chapter Lvii

The plan

Maybe Chuck, I told you it's Jessie, father the plan is working, so we stop at Longhorn for the night, ] said. Jessie, " [ kept an eye out they still out their, ] said. Jordan, they rode into down into an stables with the Congressmen, Houston, Nebraska, and Dallas, Hank and Thomas got of their horses and closed the door," welcome to Longhorn Valley county cattle Country, why here we can blend with cattle hustlers, cowboys and cattle hands, this is destination C, said. Jessie, " the Carabos hopefully go by not come here, why the stables , the inn will be the first place the go to look, they wouldn't think about here, said. Jordan, " clever Carol what there names agian, " Jordan and Jessie, " gals arrest will have to be made, said. Marco, " not why you with us dad, this is not an state take over , they never go after the state unless someone pay and hire to clear you out, you go the others will fall, said. Jordan, " the back plan kicks in Hank and Thomas take over take you to destination D Peach Town, there you wait for us in a stables, for the night, yes boys I know you about to have a few, few, take the gals and in laws and grandkids, I got our sons Teeno, Cameron, West Joshua, Trent Trevino, Warren Warner, Renshaw, Renskin, Brett, Rico, Dayton, Dolton, Jessup and Christopher, Tony, Hank Carter, Daniel, Danny, Tim, and Chuck, we going scouting I going to need all of you to be in front of me rode hard, got it sons," got it mom, said they all said, " be careful, they mean business Jessie find who hire them and come back . Said. Marco, " we will, " take our daughters and daughters-in-laws and grandkids I got our sons and sons-in-law, I know boys you about to go through the door, Frankie, Preston, Devon, Cullen, Tanner, Asher, Dain, Porter,Nano, Railey, Clayton, Daytona, Greyson, Kendrick, Yohan and JesseJacob, Bily, Harrison, Reed, Frank, George, and Mike we going to do spot in run, maybe give them a foils trail, so I need you to be in front hard like the wind got me boys, said. Jordan, " yes mom, they all said, ' after come back we see you in Peach Town, said. Marco, they start to cook on the burner, " oh carol, said. Sally, " grandma, grandma,called,Angus and Braston, " yes my grandsons, answered. Jessie, " can we go with you? Asked. Angus,and Braston. ' boys another time I would tell you yes but I need you to stayed with your grandfather. Said, Jessie. They loked down, she kneel s and lift their heads and say," hey cheered one day grandma will take her grandboys with her, right now grandpa need his grandboys at his side, said. Jessie, " you take with you grandma?" Yeah like your mothers and fathers you are pure heart grandma and grandpa and Aunt Jordan and uncle Thomas love what they see in their grandkids, said. Jessie, " we sure do that saying I love doing this which we are glade to heard boys, said. Jordan, " you just going to letvthem go Msrco, " they know what they doing dad / uncle Marco told is gals everything. One thing you two you better come with all of my grandkids and alive, said.Marco, Sally looks at them, " I starting to say what about us,you wory to much dad, all sons will be fine, long they get in front of us keep riding, " wait I questioned that what you up to mom? Asked. Teeno, " you are not allowed to questioned my command, Marco Jr, do what I say when I say, said. Jessie, " he got a point when a mother wolf tell her clubs to get in front is usually for protection and something else we know you two well when you got a plan cooking, said. Frankie, " listen to him, you do not know us that well James, no reason we just don't want you to fall behind, we need you to ride like your butts is on fire,said. Jordan, " we don't mean the funky kind boys, that was gross,said. Jessie, " out with mom what you planing dad she up to something, said. Cameron, " honesty she not she doesn't have a plan cooking, can I just have you in front of me instead of behind me, I not your boss sons , you are your on men, ride next to me as my equal not as my followers, there no boss , here, yes we are in charge, when we retired from this that falls to the first and second oldest meaning Teeno,and Heather, Frankie and Preston, they have to show us they are ready to take over, said. Jessie, " and that they want it, they have to prove that they can earn and gang your trust as your heads, the same goes fie the two new investigation team and tracking heads which is Nancy and Cullen, Cameron and Weston, and the two new scout heads Renshaw Christopher, Asher and Dain, we making for groups, teams a main body the scoiluting investigation which will go in investigation why the main investigation, the same for the track teams a main body a track twmean that track and a scout team that scouts, since Lake-town arm length, our runners to deliver a message to Lake-town to get a judge and jury to come, Hank and Thomas, said,Jordan, " what you say Gregory and Keno you want be your grandfathers runners? Asked. Hank, they smiled, " we do it grandpa, said.gregory and Keno, " that what you up to mom? Asked. Heather, " more then less we were testing you all that see where you up for said. Jessie, " we go over the outfits latter, let's blessed the food and start to eat, they pass out the plates and they blessed the food and start to eat their dinner, " when where you going to tell me that,which I think it's a great idea and about time, said, Marco. " when we pick heart teams dad we had started yet, we just telling them about it, and we planning on training Teeno Heather Frankie and Preston on leading, then training Cameron and Weston Nancy and Cullen, then Asher and Dain, then prep and train Gregory and Keno which paths to take and how to use the bounty, said.Jordan, " you got task moms and grandma, said.carol, " we know that why we going to need a week off so we can train the teams and heads, going to be a progress, said. Jessie " you got it gals keep us in the loop on how training and practice goes, said.Marco, " we will,said. Jordan,