chapter Lv

Finding the replacement banker

Now the holiday is over, it's time to go back to work. The replacement banker is missing for days of weeks, time to get all T crossed, dots all I, to speak of, and a new student just been enrolled in the bounty of law school, he in the class waiting for Marco, they all in the office and out of the food hangover. " I be in a minute Jim, let me get them set up first, " take your time sir, said. Jim, " the banker told us the morning he was leaving, he waited for the clerk to come so he can give him the key and let him know that the money wagon is on the way. Said, Marco. " when he was a no show, he couldn't wait any longer so he closed the bank down, left the key and note in the envelope under the door and send wire back to Standford saying send it to Liousanna bank, " both puzzles starting to fit together Jes, " Aunt Jessie and mom he didn't send a wire to him asking what time he was going to get here, that wait wasn't long enough. Said, Teeno, " why didn't he just send the marshal out to find him first grandma and Aunt Jordan? Asked. Keno, " why you got my grandson thinking like you, he had to be in Liousanna to start his new job, and find a room, Keno. Said, Jessie. "When you start a new job you have to be on time, said. Jordan, "downplaying from a banker to a bank clerk, something is not right here? Said. Hank, " To make it sound right find the replacement banker, died or live. And I have the weather telegram it's in the 56% degrees, due to a 14% percent chain of rain, and a 2% percent chain of snow, Jordan and Jessie be careful, everyone make sure you drink plenty of water, I got you all water bottles filled it with water, called me if dead, if alive bring him back alive to Dodge, said. Marco, "Will do sir, hearts let's go. They took them and walked out of the office, they got back on the wagon and horses. And ride out of Dodge Meanwhile in Lake-town, in the court office all the judges are having a meeting, Hank and Thomas walk into the room. " Good morning judges how was everyone's holiday, asked. Hank and Thomas, "Good in yours? Answered. Judge 8#, " Oh man it was wonderful Mrs. Garrett and daughter, daughters-in-law, granddaughters, and granddaughters-in-law, and grandmother-in-law all got in the kitchen and cooked, while us with our sons, sons-in-law, and grandsons in law and great-grandbabies cooked on the turners, that rump roast man, that fried chicken, sorry let's begin please have a seat, said. Hank, " so when we going to meet your fake family, asked. Judge 3#, " you might the Judge Ball is around the corner, so we suggest get a plus 1#, and get your judge's tux clean, and pressed. We will be working with the bounty of law season hearts, you get paid as traveling judges, and we start training and class for those who want to join the bar, said. Thomas, "[ Jordan and Jessie our exotic mothers of thirty, ]-[" yes,] Jordan and Jessie both answered. "[What do you think of good paid rate mount for our judges?] Asked. Hank, "[ mm you saying we are working together? She or he not here yet, ] said. Jessie, "[Is that okay it's a gal?] Said. Thomas, "[It's fine, $567, we don't know what we are having. ] said, Jordan, Fredrickburgs at the dinner, Roger, Carol, and Sally are having breakfast, he is drinking some of his coffee, "How is the congress lifestyle and do I have any grandkids yet? asked, Sally " Mom did have a granddaughter and grandson we lost our daughter to illness because she caught yellow fever, She gave us the most beautiful granddaughters, I love those two, said. Carol, "And our son okay he's in Houston Texas with the gals Marco is his name, he took over guardship of them, be did a great job raising them, he is the governor of Houston, said, Roger, "Following his dad footsteps, we couldn't be more proud of him, said. Carol, meanwhile back in Houston Texas, " Okay boys out you go find us smoke, wet signs or horse tracks, said, Jordan. "Aunt Jordan you think he was kidnapped? asked, Dolton, " If we didn't show when he agreed to take over the bank something got to be up, said. Whalma they ride up the valley, "We see no is for certain except for one thing, said. Jessie, " What? asked, Clayton, " your grandfather and great grandfather along with the other two Govenors high risk now, this could be attempted to get us to look into Chesterfield county, to draw us out of the town, said, Jessie, " hold up grandma you saying some is targetting Grappy, grampy, and the other two Govenors? asked, Voliet, " yeah mom how did you come to that? asked, Trent, "She right this not for money, what you do when you want power for yourselves, asked. Jordan," The replacement?" We found the replacement and got back to Dodge, protection detail we got to Fredricksburg to get grandma and grandpa, then Nebraska to their Governor, and Della governor, said Jordan, "We take them to a city by night we move, for this big operation we need your fathers here, said. Jessie, As they ride down the valley, it is already a full morning, but the * Calbunars* a gang who loves power and taking out the heads of power is on their way to Houston Texas, so they don't have the replacement banker. " [Dad gets hold of Nebraska, Dallas, and Grandpa and Grandpa tells to pack a bags and wait, we be on the way,] said, Jordan, " [Why hat's wrong gals?] asked, Marco, " [Just do it, Dad, we explain everything and go over the protection detail, please,] said, Jessie. "[okay we see you soon,] said. Marco, they finally went across the replacement banker, who was at a farmhouse a few miles away, " So much for him being in danger, said, Jordan. The bank clerk and his wife walked out, "Get off my land!" Relax bounty of law season hearts, we need you to return to dodge with us now, [ we got him, he alive and breathing,] ] said, Jordan. He got in the wagon and they left, they returned to Dodge, where he speaking and asked questions from the Governor,