chapter XL

busy day

The family is in Dodge town eating breakfast and going through Chesterfield county history, to the last money wagon, deposit, withdrawal, "Dad the last order of an money wagon was on the same day that the first outlaw gang hit, said. Jordan, " how much was ship there, asked, Marco, " huh, $50,000 of silver dollars, and coins, said. Thomas, " okay so they lost there money wagon what closed the doors, where they getting money from business there? asked, Hank the third, "My question who was the first mayor or marshal? asked, Chessie. " sis said and the local mayor and marshal father and son, said, Teeno, " what happened to them, asked, Heather, " don't say they disappeared on high afternoon and never return, said. Jessica, " one they got scared out of town, said. Hank, " Or killed, we need to check the dead files, said, Jessie, " is there such a thing call the dead files Mom? asked, Hank, " son-in-law when a gravel digger comes for your body to bury you, he fill out a file with his name, date, then who you are, date you perish, birthday, so they mark it on your tombstone, answered, Jessie. " so were would that be at, asked, Heather, " dear the gravel digger office which is called the sanitoruim, he has a dead vault of who he has buried over the years, if he still in Chestorfield county, said. Jessie, "What else what about deposits how many people use the bank, we call always send a telegram to find out, I am the Govenor of Houston, and you are my state head of officials, said. Marco, " to the bank records grandpa the whole county, it was doing great, said. West, " If it was doing that good then why he closed his bank, and lay off his employees? said. Ellie, " maybe, he was cracked Ellie, want the money and plan to steal from his bank and leave, said. Joshua, " let me gather this nephew he was Shaddy he stole their money and left, said. Jordan, " Aunt Jordan not everyone trustworthy, honest, fair, caring, up going as us, said. Joshua, "My husband and the father to my son, okay dear if he was a theft, then why go to all that trouble to order a money wagon? asked, Silvia, " Sister-in-law would you, if you know what you were planning the day of? asked, Trent, " you got a lot backstabbers, liars, crooks, thefts, bank robberies, and murders in Houston, turn your back if you may, you be down quick, fast, and in a hurry, no one cares about anyone, theses days me, myself and I what I want, what I need, who I can rob, and kill to take, they all looked at him, " what? he answered. " your son Jes, said. Jordan, " they take after their father, not me. What people you been around tharmt rub off on you the wrong way? Asked. Jessie, " when all twenty-two of you were young we never bring you around anyone, " and so do mines exactly take after their father. Said. Jordan. " gals they got a point, we got a problem and a trail, said. Marco, " what else on the bank? " okay boys paint a path for us, if he was a crook, what plan did he had to come to Chesterfield county to paint himself as a banker of a bank? Asked. Jessie, " it's a act mom, how else you are going to win the people trust to put their saving in your bank, said. Teeno, " think Houston Texas isa gold mine simply click no fees, but i am one rich man , you are the sap. Said, Frankie, " gals yo still don't think theres no need, asked. Marco, " mm picture is still blank, that not explained anything, what you want to look at every banker that has comes to Houston Taxes dad, ased. Jordan, " i am with you mother son you say something if he was a crook, he wouldn't have to send a order for a money wagon, doesn't make since, said. Hank, " da whenever has being ay kind of a outlaw making any since, to them it's me, i don't care who i kill to getit long i get, said. * Hank, * " thank you, said. Cameron, " that not a bad idea, " seriously your grandkids is off their rocker, there no evidance states that, he stole from the county, he probledy closed the wagon was robb, and there was no money in the people closed their accounts, said, Jessie. " she saids paint the picuture your grandsons are off their rocker, they even haven't got the picuture painted grandpa, said. Tiffany, " baby he stole from the county that the picuture, said. Ted, " the money wagon is part of mom, why not hit big send for a money wagon of $50,000 silver dollars and coins, talk a friend to drive it and take it somewhere and wait, for him. shaddy dirty, crooked connvey , under handed, i bet that i am right, what you and Aunt, Jordan, dad, and Uncle Thomas said, West. " West we not a betting family and betting is gambling, said. Thomas, " wager humble pie for dinner every night, said. Joshua, " humble pie he say sis, your nephews. said, Jesse, " we got you mom and Aunt Jordan, they said that doesn't even match up. Ted, and Weston, the picture not corectly, said. Ellie, " correct they not even close to it, Ellie, you draw attention to yourself by taken their money, tey report you to the marshal, said. Cora, not to mention the bank clerk would knowledge money is missing from the vault, how you going to get by them and the marshal? Asked. Francesca, true boys no way you would be able to get away with it, said. Marco, " grandpa at night, at the time you plan to do it, said. Trent, " when everyone is gone, and the law office is closed, with the deputy. said, Trevino, " Trent even so, the marshal will be watching, said. Silvia, " right you still will be caught, it saids here in the bank reports that he was leaving Houston Texas going to Loiusanna he put in a transfer to their bank as a bank clerk, sai, Jayden. " did it said when and time Jayden,? asked, Jessie. " few days ago around noon, he send the money wagon to Liousanna bank, it wasn't coming here, and sorry my brothers and brohers-in-law, but the fault was the one he give the bank to his bank clerk, said. Jayden, " okay cousin, what happen to the person then, why he closed his bank? asked. Preston, " my brother something coulld have gone wrong. he could got ill and dead, killed or kidnap, anything, if you o the way your cousins you off your rocker to, said. Nancy, " okay we got lot of investigating to do one go to stanford see the record of the transfer, of that money wagon , two go to Liousanna speak with the banker, three search for the new banker agree dad? asked, Jordan. " yes, soon we look into the money wagon, see that everything match up. find out why he left, then find his replacement, ones we finished the puzzle, everything looks good. said, Marco, " if not grandpa then what? sked, Devon. " then you boys are riht about everything and we go your way right moms and dads? asked, Marco.