An Unexpected Guest

It wasn't a far drive from Arianna's home to Mr. Miller's apartment but it felt like it was, considering the fact that he lived in the same building with Kyle, She somewhat knew the way by heart. She stood at the front of the door with her hand in a fist ready to knock. She moved her hand to the door but couldn't hit it to produce the sound she needed. This was the first time she had ever needed to go to her boss's house, even with the previous bosses she never had this kind of situation, then again she had never climbed into the car of any of her former employers but that wasn't the point. The main thing was that she had forgotten her purse in his car, a purse containing the key to her house. Why the heck did she not attach it to her car key. Now she needed to knock on the door in front of her and have an awkward conversation about how she had forgotten her purse in his car. Bracing herself, Arianna let the knuckles on her right hand finally make contact with the door she was sure belonged to her boss; earlier she had asked Kyle.

It took four reluctant knocks, lots of forehead sweat, trembling hands, and a pair of weak knees but it was worth it, as Arianna prepared to knock the fifth time, the door was quickly opened. Her hand stopped midway and her breathing was stopped for a split moment at the sight of her boss. She swallowed hard as her eyes traveled from his well-chiseled chest which was sporting the most attractive six-packs she had ever seen, down to the towel that was loosely tied on his waist, she could see the line where his stomach ended and man was it a sight for sore eyes but something else on his stomach stood out, there was a scar, it looked like a knife wound. She ignored all the curiosity the scar brought up. Hot blood rushed to her cheeks as she found her eyes wandering to his wet fallen hair that was dripping water unto his chest. Oh dear was she just drooling over her boss, she dropped her hand that was still in the air and focused her eyes on the one place she was supposed to look at, his face but it didn't help, his right eyebrow was arched up in an inquisitive manner and his green eyes showed a hint of confusion but Arianna was too smitten to care. Her heart hammered hard against her ribs. How could a man be this beautiful?

"What are you doing here?" He asked in his usual cold tone, Arianna had never been more glad to hear him speak coldly as it was the best way to get her head out of the clouds and into the reality where she needed her bag. She tried to steady her nerves and form a voice.

"I called but you didn't answer your phone"

his confused expression quickly turned to an annoyed frown

"I was busy. Why are you here? I'm sure it's obvious that I was in the middle of something"

she trembled a bit from the increase of coldness in his tone

"I forgot my purse in your car, it must have fallen out of my bag"

He let out an annoyed sigh

"Couldn't you have just waited to get it back tomorrow"

She shook her head

"There's something in it that's very important so please can I get it?"

"Okay but I have to put on some clothes first"

"Please do" she whispered

he gave her a look as he asked

"What was that?"

"Nothing" she quickly replied

"Come in and have a seat while you wait"

"Thank you " He turned and gave her a chance to admire his backside as he walked into the house, she mentally slapped herself and followed him in. once they were in the living room he pointed at a couch, she took the hint and sat on it. He walked into a room and shut the door behind him.

Running a towel through his hair, he picked up his phone and went through his notifications. There was a message from his mother saying she was on her way to his house to meet the girlfriend he had told them about. What the? He didn't have a girlfriend, he only lied about having one to end his mother's constant bickering. Now he needed to find a way to solve his lie, he would just tell her that his so-called girlfriend traveled out. There was one problem though, sitting in his living room was Arianna, he had to get her out or else his mother would never believe that he just let a girl into his house let alone a girl that was just his employee but was she just his employee? a smile crept it's way to his lips at the memory of them being together that afternoon but as quickly as the smile came it vanished. He couldn't have a girl make him smile. No, not again, never again. He raised the side of his shirt and stood in front of the mirror. The scar that lay bare on his skin was a constant reminder that love was not for him.


Shocked, surprised, and dumbfounded were words that Arianna could use to describe the way she felt as she saw Mr. Miller dressed casually in a white polo shirt and black shorts. There is a reason you're only supposed to see your boss at work. Forget about her making him fall for her she was already halfway in love with him. He looked good in everything, a suit, casual wear, and even in a towel. She chuckled at her thoughts and earned a weird look from him.

"Miss West did you hear what I just said?"

she quickly snapped out of her thoughts

"You said something?"

He let out a frustrated sigh, He was not annoyed at her, it was normal for the female species to get distracted by his presence but he needed to get her out of the house before his mother arrived.

"You came here for your purse, right? Let's go get it" he swung the car key on his finger and went straight to the door almost as if he was in a hurry. Arianna got up from the comfortable couch and walked behind him to the door.

He opened the door and was ready to walk out but was stopped as a pair of chubby hands wrapped themselves around him and pulled him into a hug. As soon as the hands touched him, he knew who it was and he knew he was too late. His mother was here. His mother released him from the hug and held him away from her to examine him intently. She shook her head in disappointment.

"Nathan honey you are so thin now, thank GOD I packed some food for you"

"Mum, how are you? You haven't even sat down yet and you're already complaining about my appearance" 

"Well then let's have a seat" She dropped her bags on the floor for her son to carry and proceeded to make her way into the house. It was then that she noticed Arianna's presence. A huge smile beamed onto her face, she couldn't believe her eyes, Was she really seeing a lady in Nathan's house? The same Nathan she knew? She had to hold Arianna's hand for her to be certain she was real.

"Oh my. Who  is this pretty lady?"

Arianna was still a little shocked at the scene in front of her but from the way his mom held her hand, she could feel something was not right, she looked at her boss for help.

"This is Ariana" he replied to his mother as he carried her luggage further into the living room. Mrs. Miller gently led Arianna back to the couch she had just stood up from, Mrs. Miller made her seat with her and smiled at her, she was uncomfortable but managed to smile back.

"So how long have you been together?" Mrs. Miller asked out of nowhere.

Arianna's eyes went wide as she replayed the questions in her mind.

"What?" she unintentionally asked out loud

His mother looked puzzled for a moment, she turned to Nathan who was arranging the loads of food she brought into the fridge.

"She is your girlfriend, right?

He stopped what he was doing and gently closed the fridge, he looked straight at his mother, all the while ignoring the look he was getting from Arianna. He had no choice, his mother was already here, if not now he was still going to have to find someone to play the role of his girlfriend so why not her, after all, Arianna had the look of the type of girl his mother prayed for.

"Yes we are, it's been a few weeks though the relationship is still new"

"What? No ma'am I assure you, we aren't"

"She's just shy," Nathan said with a smile on his face

His mother looked between them and smiled

"Oh that's so cute"   

Nathan finished arranging the things and walked over to his mother

"And she was about to leave, she has a busy day tomorrow" Nathan said and gestured to Ariana to get up

"Arianna why don't you spend the night, I'd love to get to know you" She begged as she held onto Arianna's hand tightly

"Maybe another time, I have some things to do at home. It was nice to meet you" Arianna kindly greeted and gave the elderly woman a hug

"The pleasures all mine"


How are you all doing I hope all is well. I also hope you are enjoying the book. Please leave the book a review and comment your opinions, thoughts, and questions concerning the book. I'll be waiting to receive your comments.