Xavier got up and stared as she walked away. What was he supposed to do? How could he help her? What could he say?

He didn't have the answer to any of it but he knew that he wasn't to leave her alone. 

He took to his heels and ran after her.

"Jessie" he called out as he approached her, she surprisingly walked really fast. 

She heard him call her name but she wasn't going to stop, look back or answer. Her eyes were filled with tears, she tried to hold it in but she couldn't. She never thought she could be this hurt by a guy but here she was terribly hurt that she couldn't even stop crying.

"I'm such a fool she muttered and hit her forehead. 

"Jessie" Xavier called out again, he was catching up with her

She Closed her eyes and increased her walking pace. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone? She asked herself as she cleaned the tears but theybwete still pouring.