chapter xii

Salt city

Who would thought this day would turn out wrong, as the day turned into night, so Jessie and Jordan got up to fix dinner for their family. Thomas and Hank walked into the kitchen, " You okay? Asked. Thomas, " yeah it has Been a trying day, second thinking about these schools and ride longs, said. Jordan, "If we hired we need to examine them before the ride long, said. Thomas, " just stick to the family only and not do either, if get spots just go to the kid's grandkids and great-grandkids and great-grandkids and so on, this was a wake-up blow that not everyone mint to ride with us, said. Jessie, "She right we a grown family, season hearts I'd a family outfit, we will give a fair shake if we se you down on your luck and needed, said. Hank, " not bad idea we don't need a school or more, with do make room be for this family only, said. Jordan. Marco is in his new office, and they made that office his private office, they are in Salt City in the congress office, new cities, outlaws and prison camps opening and coming to Houston Texas, and even The Bounty of law season hearts officially up, but since Teeno and Frankie been shot in the arm by saving their mothers lives, Jordan and Jessie do not want to go out with two down, and Freedom Town there is a murder, Mayor Adam's in Salt at the Congressmen office, " welcome how maybe we help you? Asked, Josie. " is the Govenor here? Asked, Mayor Adams," he Congressmen now, yes please come in and have a seat, said. Josie, he walked in and she shut the door, walked out the office, and knocked on the door, " entered, said. Marco, she walked inside. Another bad murder in Houston Texas, a boy that despises his father's new friend, so he decides to get her out of his life for go, he plans to kill her and then cut her up in pieces, and the * Claim brothers are Solor city in the saloon, they are not planning to leave for some reason, '[ you are in the office?] Asked. Marco, "[no Dad we are there after breakfast, and we are dressed and washed,] said. Jordan, "[ we have your plates for you,] said. Jessie, in Baker town * the Skelton, rode in town looking for a victim, at the homestead Jessie and Jordan are cooking, " guys hit the bathhouse please, we head to be in Salt, said. Jessie, they walked into the kitchen and out the door, Hank picks up Ryan and Bryson, " let's go wash boys, said, Hank. " is mommy and Aunt Jordan coming?" Yes, son, we are, let's go, said. Jessie took Byson and they walked out of the house, " Conor and Thristan come on boys, said. Thomas and Jordan picked up Thristan and they walked into the bathhouse too. Meanwhile, in Peach Town a gal kills her step Aunt cuts her up in pieces, and discards her body parts across the state of Houston Texas, and left of Houston Texas, in Salt City and the Congressmen office, A few wagons are there walked in, " may I help you? Asked. Josie, " is the Congressmen free? Asked Mayor Darwin, she walked up to the door and knocked on it, " Mrs. Anderson said. Marco, " Mayor Darwin is here Marco, said. Josie, "Send him I and see if the gals are on their way please, said, Marco. " on it, [Jessie and Jordan you on your way?]she let him in the office Marco stood up they shook hands, "[ we on the way yes everyone ate and dressed, what's wrong mom?] asked, Jordan. "[ please tell me you bring us plates too, Marco they are on the way here nothing just job] said, Josie, " I heard we finally got a law enforcement team here dothis mean we get to keep our marshals, and deputies in our towns? asked, Mayor Darwin " yes they would go across Houston after outlaws that robber, kill, kidnap, and do patrols search all is required from the state is their salary of say $980 monthly they on the clock Monday through Fri holiday events off and they have the weekends off, if problems write it down even through mail carrier, I will make sure they get in head out to speak to you, now what seem to be theproblwm, they rode into the city, they got off their horses and waked in the office " morning guys, said, Josie, " Marco they are here, " this foryou breakfast why you here so early we don't evenget started that early, Ryan and Byson, Connor and Thristan yawned," you going to love breakfast grandma mom and Aunt Jessie come with the Garrett breakfast, said, Teeno, " is the new money coming ? and we have akid missing, said, mayor Darwin, " yes I have answer Standford bill for the green gollars I do not knowwhen they be send or ready, when he say I sendthe hearts up their to esscort them here and then to the delivery office were wagons will delivered them to all towns cities, and counties, they walked out of the office, " you here great we gave a newday of clocking, your clock is high morng which is 4:45am that timewe do inspections checking searches, and answer thecried for justice any questions? said Marco, " no, everyone goodwith that, I will had we have an early break, where we hold kiddengarden for the grandkids, and great grandkids, said, Jessie, " and more camp outs with lunch said. Jordan, they smiled and cheered out, " at high night which is 9:00 pm you are off the clock locked up for the night and head home butwait for us, soon asi get the mayos to signoff of a payroll for you of $980 I sendyou acheck by mail everySaturday, how that sound, " sir you made this family happy right rs. Garrett, " we working for you or Houston Taxes? asked. Thomas " I am Houston Txes, Scobert is Dallas, John is Nebraska Curtis is Loisanna, and your grandfather-in-law is Oklahoma, we are all congressman-of our states, answered Marco, " which case do we work for Houston, Dallas, Nebraska Loisanna, and Oklahoma what about Mexico?" Mexico got its law which is Cregos, we are not allowed to cross over without his invite, that goes for the South they got their way of law, so does Farmington, Ranchland, and Eastrenlin stay out and away, you on the clock days Monday through Friday, still have the weekends off, and no holidays, that good, " yeah we love it, dad, like your new office too, said, Jordan, " good nw money is heading the West us, Nabreska, Dallas, Loisanna, Mexico which the cargos ill meet you at the line with their wagons, and Oklahoma, you going to meet the train, with mail delivery wagons, come here first I go over the plans, said. Marco, "What kind of new money? asked. Tiffany, " green money next big thing in Texas, said Marco, "green may family trip, said. Ted, " when I know he ready I let you know we talk again, he pick up the inspection folder of Lawyer city, it be in Houston Texas for four months, still new, Lawyer City for lawt\yers there lounge house, liberty, inn, storefront, and inn, so now they have to not only sent fr a judge and jury, patty wagon, and lawyer, " this is Mayor Darwin, he the mayor of Peach Town, Darwin our family the Season Hearts, ourlaw team, gals theresa kid missing, said, Marco, " out your town? asked, Hank, " yes she was going to have a picnic with a friend, he came back without her, and he said they got separated, "sounds like a lie to me, with you with someone you just don't leave them without looking, separated how said, Teeno. " write don in your long books two one return one still out there, we head out a search for the gal see if we can find her, which searches is extra dad, if not have then we discuss on the house, let us go wolf clubs and father wolf, they walked out of the office, they got up on their horses and rode out the city, " we go to peach and talk with the friend see if we can get more on what happened, let's ride wolf clubs and father wolf, said, Jordan. they walked out of the office got on their horses and rode out of the city heading to Peach Town with the mayor, Mayor Crisben of Spring Town walked in the door,