Mr Weeks had gathered every important people in his company for a meeting to officially welcome Maya Hunts as his secretary,

"You are all gathered here today to welcome our new secretary."

Everyone began to murmur, they were surprised,

"I know you are all wondering where Sara is, she's okay! I replaced her incompetency with the winner of my local competition, Maya Hunts!"

Everyone still murmured, they couldn't believe their ears,

"Maya would you please," Mr Weeks said as Maya shyly walked up to meet him. She gave a warm smile to everyone present, some returned the smile while others didn't.

"I'm Maya Hunts. The new secretary of this prestigious company, Nutri Ltd."

No one applauded so Marty hit a button and everyone heard applauses coming from a machine. Maya could sense that she wasn't welcomed or appreciated.

Soon everyone left, and it remained Mr Weeks and Maya,

"Did I do something wrong?" Maya asked Mr Weeks.

"Look, I know you did not get the grand welcome you expected but," Maya cut Mr Weeks short,

"So you fired her, Sara. To get me this job?"

"I wanted you to know how sorry I was. Besides she wasn't effective."

"You didn't have to do that!" Maya said she was angry with herself.

"I don't understand." Mr Weeks said perplexed.

"If there wasn't any vacancy you should have told me. You didn't have to do that!" Maya said.

"You see, I don't understand you! You came into my office, desperate as fuck looking for a job. I didn't give it to you, you went to my son, which I am sure you talked him into talking to me- " Mr Weeks was cut short by Maya again,

"Hey! I didn't talk your son into talking to you. Besides he never talked to you about the job!" Maya yelled.

"One good thing Maya, one good fucking thing, that I decide to do for you, but you always choose to reject it!" Mr Weeks said furiously.

"I like to maintain my integrity! Do you know what people out there must think of me? A whore! A fuvking whore, one of your bitches!!"

"They're not the ones thinking like that. You are!!" Mr Weeks yelled.

"I heard them! I heard them talking about me when I came for the job interview with you. They called me a slut, a whore you must have finished fucking." Maya said almost in tears.

Mr Weeks on hearing this came closer to her and gave her a hug, while he hugged her he said,

"You're not a whore, and neither are you a slut."

Maya looked at Mr Weeks while he hugged her,

"You thought I was one before," she said to him.

"I was a fucking cunt." Mr Weeks said remorsefully.

Mr Weeks couldn't stop staring at Maya's lips, Maya was breathing heavily while he held her. He was taller than her so he bent low for a kiss when Deryn came in. The both of them quickly separated from each other when they saw him,

"Congratulations again, Maya." Mr Weeks said as he patted Maya on her back. They both pretended in front of Deryn,

"Son! You're here." Mr Weeks said as he chuckled briefly.

"Hey, Deryn," Maya said to Deryn as she waved to him.

"Did I interrupt anything?" Deryn asked confusedly.

"No, you definitely didn't. Mr Weeks was just congratulating me on my new job."

"Oh my goodness Maya, Dad I'm really proud of you," Deryn said with so much enthusiasm. He went over to give Maya a hug then he kissed her.

Maya did not understand why Deryn always kissed her. Why did he always assume they were dating. Mr Weeks watched them and the last thing he wanted was for Maya to see that he was jealous, so he left them to be.


Flora went to have breakfast with Mr Lin,

"It's late in the morning, how come you're just having your breakfast now?" Flora said like she was a half-dead human being. She looked tattered, it was unusual of her and for Mr Lin,

"Why the fuck do you look like that. Like a fuvking gigolo." Mr Lin said furiously.

Flora scoffed, "Can't you be a little respectful to the lady carrying your child!"

"That child doesn't mean a thing to me. So if you think that the fact that you're carrying my child would have some kind of positive effect on me then your a fucking deranged pregnant woman!" Mr Lin blurted out.

"This child! I knew it! How can you say such about an unborn child?" Flora said angered.

"When I die, that child is going to carry my name and my legacy, that's why I want it born. I don't care about anything else."

Flora was disgusted by Mr Lin, she couldn't understand how a man could be that cruel. He finished eating then he went over to Flora, who just started eating,

"Bend over," He ordered.

"I don't understand," Flora said confusedly.

He dragged her close and forcefully bent her over. Her head was on the dining table while Mr Lin held both her hands as he rose the gown she was wearing up and tore her underwear. Flora screamed while he did this, she was in pain. The maids heard her cry but they couldn't do anything. They feared for their jobs,

"Stop screaming!" Mr Lin yelled.

"Please, please don't do this," Flora begged as she cried.

But Mr Lin was keen on fvcking her. He pulled his trousers and penetrated into her. She screamed as he thrust in and out repeatedly. The maids could hear Flora's screams loud and clear,

"She's a pregnant lady," Beatrice said to Linda sorrowfully. She could feel Flora's pain.

When Mr Lin was done, he told Flora to suck his penis,

"Please, I beg you. I'm begging you. It's enough!" She cried out.

Mr Lin wasn't having it, he grabbed her and shoved his penis into her mouth. She couldn't breathe or talk with his penis inside her mouth. He made her suck it like a lollipop until he cummed. He was groaning like a mad man, when he was satisfied, he pushed Flora away from him,

"I have to clean myself up!" He said. He could barely walk while he went to his bathroom to get cleaned up.

Flora sat on the floor crying, she said as she cried,

"I can't do this anymore, I just can't."


Mr Weeks was at his office when he heard a knock,

"Come in!" He said as the person opened the door.

"Maya, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Deryn." Mr Weeks said astonished.

"He left, he just wanted to check up on me. I came to give you your lunch bag. You left it with me. I'm sure it's already cold." Maya said.

"Thank you. You can leave it on the table next to you."

"Okay," Maya said as she dropped it.

"Anything else?" Mr Weeks said.

"Did you really mean what you said back there?" Maya asked Mr Weeks.

"I said a lot of things, Maya." Mr Weeks said trying to work and at the same time give his attention to Maya.

"When you said you were a fuvking cunt for calling and thinking that I was whore."

Mr Weeks stood off from his chair and went close to Maya,

"I meant it. And I will never call you that again because that is the exact opposite of who you are." Mr Weeks said. He went very close to her this time. Maya thought he wanted to give her a kiss until he turned for her cheeks,

"Now, would you please get back to work?" Mr Weeks said calmly and gently.

Maya did not want to go but she forced herself to. After she left another woman came in,

"Mr Weeks that woman cannot be our new secretary." She blurted out aggressively.

"Samaya please not now." Mr Weeks said.

"So you fired Sara for her! A local singer. What does she even know about business!"

"Samaya, you are overreacting. What the fuvk is wrong with you!" Mr Weeks said at the top of his voice.

"I'm not Marty or any other of your employees, so don't talk to me in that tone," Samaya demanded.

"Samaya what's done is done. So please leave."

"She's your current flang isn't she?" Samaya asked confidently.

Mr Weeks remained quiet,

"You fucked her right. She's your favourite petal isn't she?!"

Mr Weeks remained silent still. Samaya went closer to him and said,

"Look at me! You screwed her didn't you?!"

"She's my son's girlfriend! She's my son's girlfriend." Mr Weeks said out of anger.

Samaya was stunned, she couldn't believe her ears,

"Son's girlfriend? I don't understand."

"They're the ones doing the fuvking and the screwing, not me." Mr Weeks said.

"I've seen the way you look at her. And how eager you are around her. She's more than just your son's girlfriend to you."

Maya stayed behind listening to their conversation, the door wasn't locked properly.

"You're right. She's more than just my son's girlfriend to me."

"Mr Wayne Weeks, get yourself together. Keeping that girl here is a huge distraction and a great loss." Samaya said.

"It's the only way I get to see her 24/7. You can't blame me. Now please get the fuvk out of my face. Or you would end up like Sara." Mr Weeks threatened Samaya.

Maya knew Samaya was coming so she hurriedly left for her new position, while Samaya left Mr Weeks office in anger.