chapter xix

Family class

Hank and Thomas set the picnic tables up, as Jordan and Jessie are fixing breakfast while Xander and Crystal are in the Bassets sleeping, Teeno and Frankie walk into the kitchen, " Morning, Mom can we hold them? asked, Frankie and Teeno, "I'm sure you in to hold your brother and sister boys, how about hit the bathhouse, Hank Thomas the Duck, get a good one, said, Jessie, " yeah Mother Milk First, is there any? asked. Teeno, " there should be jug in the freezer nephew, how about after you good looking boys help your mothers and get a good-size duck clean and put on the turners, said, Jordan, they pour themselves some mothers milk, and walked outside, Heather and Nancy walked in the kitchen with other son and daughter, " were we going to now grandma, asked. London, " no were today sweetheart today we have class, breakfast, class, lunch, class then dinner, practice time you master the bounty, said, Jessie few minutes the whole family is up and the others is at the homestead, meanwhile in Dodge town in the Govenor office, is assistant walked, " morning sir how is your family we get to see them today? " is there any problems with Houston today? no, it's the class day, [ I will be there soon save me a plate, I know they fixing big,] -[" I hear you Dad don't we always save you a plate?]asked, Jordan. " [or bring you a plate,] said. Jessie, "They must be wonderful cooks sir. " my gals take after their mothers, we closing the office for the day, you going to meet my daughters, grandkids, grandchildren-in-law and great grandkids, great grandkids, and son-in-llaws, you going to eat some homemade cooking, [yes I will always love you for it, we are there soon, save us plates,] said. Marco, " [ we just got started cooking, Dad who are we?] said, Jordan. They got in the carriage and left, " we, my helper and me, how long you have been up,] said, Marco, at the homestead, Teeno and Frankie got done plucking and cleaning the duck, the put it on the turn, " daddy! said Keno, walked out with Jessica, he picks him up and kissed his wife, " mom the duck is on the turn, they go tell grandma and Aunt Jordan ready with the sauce, said, Teeno. He ran into the house, "Grandma, grandma! called, Keno, " shh, don't wake up your cousin and uncle, be careful take this to your father and cousin, " I got it mom, come, son, take it over to dad, they walked out the house when Marco drove up, " this were they lived, asked, his helper, " yep, come, be careful little one is running around, " grandpa!! cried, Ryan and Connor, " hey Dad just in time, said. Thomas, picking them up, " there my grandboys, Ryan and Connor what are your parents feeding you? asked, Marco, "Food you staying Grandpa?" I wouldn't this feast that they fixing, your moms take after their mom, said, Marco. Jordan and Jessie walked out with the sides, " there they are, where the rest? asked, Marco, " you have kids you know, said. Jordan, "What was that Jordan?" what was what sir nothing welcome, guys your grandfather is here breakfast is almost ready bring your books to the table, said, Jordan, Thomas slap her on the butt, " You lucky I am your wife and mother to your kids, " why is that? Hank followed his brother's lead slap his wife on the butt, " Else you be on the ground, that how you both show your sons, grandsons, sons-in-law, grandsons, and grandsons-in-law how to treat their wives? asked, Jessie, " I love my wife, she everything to me, said, Hank, " even more, said.Thomas, "Good keep playing your hand right, go help your sons with the duck Said Jordan, "Don't act like you don't like it, said. Thomas, " yeah you love it that's why you keep giving us kids Mrs. Garrett, said, Hank, they looked at them, "that's not our fault, said. Jordan, "every time we met up with you both keep getting us with a child, they walked back in the house, they all sat down at the tables, they cut the meat off the bone after the gravy soak into the meat, they took the plate to the table. And sat it down on the tables, they walked back out with the tea and milk, and set the glasses on the table, " we have breakfast, then classed, Tony, Harrison, Kelsey, Debra, Toni, Linda, and Joan thanks for coming, said, Jordan. they smiled, " dad and his plus one, welcome and you always are dad, blessing, said. Jessie, they sat down at the table, said their grace over the tables, and pas the food around, and helped their kids plates, as Hank and Thomas fed their son and daughter their bottles, good day with family and friends, have a blessed meal, they finished breakfast, and they clean up the tables take up everything. and washed the dishes and left them to dry in the racks, they walked back out, " okay up your bounty of law books, say we out searching for a wagon, said. Jordan, "It was missing for a few days, there are no tracks and the trail is cold, what do we do, asked. Jessie, they open up their books, to page 37 searching and tracking, " look for tracks said there is fresh wheel trails that will last few days in the sand or grass, said, Devon, " so we look for wheel tracks in the wagon, said, West, " good boys take to mind that it has been out there for a while, horses could mess the tracks up, but good, said. Jordan, " oh it said to look for signs of life we use the bounty, don't relief with our eyes trust in our other senses hearing, touching, and smelling, said. Heather, "Correct, so when we are on the job we don't want you to trust in your eyes, but use the bounty sense which is Taste, smell, hearing, and touching, let the bounty call to you, not you to it. said, Jessie, " turn to page 49 outlaw says we are after * Vermont Wells* wanted by Salt City, he just robbed the bank, said. Jordan, " and open your tracking books to page 67 on track, why they are waiting for us to pick up a trail, he got days to start and his trail was going cold quick, what should we do how should he get his trail? asked, Jessie, they opened their books and started to read to find out, "Sir. " shh, don't break their construction, they are in class now, Marco told him, "guys he getting away and we losing daylight, said. Jordan, " I say we keep tracking him he about to get tired, said. Brett, "And thirsty that was me I know I would, said, Cullen, "Let's put this say you need to reach the border before you are caught, to catch an outlaw you need to think like them. said, Jessie, " Scared, hungry need to get the heck out of Houston, said