chapter L

the mother family wolves,

They got done peeling and cutting up potatoes, it on the stove cooking, as the Rump roast is slowly cooking on the turners, the gravy is done cooking, Jordan adding in the final touches, as Jessie is stirring, "Gals that smell great, moms must be amazing cooks huh? " mm you should try their honeydew honey sauce and fried chicken gran you think you in heaven, said. Nancy, "Please can we have it for dinner Mom and Aunt Jessie? begged, Aaron, " have what Grandma," Oh, you're about to have some real lay down country cooking the best in the world, we grew up of their cooking, their fried chicken is really fried and glazed in sauce, please, " okay Aaron come down we have fried chicken with the fixings today, now cut the cabbage up and the carrots, said, Jordan Jessie put the bread in the oven, Cameron and Preston walked, Ryan and Connor, " Hey dad told the little ones, "Go head Cam and pres we thirsty, mommy, mommy, called, Ryan and Connor, " hey boys, said, Carol, they stop and looked at her, " really you going to pull a Cameron and Preston sons, asked, Jordan and Jessie at the same time, they smiled and laughed, " excuse what do you mean pulled a Cameron and preston? asked, at the same time, Cameron nd Preston. " when Joie came for dinner she say hi what you both do? asked, Jessie. " You both holler and cry for Mom and Aunt Jordan, said, Jayden, "Sis we were three, said, Cameron. "How do you expect three-year-olds to act? asked, Preston, " huh like you just did, they eight and they pulling their big brothers' acts, say hi son to gran, said, Jessie, " hi gran, Mommy can I have something to drink ?" he looks like dad, said. Carol, Jessie poured them mother milk into a cup and handed it to them, "Thank you, they both said. " you welcome my son and nephew, said, Jessie, "Dad wants to know if are you both okay, said. Cameron, " we good just getting dinners ready, " boys you have your mothers eyes Jessie and Jordan, " have our kids do, said, Jessie. " are you going to tell us who was that grandma? " that's it that why they clinged to mom and Aunt Jessie Cora their eyes, said, Savannah, " lay off they saved our lives, said. Preston, " dad said you need to get off your feet and we agree, " aw what mom did? asked. Carol, " mom litter saved Preston from taken his life, said, Nancy, " and mom pull cameron out of a bottle, said. Heather, " you know you think they listen when you tell them this will always be there home, you know were to find us if you need us, said. Jordan, "Tell Hank and Thomas we bear and bear with their twenty-nine kids cooking, tending the farms, washing clothes, cooking, and cleaning, sad. Jordan, "It's nothing new to us, said, Jessie, "Here be careful son and nephew take this out to your father and uncle, " tell them to pour it all over the rump roast, and do not stick your fingers in like you did when you were fifteen, said. Jordan, "Wrong sons, Aunt Jordan, said, Cameron, " You mean West and Devon, said, Preston, "No, we mean you two who waited for us to leave ate the sauce which was for the bird, said. Jessie, " yeah that sounds about right mom, they took the pot, " we know you did and we took you both to wait, said. Jordan, " that we working on dinner, that we waiting for the ducks to finish cooking, said. Jessie, " we love you mom, they told their mothers. " we love you too sons, said. Jordan and Jessie, they walked out of the house, after the food is done cooking, Jordan and Jessie set the tables up, they put the food in bowls, " Heather take the plat and knife to them please, said. Jessie, " sure, she hand the plat to Hank and gas he hold it ,Thomas carved the rump roast off the turners they bring everything out in sat it on the table, they sat down and blessed the food, and passes the food around the table, " this is good mom I can't believe you eat like this your whole life, said. Julia, " yeah we had an amazing childhood here, mom and Aunt Jessie remember that time you made us fresh made candy you said let it cool down first? Asked. Aaron, " was that the time that Dolton and Clayton didn't listen and got skilled by it, said. Jordan, " that was our first injury and the first time we got the sick house built, said. Jessie, " you both act that was fun! Said. Clayton, " not for us. Said, Dolton. " aw you both learn when mommy say it is hot, what you going to do? Asked. Jordan, " really mom that day that was the first time we ever had candy, said. Clayton, " yeah you only made it once for us, said. Dolton, They talked about the good old days and enjoy their dinner. The sun went down in the sky, as they finished eating dinner, " gals you arr fitting your old grandpa, said. Roger, " I love your cooking mo one and mom can cook like you gals, said. Marco, " mm no meat pig duck, chicken, beef or rump roast can't stand a chance, Hank and Thomas rubs there stomachs, " grandma everything was great, o jealous now, " of what? Asked. Jordan, " they grow up here, get to wake up to your cooking, get to eat like this every day. Saud, Julia. ' we try to give them what they need, make sure hey eat good.said, Jordan. " sometimes we only had little to feed them, fear that someone will come to take them from us because there wasn't enough food for them, said. Jessie, ' in never happened because you both were loving amazing mothers ro them, said. Marco, " we get that from you, grandma who was that? Asked. Jessie, " Jes no one he not to going meet you and, you two are not going to meet him, said. Roger, " dad I love you love us, and we are so lucky to have you in our lives, but did never love us? Asked. Jordan, " Jordan Jessie, I love you, he just a sperm donator, said. Marco, " gals he the daddy but Marco is your biological father, he been there all of your lives, you heard me, said. Roger, " I take that he doesn't love us, then why he had you shot then if he didn't care dad? I get the pie, said. Jessie, " hold up which pie you made mom? Asked, Joshua, " he had you shot! Asked. In historical voice, carol, " yes, he claim he want to meet the gals and be in there lives when I say no, he hire a rifle man to killed me, said. Marco, " mom Aunt Jessie busted both gran put them in prison, said. Tammy, " not before mom kick him in his middle, and Aunt Jordan punch him in the face, said. Warren, " cherry, son the gals did good job making it. ' meaning boys your wives, sisters, neices, daughters-in-law, said. Jordan, they clear the table, " no. No Jes I get the pie, sit rest, said. Hank, " I'll clear the table Jordan get off your feet, said. Thomas, he finished clear the table, Hank set the table, and bring the pie out, she sliced it and passed it around the table, " learning from mommy, said. Kendra, " it looks great sweetheart, smells great to, said. Dean, once everyone got a piece of pie they start to eat there dessert. This is the best holiday, after they finished eating their pies, they helped cleared the tables, and clean up the dishes, " if you all like to stay here you welcome to, this is still your home, said. Jessie, " your rooms is always yours, grandma and grandpa and dad, we have got rooms for you to, after they locked up and cut the last off, " we still need to bring in the rifle man, and find the banker replacement, and deal with the trouble in Chesterfield county, said. Marco, "