chapter x

The grades are up

They are back from the pinic They rode up to the house, Hank and Thomas got off their horses and walked up to their wives, Jordan and Jessie hand them Crystal and Xander, the got off their horses, they got off their horses and wagons, they walked up to the door and knocked on it, Josie open the door, " give those babies, " is that all our grandkids? " what are we chop liver, cheez thanks dad,said. Jessie, " we love yu mommy right baby bro, said, Dayton, they walked into the house, she closed the door, " there go my little ones all thirty,and my great grandkids and great great grandkids. " you really know how to make us feel loved dad, we get welcomed? Asked. Jordan, "will you give us Xander and Crystal stop your bellying ach! Said. Marco, " your father, go to your grandfather, I want mine, said. Marco, she hand him Xander, " he your father to,me to and grandma, here you go,Jordan hand Josie Crystal, " your mother and Aunt, to bad they are in Oklahoma, did we had fun on the picnic my little ones? Asked. Marco, " stuffed grandpa ready for an nappy right son,said. Teeno, they sat down in crossed their legs," so when your parents going to work on number thirty-one? " we gave you thirty grandkids dad can retired from having kids,it's your grandkids and great grandkids turn to have kids, said. Jessie, " that look you want the file and dockets, bring their sons is, Scott and Jake walked in, " before we got up the oldest to tell you why, you get grade by us first and our husbands, On showing up on time you show us you ready to work, so we grade you at A, You fall short from keeping up it not your fault your horses got tired or hurt, so we gave you a B Answering questions and watching yu both answered questions gave we grade you a A, said. Jessie, " showing heart few steps away from having heart, we don't call us season hearts it took years building up to having guts to arrest outlaw, breaking up fights, the people and outlaws name us the queens of hearts, by watching us they developed their courage, got their hearts which we become the season hearts, winter of hearts, sunmer of hearts, spring of hearts, Fall of hearts, and Autumm of hearts, you become your own wolf, you gain your own hearts, that is, Cuninless Bravery And wisdom, all that frame into a heart, said. Jordan, " boys would you say they grade you fair,said. Josie, " yeah so we in the school? Asked. Scott," that just us you have two more that grade you," I wasn't there the first but my sin said you was rude to Angus, this not just an outfit,we are a family, family that got each other back and work together never snapped at each other, that could use work on be part of a team family, so we grade you a C, On ready for anything that goes wrong believe me that day seeing my wife shot killed me, all because I didn't listen to what my wife and sister in law said , I saw you both froze they had to tell you to take cover, yu boys think aw cool we get to aren't outlaws , you don't waver in the major things like gunfights, sorry we you a F, we can have them risking their lives for yours you are not ready for this at all, said. Hank, " look sad yu had very good answer to their questions which we grade you an A, " that is not fair the cut me off when I was about to ask questions, we got scared it being human! " everything is human , fear is not good when you in a gunfight it gets you killed, with no gun we told you six join the kids and grandkids and great grandkids in the stables, we try to avoid something like that sometimes we can't help it, how you are going to enjoyed doing what you do if you always going let being human get in the way look at them they life foe a wolf up, we kept telling them gunfights is not what we are about , I think working with a marshal as deputy with help you understand the law, step you up out that, wear you can gain you, said, Jordan. " I agree I request Dodge or Spring they have very good marshals that skilled in the voice of reason, said . Thomas, " yu have good scores from Japan and Jessie, they had a good point they can always put you first they have families to think about, newborn, also I have two schools build in Stanford, this one is call the beginners bounty of law, he will Show you how to use your fear, Help you to understand your surroundings and understand the danger and face it, before we go there let's here what Teeno and Frankie say, " when where you going to tell us about that school? Asked. Jessie, " now, said. Marco, they look at each other, they walked up. " they also going to explain why right boys? Asked. Jordan and Jessie, " yes mom, you gt loved them our mothers and fathers and grandparents are the best, it tick us off and scared when they drop their guard to get you down, heck they been shot enough, they have us our wives husbands kids and grandkids and our new sister and brother to think about, you don't have kids,so you don't really care what happens long you get what you think you want,their sons and sons in law grandsons, ,grandsons in law, and great grandsons grade you a F for uncaring for someone else mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, grandmother in law and great grandmother, said. Teeno, that hit them hard," we sorry man, we never been in that, said. Jake," sorry we but this is abut our mothers and our sons grandparents, you both are not ready, as for timing we gave you a A, keeping up we can't keep stopping and something that you waiting for you, we grade you a B, you answer their questions we sense attitude in it, so you got a F to push, for that you want to do something you in joy doing, work with a marshal not going to get you there, or that school, you don't like camping or staying up, sorry, mom I know what you going to say, be fair Frankie everyone deserves a second chance, " that would be something that I would say, said. Jordan, " double F is fair enough, I never want ever want to buried you, dad, and Aunt Jessie and Uncle Hank, what fairness to us we have to say good bye to our parents because they spare your pity life's, I saw my mother and Aunt shot, two of my cousins, hearing the freaking privk say I was hunting I thought it was a dear, my mother and Aunt have Been there for all of us since we were born, I planned to keep all four breathing, he rubbed his face," come here son dad and mom and Aunt Jessie and Uncle Hank not going anywhere yet, he kissed his son," you never seen your mother shot think you going to freaking lose her, tell how this make you feel, mom I know you going to try to stop me this need to be said, said. Teeno. " son yes and no it didn't, come on, " she went to get my sister she do anything even risk her life for us,she my queen, my heart, u nothing without her, she my strength my father is my everything I nothing without him, he my rock, I can't live with both, I am nothing without them, so take with you see your father and mother shot, live a broken man knowing that you could safe them from being killed, he look up, tears came up," yeah you guys need the forever and always song, it's okay son, they hugged him, " my boys my gals, dad not ever going to leave you guys,they take them out to get air. They look down, " okay next they are getting here, the pushing to you and what you want not what they want you want, I think traveling working around , finding you is important, Jordan, " Jessie if they gave you money and coins and around ticket, be good leave Houston Texas, go anywhere Loiusanna, Arkansas, Kansas leaving your comfort zone get you out from being fearful, get I saying when you are ready give us try agian, this approve to our husbands and sons that you changed ,said. Jordan, " thank that a better idea, he wrote them a check and a world ticket, and hand it to them, " thank you we will, it was nice meeting you both, ' same here, said. Jordan and Jessie, they sat down again, they walked out, and their wives walked in, " what about our husbands? Asked. Jane," the best thing worry about you, they got their grades some good and bad with a why, said. Jordan, " before we call in our daughter in law, to give you their and why, we and our husbands will give you ourselves first, said, Jessie . On timing shows that you are ready to go to work, we grade you a A, On keeping up, you did well so we grade you a B, Answer our questions as our sons say in good spirits, grade you a A, you have heart, which tells us that you want this and ready, we think you both you should go to the beginner school to get reprep, but let's hear what they think. Said, Jordan. Thomas and Hank walked into the house, " the first want we wasn't there what Jessica and Heather tell us, you are impressive with you, what we saw you show up on time we grade you a A, Keeping up with us you Did extremely really good we grade you a A, And answer questions you did good which we grade you a A, triple A good job, yes go to the beginning school, if you don't want to join them in their journey to find them, said. Thomas, they was so happy, " we love them but this for us and that is for them," you have more to go you on a roll, Jessica and Annabelle walked in, " we agree with mom and dad, you show promises when they say join the kids in the stables,you did, so that is definitely a A, show up on time a A, keeping up with us a A and answered their questions a A, us and our sisters, nieces, great nieces are impressed we thank you should go to beginner school get yourself ready, said. Annabelle, " also there is constantly your husband this need to talk about, if this was me and Teeno, he would understand and want this for me right mom and dad? Asked. Jessica, " he like his momma." Wouldn't want him no other way, said. Hank. " thank you we will, said. Jane, " after you talk it over with them telegram my office an we set a day were we enroll you in is that right Xander and Crystal, they laughed. They left they room hugged and cheering, Dora walked in, " I so proud of them, we talk to the boys told them they need to show effect to pass, they want to do what they want to do, said. Dora " we understand we got sons to, thing is time to worry about you, we saw heart, you show up on time we grade you a A, Keeping up with us very good we grade you a A, And answer our questions very good and we like your answer so we grade you a A, trile A, we think you should go to the beginning school to, get reprep for this and the other school. Said, Jessie. " thank you I will, she left out, Jarod what in, " don't worry about anyone at this time but you, showing up on time we grade you a A, Keeping up with us we grade you a A, and answered their questions we grade you a A, good job. said, hank . " g join your family in the beginning school, but your sons don't want this they was only doing this for you, they need to go in find them,yes our children did that they left on their twenth birthday, that how they able to do this they built their hearts now they working on the wolf instincts, once you with us you will to see you all in few years. Said, Jordan. He smiled and walked out,