chapter xxii

hold them

There were smoke signs all around them, and the homesteaders are scared, they cocked their guns and get around for them to attack again, Jessie delivered the baby it was a boy, and she rinse it off and wrap it in a blanket. " congrats it a healthy baby boy, said. Jessie, handed them their baby, and they walked out of the shack she wiped her hands and they walked up, " looks like they going to ambush us, she handed her knife, Jessie and Heather put their knives, " how much amination does everyone as? asked. Jessie, " not much mom, said. Dolton, "If they don't get here now we won't last another with few amination Jessie, said. Jordan, "[Dad we need amo now, and we need to get here now, we about to be hit hard,] plan C, " what's plan C? asked. Tony, "You all load up the homesteaders and get them to another Spot, before unloading speak to who is in charge, said, Jordan. " what you and Aunt Jessie? asked, Carter, " we hold them off so you all safety gone and until they get up here after you do set up camp in wait, we see you soon, said. Jessie, "Mom this is nuts you w, she covered Joshua's lips. " we will family first, which is you and your siblings and cousins and wife and kids, don't load them until we say, Cam get that look out your eye son, you all will see again at camp, said, Jessie freaking * Red devils, I going to make everyone you pay for this, shout out Cameron, they got in position and get ready, and in Dodge town in the office, "[U.S marshal were you at? I need an amination wagon set to the homestead to the Bounty of law season hearts please can you hold them Jordan and Jessie?] asked, Marco, "[ we are here and the way, Mr. Govenor, ] said, the captain "[ it's on the way sir, ] said, the Amination shop keeper, they circling them, "stand your ground hearts, said, Jordan. " on our word when we say move them out load them in the wagons and head South, said, Jessie, Hank, and Thomas looked at him, " [ Jordan and Jessie they both on the way, ] said, Hank and Thomas, " [good so the U.S. Marshals finally here then,] said, Jordan, "[ thank you,] said, Jessie, they start the raid, they fire at them, bullets and arrows fly back and forth, the arrows it the wagons. The bullets hit the * Red Devils, and they fell off their horses, " finally the U.S. marshals arrived chasing them off " Get them, " get them, said. James, "About time, they got here, said. Frankie," [they arrived Dad can we go or stay?] asked, Jordan, "[ good job holding your place, they okay?] asked, Marco."[yes, no one wounded or dead, this is the longest day of my life, I need a day of rest,] said. essie, "[ gals we got a lot to do now, there is no time to rest, ] said. Marco, " [we tire dad, how about campout guys"] asked, Jordan, The U.S Marshals rode up, " who is in charge of this group? asked Captian Norman, " us, we are the Bounty f law Season, said. Jessie, "Good job holding them off, we got it from here, the wagon of amo arrived, and they reloaded their guns, " they all safe and live, thank you for coming, Hearts mountain up, [Hank Thomas we are in the West] said, Jordan. "[we on the way,] said, Thomas. they got up on their horses and left, as the U.S Marshals took over at the homesteaders, it was getting dark and finally, and the family finally got together, Jordan and Jessie set a fire, and started to cook, "Mom, called, Kendall, " yes Kendall. answered, Jessie Hank walked over with Xander, "Can't believe that those two are fifteen, Xander stays little forever, said. Hank and Ronald ran up, " Hey son, good to have grandma and Daddy back with us, you and Aunt Jordan okay? asked. Kendall, "We good my niece, that was tense, I get the feeling we going to be in more raids, gun fights, said. Jordan and Kendall picked up Ronnald, "How is that going to teach our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids, how to teach the voice, and do justice, said. Jessie, they give their husbands the bottles of mother's milk. they gave it to their son and daughter, Roger and Becky ran over to their grandma, Francesca pick them up. " I love you little ones, Jesse looked rather and smiled, dinner is ready. they served everyone plates and they sat around eating and talking after a long night of defending off * Red devils* they were glad to have this moment, in Dodge town Marco walked out of his office and headed down to the dinner to get dinner, he walked inside and sat down, meanwhile in the South at the Peach town got hit by * the Mounties* they robbed banks wearing a red outfit, Mayor Ford send a telegram out to find The bounty of law, and Ranchlands, the cowboys are at it again, they fight it ut, this is the long west of Houston Texas.after they got done eating, they call it an night, Jordan and Jessie standing guard why their families is sleeping, Marco walked out the dinner after paying for his meal, " Marco, called. Josie, he turn around, " evening, " where did we go wrong at, asked. Josie, " what you want Josie, just didn't work out, you listen your family instead of welcome the feeling of being apart of a new one, I get it you young you don't want to be a grandmother or great grandmother yet, said. Marco, " sincethe moment they came into the world all fifty-five of them I love with my whole heart, I love being a father, grandfather, and great grandfather, while his back was turn * the Cowboys* a gang that kidnap importment people to get money, I mean like Mayors, Govenors, and Congressmen, Marco is the Govenor of Houston, they left a note at the mayor office, they got Josie to, someone that comes from a wealthy background,