chapter xxxi

Winter outlaws

After Jessie kissed Cameron on his head. Jordan unwrapped Frankie arms , " mom knows her stuff, precious little ones, you are welcome for the arm sleeve son, he kissed her on the head. Harrison and Tony swing by Dodge to pick up Chuck and Billy, then they on their way to Gobber town, " Preston my sweet pea come to mommy. Said, Jordan. He walked up and she unwrapped his bandages, " your chest shirt stop scratching it, said. Jordan, they helped him into and fastened it on him. " Grayson mommy little boy come to mom, said. Jordan, he walked up and they unwrapped his leg, it to almost, healed. " look what we did Thomas created a good look bunch, they helped him in hid leg sleeve and fastened, the whole outfit is complete. " this is a mess, but I glad to be back at work, said. Tony, " glad to hear, to see you all, this is winter, said. Jessie, " indeed within that we have winter outlaws open up your outlaw books to winter, said. Jordan, they opened up their books to winter, " * these are who will be here soon they are called * the winter bandits * Long behind them is a gang killer called* Chessup Black Bart * said. Jessie, " No law able to catch these two, so who are we? Asked. Kelsey, "during winter they come out to play poker, drink, lay saloon gals, they do not know they on the hit list, I want them arrest so Bart numbers don't go up, I want him arrest so your cape don't go down, he can't resist a poker game of chance, Jordan and Jessie, said. Marco, " They be in Gobber town at the same saloon, we going to watch, and wait. Said, Jessie. Jordan lay out the bounty plan, " this is the set up at the poker house, at table 1# Teeno, Cameron, Frankie and Preston water or soda, glanced but don't looked from your books, Kelsey, Libby, Julia, Gèorgio table 2# , take notes like what he saying, is body movements, and what he doing, Frank, Bob, Cullen Ted table 3# talk, and listen, we do not move until they do., Tiffany, Heather, Nancy, and Toni bar counter, listen and let us know if he makes a move, Cooper, Reed, Tony, Devon steps observed the room, everyone else with us walk around the room, said. Jordan, " do not approach the table, don't looked over their hands, and don't bump the table hearts, let's go get set up we got a hour to get ready, Dad think you can watch your great great grandkids, Roger, Becky, Jamie, Whalan and your grandsons ? Asked. Jessie, " we going to have fun with grappy and grandpa, we going to watch mommy and daddy, grandma and grandpa and granny and popa, said. Marco, " boys and gals watch the screen,listen watch. That how you little ones are going to learn. Said. Jessie. " and answer questions to or ask questions, let's go. Said, Jordan.  They all walked out of the inn and into the poker house and got in position. Finally the winter bandits show up in Gobber town, howling and hooping, they are ready for night of tail, poker and drinking. They ride into the stable barns, and walked inside the poker house and sat down at the tables, "[ okay guys it's game time, prey is in veiw.] Said, Jessie. "[ that means he not to far behind, ] said. Jordan, " so boys poker? A bottle of whiskey house keeper. The leader said. The saloon gals bring them what they ask, and they start to played and drink. "[ why they in white mommy and daddy,] asked Connor and Thristan, " [ baby that is a very good question, mommy thinks so the snow,] answered, Jordan, rhey walked around the poker house, " [ let us get this straight they sleep until winter comes,[ asked. Carter, " [ mom Aunt Jordan, ] said. Cora, " [ say you love snow, so you and your gang call yourself the winter bandits, but you not want yet expect for in Gobber for, anyone know the answer, we need to have another class Jordan,] said, Jessie. Sam looked it up in his book, " they are wanted for disturbing the peace?] Said, Sam. " [ grandson that could mean anything rape, robbing the bank, murder, or fights, ] said. Thomas, " in a judges eye great nephew that a heavy defense in our book, said. Hank, " so grandma and uncle Hank how heavy does a charge have to be, asked. Rebecca,  the winter bandits is drunk and they still playing poker, when *Chessup Black Bart * arrived in Gobber Town, along with the saloon whores that Hank and Thomas were with., " our kitties and puppies is you be good boys and gals mommy and daddy will fix you a warm treat, said. Jessie, " if you really play your hand right daddy and mommy take you all on our ship and to a fishing Riverland camp out on the land, said. Thomas, "[ mothers milk!] Asked. Barbara, " no its not mothers milk. Why can you all wait, asked. Jessie, " she just said that to us ? Fishing river were at dad? Asked. Clayton, " son be still sound mind, like Aunt Jessie, said. Thomas, " you need to get to know your sister in law, mom didn't say anything like that it's mothers brew; said, Dayton, " no, nephew it is something to drink, said. Jordan, " what in see boys , said. Hank, * Chessup Black Bart * walked in the poker house, everything stop and went silent. "[ he is here everyone back on the screen, ] said. Jordan , they eyed each other, will they draw and died, or play poker game of chance, " [ man the air I unbreathable, ] said. Ted, he walked up to the table, they walked into the inn. " are you our Governor? Asked. Saloon gal 1# " yes, I am busy right? Looked at mom and dad, said, Marco. " we got a problem, said saloon gal 2#, "Ryan, and Bryson, Connor and Thristan, Berry, Melissa, Roger, Becky, Jamie and Whalan continue to watch, grandpa and grappy will be back, stay in the lobby and inside of the inn, he got up and walked out of the lobby, " relax boys how about a game of chance poker game of chance, you win you get a head start, said. * Chessup Black Bart * "