounty count everyone, sometimes logic comes first , you put more first then one,sample say that was you on that wagon train and you have to wait for a stagecoach to passed, how would you be? Asked. Teeno, " you and Frankie did good son, logic weights more then one, You did god you right to sometime logic doesn't weights in, grade them on them answering a quest hearts, fill mmkight headed," okay sit, he got under your skill,[ Hank come on,]-[" my love you okay?] Asked. Hank,"[ light-headed he tick me off,] said. Jessie, "[ deep breath Jes calm, Xander calm yourself son,] she take a deep breath she inhale and exhale, "[ better?]-[ yeah thank you my husband how is the boys? ] Asked, Jessie. "[ like me miss mommy can't wait to see her, ] said. Hank,"[ mommy you and Xander okay?] Asked. Ryan and Bryson, "[ we fine sons yu Ben good?] They shake their heads yes, "[ I guess yu shaking your head yes, we will see you soon boys,]-[" Jordan what happens!?] Asked. Marco, "[ inpatient person ush her buttons she got lighted,] said. Jordan, she got up,Cameron and Preston jumped off their horses and help her," we got you mom, said. Cameron, " easy Aunt Jessie, they helped her up on her horse. " thank you my son and nephew, Jordan got on her horse, "[ the rail is clear dad,] said. Jordan, and Lake-town they finally got the dockets cleared and file, " sit tight boys, [ sir we clean up here to,] said. Hank, " [ good job gals and boys, next head to Chesterfield county patrol see what trouble, they have,] said. Marco, " [ when do we do Chesterfield county, that is an outlaw county, ] said. Jessie, "[ send one of your judges with a patty wagon to Baker for a trail, then why I got a telegram from the new mayor requesting yur help, meet, talk, payrot gals,] said. Marco, "[ sir when can retire from this I miss my family?] Asked, Thomas, "[ never or until you find someone else I only want my sons in law, sizes you see them son boys.] Said, Marco, " we riding to Chesterfield get your rifles ready, said. Jordan, " just in case, we do not know what we walking into, said, Jessie they rode down the trail, Thomas send judge 6# to and a patty wagon to Baker town, " are we alone to ask questions? Asked. Scott," tell me your name first, " oh, I am Scott,my wife Jane, brother Jake, his wife Sue, our parents Dora and Jarod, said. Scott, " nice to meet you what is your question? Asked. Jessie, " grandma, grandma, called, Angus, " hey I was turn ! Snapped,Joshua , " do not snap at my son you lucky I don't kick you," son calm bring me Angus, grandson after he talk then grandma will hear you, said. Jessie, he pick him up and rose up, she put him on her horse, she kissed, " ah stay up here with Joah,said. Jessie, " what with the guns if we just going to patrol Chaserfield County? Asked, Scott, " you need to read the history of Chesterfield county, there is were outlaws and outlaws gangs go and law lies, I rather for us to have them and not them, them need it not have it, logic of what your surroundings are, if you are not welcome do you go armed and ready or not at all? Asked. Jessie, " you go armed right grandma and Aunty Jordan? Asked. Angus," that my boy chip like his grandma and dad, said. Joshua, " so you saying go but be ready, best not to go, said. Jake, " someone could be hurt or they need up, you never put your fear up, or you never wolf out, that is a thrill of being a heart, you do the job and protect those who need it, said. Tammy, " wolf ut what is that? Asked. Jane, " you going to see or hear it, where the mother wolves comes out imof skin, using to protect us, said. Warren, they arrived into Chesterfield county, ¹