chapter xvi

Family of hearts

Royal is what this family is, they are all about the law of justice, teaching those the ride side of justice, serving the law, "[ family we all about serving the law, but we need to get back on board with teaching the law, those who want to do justice the right way, ] said. Jordan, "[ will want to learn our way of law, when we get home class, in the morning first we going to go over teaching sheriff, deputies, and marshal our trades, after we have breakfast, we going to teach our new leaders to come together.] Said. Jessie. "[ to be a voice of leaders, then after lunch time to train, ] said, Jordan. "[ how to Maine, to come the voice and bounty stir, and the hangman loose and snake-eyes, after dinner, ] said. Jessie, "[ lesson of the books, and taking notes, you be fed and train all morning, evening and afternoon. ] said, Jordan. "[ it be full session, training and practice, ] said. Jessie, "[ mom dad we got something, fresh horse tracksis that what I think it is?] Asked Teeno,"[ go ahead bro take a sniff ] said. Dolton, " [ Dolton don't be gross!]-[ " you get off your horse in take a sniff bro,] Teeno told him. "[ why you telling me, you all the leaders discuss what is the next step, ], said. Jessie, as their sons sons-in-law, and daughters and daughters-in-laws discuss the next steps, in Buckingham town, they are examined the body, " you have a bounty hunter killed a outlaw for money, died bodu before you, what you do next my leaders, discuss where to go from here, said. Jordan, there sons, sons-in-law, daughters and daughters-in-laws and hire hearts started to discuss, "[ gals where are you at with the job?] Asked. Marco, "[ a decision is need children and children in law grandfather and Mr. Nebraska is waiting, ] said. Jessie, " we going to followed the trail mom north it gone north,[we got a trail grandpa and Mr. Nebraska, ] said. Rico, they went North followed the trail of horde tracks, " [ what you decide on utmost your grandfather and Mr Nebraska is waiting?] Asked. Jordan, "[ two wecgoing to ask around see if thecpeople saw what happened, two see if our cousins pick up a trail, [ you have this clean up soon , call grave digger, ] said Daytona, they went to speak with the people in the town, ' their mothers and mothers in law is giving them room to grow as leaders, and their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers is giving them supreme authority, said. Marco. " how many kids do they have? Asked. Mr. Nebraska, " the count stop at thirty so far but my youngest wants another daughter and my oldest son-in-law wants another son, so in the future going to be thirty-one kids total, answered. Marco, Cameron ride up to the wagon, " Mom and dad, said. Cameron, " yes son, said Jessie and Hank, "[ Jessie Hank your nephews and nieces and nephews in-laws and nieces in-laws want will you ask your favorite Aunt, ]-[" I there only Aunt sis, ask your cousins Aunt Jessie is not the leader on this job, ] said. Jessie, "[ guys do you have a trail on the bounty hunter. ] asked, Nancy. " [ yeah horse tracks, we be on the bounty hunter soon, how you found out anything?] Asked. Cameron, "[ no one saw the gunfight, or not talking about it, ] said. Devon, "[ you saying they scar to talk , or we sutra this guy a bounty hunter,] asked. Ted, "[ keep up we be your way soon, how we doing mom and dad, Aunt Jessie and uncle Hank?] Asked Tanner, "[ you guys doing great, we see you soon,] said. Jessie, "[ chip of the old block who thought that our kids and kids-in-laws and grandchildren followed in our footsteps, said. Jordan, they ride up to the house, " careful boys and gals he could be armed, said. Jessie, " talk him to come out,with the voice of reason and Jugdement, said. Hank, " it's best for you do the right thing in drop your gunbelts and rifle, said. * Hank * " what you did is wrong, this is not how your mother would want you to act, said. Annabelle, the arrested and sentence the bounty hunter and transfer him to fall prison camp for a month max, after they arrived back in down, it was time to set up for the Autum day even, all people from all towns cities and counties came to take part of the holiday , with the warning to all bounty hunters that if they hunt an outlaw and kill them they will be arrested , and they are disband and not wanted or welcome in Nebraska, in the great statte f Nebraska, whre the cattle run, across the plains, to the first settlement towns, cities, and Counties, this large lands of country has turn into settlement country, now the govenor of Nebraska is hosting in Leapyear city the Autumn day events, grandkids and great grandkids is having fun, Heather walked up, " come to Heather Xander, she pick him up out of his bassinets, he giggled at her," hey my brother-in-law you having a good time? Asked, * Hank* " you know who tharmt man is right? Asked. Heather , " say I do that brother-in-law * Hank* said. * Hank * Jessie and Jordan paid for them to eat agian, and they got their infants boys and give it to Heather and Nancy, " your sistrs going to give you your bottles, said. Jordan and Jessie, " get your dinner guyswe set you upby paying for them, , said. Jordan, " then you can go play, said, Jessie, " we get toenjoy the event mom, said. Frank, " yes but eat first, afer all you are families, said. Jordan, they got their plates andd started to eat, Heather and Nancy give their brother and sister their bottles, " now now Crystal i know mothers milk is good, said. Nancy, " mmm that is a goodstuff, said, Heather.