Bonding Time Is Loosing Time

Arianna's P.O.V

Like a pack of tired wolves, we all lie on the grass and breath heavily. All five of us feel very exhausted but Mr. Miller doesn't look tired at all, he stands in front of us with his back facing us and does some arm stretches. 

"How is he not tired?" Nora asks me

I turn to her and then back to him

"I have no idea, Nora"

Susan moves closer to us

"He is like a whole other type of being, he's super and oh my look at his behind, no man I know has.." 

"Don't you dare finish that sentence he's our boss" I say interrupting her speech and warning her? 

She starts laughing and pretty soon Nora and I are also laughing.

Susan's comment makes me take a look at his derriere, it's… what's the word... Magnifique. He turns around and I quickly avert my gaze to the grass, I touch the grass and focus on it. wow, such pretty grass.