AUTHOR'S p.o.v.


This was all new territory for him, whenever he liked someone nothing held him back. He wasn't a shy guy. His confident aura could be felt from miles away. But it was different with Jessie, he didn't plan to fall for her and now that he had, he had no idea on what he was to do.

This was a first for him. No girl had made him care so much in such little time. He had never wanted to just be around someone so much and do nothing but talk.

Her green eyes constantly appeared whenever he closed his eyes. Damn, he was a goner. Where was all his confidence? Why couldn't he match up to her house and tell her how he felt? Why couldn't he seize the moment and join their lips together whenever he got the chance? 

In his defense, every time he tried in the past, Jessie always avoided it.