chapter xvii

Salt City

after they safe the gal and left the camp, they arrived in the salt city, Jordan and Jessie offered two choices one to take her to another homestead where a couple can take care of her, or she can stay with them, they asked all tweny-nine of their kids do they want to see their fathers in the morning if so they will telegram them, their sons sons-in-law, and grandsons don't accept for Joesph, Ryan Bryson, Randolph, Connor, and Thristan, so do their daughters, ,daughters-in-law and granddaughters, " what reason do we have to see he a man after told us he hates our mothers, said, Teeno, " tell me about it mom and Aunt Jessie file a decree and send it to the pricks please, said, Frankie, " Teeno my love he is your father he probably doesn't mean right mom? asked, Jessica, " yeah they were speaking out of anger, said, Anabelle, " sister-in-law forgive me when I was anger at mom I never once said or to that I hate her, said. Cameron, " yeah dad was tthinking about himself and no one else, said. Preston, " Cameron Preston are you hearing yourselves, Mom Aunt Jordan, said, Heather, " Dad didn't think about himself, right Mom? asked, Nancy, "honesty come gals if he didn't they would still be here, said. Hank,

" and not in the arms of saloon gals, said, Reed, "Amen thank you my brother-in-law and cousin-in-law there's proof let's go Mom and Aunt Jordan why are they still open, said. West, "Yeah you can give it to the deadbeats when they come to see their little gals, said. Devon, "I gain our sons, sons-in-law, and grandsons great grandsons do want anything to do with their father, father-in-law, grandfather, and great grandfather, said, Jessie, "And our daughters, daughters-in-law, granddaughters and great grandkids do, said. Jordan, " no offensive grandma what grandpa said and did to you is unforgivable not forget, he does not need a fourth chance, said. Hank the third, " I agree he did want to be about the family he wanted to be about himself, said. James, "You weren't there James and Hank, size grandma and grandpa love each other right grandma, asked, Judy, " that is the question dear do we, said. Jessie, "We got you Mom no she doesn't my Cousin-in-law Aunt Jessie and mom is done with those idiots, said, Cullen, " those maroon only thing they care about is what they want and what they can get, so to tell you that, but sweetheart Uncle Hank and dad wasn't the best father, uncles, grandfathers, great grandfather, and fathers-in-law, said, Tanner, " that is cold in main Uncle Tanner and Uncle Cullen, grandma, said, Rebecca, " my second cousin it's also the truth, mom, and Aunt Jordan need to make it to the #sses that they are not taken them back and it's over Trent, " dad you saying you don't care for your own father? asked, Voliet, " that exactly what he saying Voliet, said. Beth, "Cousin-in-law why should we care for him where was he when mom and Aunt Jessie were struggling to keep us together to raise us, answer me that. said, Asher, " And he wasn't that great of a father-in-law either, said. Reed, " Really Reed and Asher you going to dish that out, are you both hearing this, asked, Chessie, "Mom and Aunt Jessie, said, Tonia " How about we get rooms for the night and get some sleep guys, said. Jessie, " my mother-in-law, said. Elliee, "Yes dear that I am, we hear everything you are saying, boys thank you for having our backs, said. Jessie, " you do not have to see your father, fathers-in-law, or grandfather, after all, said. Jordan, "You mommies baby boys and grandma's hearts, gals we understand you love your fathers, fathers-in-law, and grandfathers so we send them a telegram to them saying that you want to see them, said. Jessie, " as this point gals we have nothing to say to them or see them let's get food and get some rest, said. Jordan," what about the decree Grandma, asked, Tommy and Duke, " Duke they shouldn't without speak to their husbands have you boys learn anything from us? asked. Hannah, " dear he learn not to hate his grandmother and mother from me, that stand by his wife like his siblings and uncles and cousin, said, Rico, " that not what she mean Rico, " everyone chill out we just said, gals you see your father tomorrow, boys we get a decree in the morning before going to work, everyone wins you get to see Thomas and Hank, mommy leave and end the marriage, said, Jordan, " how that makes us win not dad he loses, said, Jayden, "he get to see is children thanks to his wife, i am tire of the back and forth no room, gals and boys, said, Jessie. " time to act like a family and team, both parents loves you, that's it, no more we putting the hammer down, said. Jordan, they all walked into the dinner and sat down, " we have a person or marshall gunned here we need to discuss where to look here, said, Brett, "I agree I tried hearing how Mom and Aunt Jessie should go back to them, mom was it a gunman or cowboy? asked, Kendrick, " riflemen call out about hire gunmen, said, Jessie, " who hires him, asked. Yonett, " probably his wife brother, or father right mom? asked, Levette, " their deed history here, only Judges can be looked into, said. Jordan, "Then we get one of them to open the historical vault man, said, Jesse, " nephew only supreme judges have the historical vault key since your fathers are supreme judges, said. Jessie, "They going to want more just to see the kids, pay Jessie, said. Jordan, Dinner with us, fine to get inti\o the vault of Salt City we dine with them, and pay them, said. Jessie, "Wait do we have a say in this, asked. Jessup, "No son wait in the inn for us, said. Jessie, "I do not like this idea Mom, said. Yohan, " aw my sweet little boy mommy will be okay. said, Jordan they bring them food, " thank you, said, Jessie, " wipe those smiles off your faces, said. Dolton, "I not hungry this sucks dad, said. Hank the third, "I know son, Mom there got to be another way to get in the vault, said, Bob. " dear they said talking to Dad and Uncle Thomas is the only way, said. Chessie, "I need a drink could I have a beer please, said. Cameron, "Try in son and we are sobering you in a barrel of cold water, said. Jessie, "I think I feel sick, said. Preston, " Son mom, and Aunt Jes we okay to get inside the vault we need their permission, said, Jordan.