chapter XLiii

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After they get done eating cleaning up and packing up so in the morning they can get on the way in, They settle down for the night, Jordan patroling the west and Jessie patroling the East, Berry and Melissa wake up, "Grandma!! they cry, " shh Berry go back to sleep, grandson, said. Jessie, "You to Melissa, said, Jordan. "Mom, where are you? son grandma is busy, said. Cora, "Sweetie she will be back let's close our eyes, they walked up, " this is pretty close to the camp Jes, what you think, asked, Jordan, "I counted forty of them, and this a war party for what and who, I think we need to get them up and go now, said, Jessie, mom Aunt Jordan? sad. Cora, they looked at her and picked up their grandkids. " Grandma and Aunt Jessie just trying to keep us safe, so you continue to have fun. Said, Jordan. "So are we safe Mom? asked. Redd, " They near but not close, to us, said. Jordan, "It's grandma and Aunt Jordan's job to keep little ones safe, and unharmed, said. Jessie, " You said War party I agree it's time to move on, said. Carter, they got everyone up quickly and quietly, into the wagons, " Teeno put the cookware into the wagons, said. Jessie, him, and Frankie put out the fire with dirt. and put everything in the camping wagons, got on the wagon, and left Catfish Park, they jumped in the wagons and drove the horses, " is everyone here? asked. Jordan, " Connor, Thristan?" Yes Mommy, why are we leaving so early? asked. Thristan, " to be on the safe side, said. Jordan, " Ryan Bryson where are you, Please tell me we didn't just, they laughed, "Boys not funny you almost gave Mommy and Daddy a heart attack, said. Jessie."Everyone is accounted for, meanwhile and Harrisonburg Roger's ex-father Dilly, left his family to spend the remaining of his life with a gold-digging horny hole named Mamba when he did, Roger didn't invite him to his wedding, our to Houston Texas to meet there son and daughter, Dilly has been kicked out his son life and removed forever, he never gets to know and knew his great-granddaughters, got great-great grandkids, and great-great-great grandkids, for Dilly and Roger let bygones be and actually be father and son, Dilly need to stop thinking about how short his pointless life is, the act is age, tell the hole to jump off a cliff, that too much for him to do right, so doesn't have a son, daughter in law, grandkids or great-grandkids all they know Dilly got hit by a train and dead, " move he moving, said. Kendall, " you delivery now Kendall, this is not the time for that, Ronald, bad timing very bad timing, said. Roselin, Jessie handed the reigns to Hank, and she got in wagons, "Someone keeps an eye out and make sure we are not being followed, "Mom I am not ready for this, said. Kendall, "Baby it's okay to be scared, Mom got you baby push for me baby, said. Jessie, Meanwhile in Fredrickburgs Carol is laning to bring the family together for the Holiday, the gals and their family, Marco, and Rogers father, "I do not want that #ss here, the gals our son yes, but him that hold no! said, Roger, " it is time for you and him to talk, he wasn'r at our wedding baby shower, as you eased him out your life for ever, sid, Carol, " exactly tha Prick care about himself only him too careless about me and my mother rst her soul, he left us to be with so dollar whore, said. Roger, " forget about it Carol my father is dead he got hit by a train and dead, see Marco and the kids can make, I have to go to the office see you at dinner, he kissed her and left, they are head to Standford pints, kendall isgiving birth to her son Ronald, "I can't momy, mommy, cried. Kendall, " sweetie we almost their he almost here, you can, you do anything, sweetie, you can you got your father well but your mother's heart. said, Jessie, as the night broke away. Morning is coming, they are seven miles to Standford Pints, and eight miles away from Houston Texas, Finally, Ronald is born, " Oh Kendall he is beautiful. hi grandson, we are your grandparents, right there that your great Aunt Jordan, Uncle Thomas, that grandma dad your great grandfather Grappy, those are your uncles, and Aunts, Teeno, Jessica, Heather, Hank, Cameron, West, Elliee, Joshus, Silvia, Trent Beth, Trevino, Tiffany, Ted, Warren Tammy, Warner Sandra, Chessie, Bob, Renshaw, Cora, Carter, Dayton, Dara, Rico, Hannah, Francesca, Renskin, Brett, Dolton, Whalma, Jayden Dean, Jessup, Levette, Daniel, Christopher, Jane, Joseph, Freddy, Roselin, and Jestina, Ryan, and Bryson, your first cousins Frankie, Annabelle, Preston, Nancy, Reed, Cullen, Libby, Tonia, Mike, Tanner Susan, Asher, Selma, Dain, Katy, Porter, Aaron, Frank, Savannah, Tim, Clayton, Susette, Nano, Yonda, Railey, Fran, Daytona, Lily, Grayson Kingsley, Kendra, Danny, Kendrick, Rose, Yonett, George, Jesse, Yohan, Rayne, Randolph, Isabella Martina, Jacob, Linda, all your second and third cousins and our hearts, as hires, she wrap him up in a blanket and hand him to her, " hello son, you are loved and welcome, you are a heart, a Garrett, grandma and grandpa got us, said. Kendall, they arrived in standford pints money wagons were heading out, " time to work, Heather and Tonia you up, what you goinfg to say to him, and asked for, asked, Jordan. " good morning to you sir, we are the bounty of hearts winter hearts, said, Heather, " good what else, you say morning tell him who you are, said. Jessie, " we are interest in one of your money wagons that was supposed to set off to Chesterfield do you have any records on were it went to, said. Tonia, " good go get it done gals, make your mothers proud, they walked inside of the oddice, a telegram deliver a telegram, " you the Govenor? " on a good day sir what can i do ffor you, asked. Marco, hehand him the telegram and Marco paid him, " how grandma know were to find us? asked, Jordan. " yourgrandma has built in radar Jordan if she wants to finf you she can, said. Mrco, she want to know are we able to make Holiday there, "