As soon as he started the engine of his car, his phone began to ring.

He stared at the caller ID. It was his father. His father had impeccable timing. He never called for months and then the first time he called was when he was in the hotel room with Arianna. They had spent the night arguing over the phone. His father was simply hell-bent on making his life miserable. He had no idea why.

"Hello Nathan" his father said. His voice was unreasonable calm

"Hey" Nathan replied

"I know things haven't been okay between us" the father started to say 

What was this? Was his father about apologize? Were pigs flying? This was weird.

"Wait before you continue. There's something I need to know. Are you about to die? Do you have an incurable disease?" Nathan asked cutting his father short. To him the only reason his dad would be apologising was because he was about to die 

"No no I'm perfectly healthy. Is that how much you hate your old man?"