chapter XLv


We heading to Liousanna to speak with the banker that transfer, this is a learning curve for them, dad as Govenor Anderson what you going to say? Asked. Jessie, " you can't blow your lid, said, Jordan. " I got this Jordan and Jessie, just talk with the driver, meanwhile there is three new ones you haven't met yet dad, said. Marco, " another new one is on the way, they keep blessing us with grandkids and great grandkids, said.Jessie, Christian walked up with his son, " sirvthis little one is Whalan, said. Christian, he hold him, " hi Whalan, you look like daddy and grandpa, Dolton son how it feels to be a grandfather. " great right we know what mim and dad like, said. Clayton, " Yes it is a wonderful feeling we waiting for our son and daughter in law to bless us with grandkids, said, Susette. Henry walked up with Jamie, " this is Jamie, sir. Said, Henry. " double great grandkids you four, said. Roger, " yeah pretty grandpa, we have holidays at the house you and grandma are invited, said. Jessie, " we called it after holiday dinner, we cook outside, said. Jordan, " we bring the meat you ever heard of snappers, asked. Roger, " no is it good? Asked, Hank. " mmm talk about some good stuff, with the gals touch mm, said. Roger, they have arrived in Liousanna. " we go everyone let's go stay with grandpa and granny little ones, said, Jessie. They got off the train and got in the carriage and horses, Ryan and Bryson long with Connor and Thristan all yawned out, " I know the feeling, we had to get on the road early, said. Dain, " could we a room get some rest first, said. Porter, " crying out loud Porter, Dain we had to hot style was camp near, said. Jordan, " so they didn't came after us, we could got room in standford pints Aunt Jordan and Mom, said. Jessup, " hold up, why everyone complain about, we taking you on a trip to places you never been, what I of it we get you complain how sleeping you are, no thanks mom and dad and Aunt Jordan and Uncle Thomas and Grandpa for this, said. Jessie, " Stanford pints we didn't stay long enough to see the place, said. Warren, " of course you would have to say something nephew, said. Jordan, " that is cold Aunt Jordan I thought you love me? Asked. Warren, " see what I mean mouth, both. Said, Jessie. " I love everyone, that size the point that tier is making you mouthing, said. Jordan, " they came out like that you had to give us twins Hank, " mom they not bad boys right Warren and Warner? Asked, hank. " she claims we are dad, said. Warren, " he wasn't around you two when you were born or coming up, to make them quite and happy what you say dad we get rooms and rest, said. Jessie, " Mrs. Garrett I am here now, let's have two more twins, said. Hank, " I said thirdy not thirdy-one, no way I going back to that over, size you still own me a daughter, you got plenty of sons, said. Jessie, " So we looked around mom? Asked. Asher, " no, we are working still, the only thing you twenty-nine with family is going to do is get your rooms and go rest, do you get me Frankie, Preston, Nancy, Devon, Cullen, Tonia, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter, Clayton, Nano, Railey, Daytona, Grayson, Kendrick, Kendra, Jesse, Yonett, Yohan, Rayne, Randolph, Isabella, Martina, Jacob, Connor and Thristan, stay in your rooms with your wives, husbands and kids, said. Jordan, " we don't have a wives and kids, said. Preston, " you the only women in our lives, said. Porter, " in hearts. Said, Jesse. " you everything we can dream that women should be like, said. Yohan, " that is weird you four telling your mother that. Said, Jordan. " the same goes for mines, you want to sleep you get your rest, Teeno, Heather, Cameron, West, Joshua, Trent, Trevino, Tiffany, Chessie, Warren, Warner, Cora, Renshaw, Dayton, Rico, Dayton, Francesca, Renskin, Brett, Dolton, Jayden, Jessup, Levette, Kendall, Joseph, Freddy, Roselin, Jestina, Christopher, Ryan and Bryson, do try me stay in your rooms with your wives and husbands and kids, said. Jessie, " what wife you the only women I love, said. Brett, " mom you my heart, said. Cameron, " long as I have you with me I can do anything, said. Jessup, " mom we need you! Said. Trevino, " mom my ideal woman, said. Renshaw, " in more. Said, Renskin, " you creeping me out sons, mom and Aunt Jordan told you all that to keep you out of trouble. Said, Jessie. " sadly it back fire got four sons acting like they madly in love with us, do not attempt the mother wolves children, keep your butt in your rooms, said. Jordan, they ride up to the inn, they rent rooms for everyone, they went to get few Zz, for Jordan and Thomas, and Jessie and Hank it's a heated evening, in the rooms they are laying their wives, shaking their beds, banging against the walls, it's baby making time, "[ how's things in Houston Texas, ]" tell I am hot water if o don't get thos mess clear up. Said, Marco. "[ son how did this mess happen, you learn anything from me!? He winked at him. " I thought doing what you did when you were governor, what I don't know what I did wrong. Said, Marco. "[ he is on a pickle sweetie, did the whore and deadbeat left yet?] Asked. Roger, she looked at him with a look on the face, " [ the holiday is coming around the corner, think you and him should talk, ] -[" not hearing you, must be this room, she you in a few days, ] said. Roger, she looked at him with a look on the face, " [ the holiday is coming around the corner, think you and him should talk, ] -["not hearing you, must be this room, she you in a few days, ] said. Roger, he closed the screen, he take a deep breath, " we should go see Liousanna Jessica, [Frankie Annabelle what you two say we see the city?]-["do you feel my bite son, keep your tails in your rooms, ] said. Jessie, "[boys you should go to sleep, you acting like your brothers, ] said. Jordan, " [ I am rested, can we please go to see the city.] Said, Teeno. "[ no, first you all cried that you all tire, we wish you make up your mind children, ]-[" Teeno take your tail to sleep, we are trying to get some sleep, ] said. Trent, " [ no one is leaving until mom and dad say so, get your butt in the bed ] said, Heather. "[ thank you but I got this, Let's talk son come to our room,]-[" wait is your wife and kid asleep?] Asked. Hank, "[ she just went to sleep. And he is fast asleep, ] said. Teeno, " [ night son, see you in a bit, ] said. Jessie they went back to laying his wife, after fee hours of rest the Garrett family is well rested, they walked out of the inn, " we see you in a while dad and grandpa, they got on their horses and ride up the city, Marco and Roger in the wagons and ride up to the bank, "[