chapter viii

The school

Jordan and Jessie walked downstairs, they putting their hairs and an ponytails, " we shall be back in while, you sure you got the kids? Asked .Jessie, " yes Mrs.Garret. come here, he pull he to him. " don't stay to long, take the remaining five with you know they can't stand being away from you and I don't blame them, they kissed each other, " Cameron, Trevino, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Dayton, Jessup get dressed meet me at the barn, said. Jessie, " baby boy daddy will feed you, mom need to finished getting ready, " we have plates for you. they walked down the steps, she look at them, " you five act like I didn't dress you proper, sons Cameron put your belt on Trevino button up your shirt, Renshaw and Renskin put your vest on, Brett tuck your shirt it, Dayton where is your gunbelt and vest? Said. Jessie, " one you had ruin the relationship with it, " I buy you a new one get it and put it on, said. Jessie, " we call you let you when we are heading back, baby gal dad will give you breakfast, " you know our sons going to want to go, said. Thomas, " yeah Preston, Porter, Yohan and Jesse get dressed let's go, said. Jordan, they walked out of the room and down the steps half dressed. " Boys your mother make sure you were dressed right and decent, Preston wrong work shirt, Porter pull your pants, Yohan put your belt on right, Jesse wrong vest, are you trying to see what I will

" tell you what, how about we take out train in go somewhere for the weekend, after all we have the Sunday and Saturday off, said. Jessie, " we check in st a inn sleep in, latter on rent horses and wagons go out and have a picnic, said. Jordan, " really meet us at the depot that way we can aboard the express, said. Jordan, their sons are finally dressed decent, in their outfits, they kissed their husbands and hugged their sons goodbye. They walked out of the house, they got up on their horses and head to the nears train depot, meanwhile Hank and Thomas start to fix breakfast for their families, while their wives go see the students. "[ dad mom we on our way to the depot to head to Stanford, ] said, Jordan. " Why we going ? Asked. Trevino, " to see the school, and students, son, see which ones is about to congratulate, answered. Jessie, " then what? Asked. Porter, "[ okay call us when you are heading back, ] said. Marco, " [ okay dad,] then we take the files, go home, pack for a picnic get o the bounty express and head out, why we riding we look over the files, see talk, over the ones we like and decide on, said. Jordan, " how many spots are their, one on each team remember we created four Dean is in his, Ryan and Byron, and Xander, so can only one this is still a family outfit, spots we made is for kids grandkids and great grandkids, said. Jessie, " same for toby, Connor, Thristan, Crystal, we still thinking about the family, it always going to be family first, said. Jordan, they rode up to the depot. They got off their horses, " that good to know than what they going to say? Asked. Dayton, " our family, our outfit, our decision, not everyone mint to ride with us just because the took class, if you lucky to be pick you still have to move closer, get up early to work, and sometimes pull an all lighter, said. Jordan, the train arrived, and they got on the train, and they left for Stanford, everyone walked into the kitchen, " mom Aunt Jordan already left , said, Teeno, he cut his Talkie on. "[ you couldn't take me I am your oldest your king,]-[" you still are my first born, size you was sleeping I'm mommy didn't want to wake her little boy, ] said. Jessie, " [ some how I feel I got replace by Portor, Yohan,Preston and Jesse,]-[" bro I am the youngest son,]' you are [ you all my kings and queens, my sweet baby boy, I did want to wake you up. ] they arrived at Stanford train station, they walked out of the trains, "[ Mrs. Garrett we only have one place open, we need to stay a family outfit, ] said, Hank,they sat down at the table and Thomas and Hank help their plates, and they sat down at the table in start to bless the food and start to eat. "[ yes my husband your wife know ] said, Jessie. "[ we just said we stay an family outfit, still,] said. Jordan, they rode up to the school, they got off their horses and tie them to the hitching post, they knock on the door, everyone I'd excited that they came, the teacher open the door," thank you for coming, she let them in the door. " thanks I am Jordan my sons Preston, Portor, Yohan, and Jesse, I have more they are back at home, [ my family said hi,]-[' hi!] You are welcomed, said. Jordan, "I am Jessie these are my sons Cameron, Trevino, Brett, Dayton, Jessup, [babies tell the lady hi.] Said , Jessie. "[ hi,] " you can continue don't mind us, said. Jordan, they continued to do the work, " here's the file on the two be ready soon, " okay we looked this over with the family and let you and our decision, dad will telegram you. Said, Jessie, they all head to the depot to wait for them," dad can I drive the train? Asked. Ryan, him, his brother Bryson, Connor and Thristan are seventeen, "[ you were going to let leave at seventeen but you made us wait until or twenth birthday not affairs mother wolf! Said, Dolton, '[ we wanted to celebrate your birthday son that why we ask, plus you got swear in as a bounty, I think what we did you forty-five would be pleased and happy, the same with your younger half Kendall, Rosen, Joesph, Jestina didn't leave until their twenth birthday, same for Ryan and Bryson son if you boys could gave mom and dad your twenth birthday we promise you can leave, said. Jessie, "[ please Connor and Thristan your twelfth birthday, that all we asking of,] said. Jordan, "[ you can have my twenth, thirty, forth, fifth, sixth up, I not leaving home mom, how many spots are there?] Said. Ryan, " [ same here mom, are we stil a family outfit or something else?] Asked, Connor. " [ thank you our sons, ] said. Jessie and Jordan, "[ one which one recurring, which a family outfit meeting did you telegram Kelsey, Catherine, Hallen, Debra, and Mary, Chuck, Billy, and Harrison?] Asked, Jessie. "[ they just rode up mom you on your way?] Asked. Heather, " no, we be leaving soon Heather,] said. Jessie, "[ we still an family outfit son that is never going to change, ] said. Jordan, they cut their Talkies off," we need to get back," wait they been looking forth for this, even prep questions, do you have time for questions, said. The teacher, " we have our family waiting at the depot, an few questions. " okay thank you we won't keep you long, they all raised their hands, " yes what is your question? Asked. Jessie, " Mom can we go, I am getting hungry, and want ymro go on that picnic, said. Trevino, " in a minute Trevino, size dad and Uncle Thomas have our breakfast, said. Jessie, " oh dad cooking is like mom cooking, [ dad what you fix for breakfast?] Asked. Brett, " [ there was chicken n gravy, hot apples mashed tators, and hot maple biscuits with moms raspberry jam, you tell her to leave pleased, ]-[" in a minute after we answered a few questions, ] said. Jessie, " Mrs. Garrett, who start the group? Asked Student 1# , " we did when we were young it was a childhood game, that our father saw that it could be our career, answered, Jordan. " that answered your question good can we get to the train mom, asked, Preston. " son be calm," I can give you my answers now, no you all , said. Preston, " pres chili son, Jordan told him. "[ will you please get to the train Jordan and Jessie with our sons,] said. Thomas, "[ now we know we're their inpatients comes from, ] said. Jordan, Xander and Crystal wake up crying, meanwhile, Toby and Dean are asleep, " [ shh son I trying to get mom to leave,do you not hear our infant crying for his mother,]-[" he need is diaper change Hank , dad change our child diaper please, said. Jessie, they raise their hands again. "[ do you not heard our daughter crying now now sweetie mommy getting her tail to the train,] said. Thomas, " [ she hungry Thomas feed our daughter daddy,] what is your question, this is the last one we can answer, said. Jordan, " what do you do, are you like marshals and bounty hunters? Asked. Student 2#, " we go where marshals can't,, no we do not care for bounty hunters, we do



Train hiest

Bank robberies

Murders and fights, this life can be rough,right boys? But if your heart is in law, your heart is strong, you can handle it, study hard keep the good work up, boys let's go, thank you we will get back with you with our decision, said. Jessie, " wait we got some, please. " sweetheart our faand husband getting restless, if there was time and that we plan ahead, but there not and we did, " tell you what get them a Talkie, we answer your questions that way, and that way we let you know are decisions, said. Jordan. " good idea I order them now," call tell us they way, they walked out of the school and got on their horses and left,