Jessie understood exactly how he felt. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and squeezed it gently in a comforting way

"Sometimes the people we trust end up hurting us. It happened to me but I got over it. You will too. I'm really sorry. I didn't know you were going through all of this at school"

"It's okay"

"Do you want to change schools? Maybe go somewhere that they wouldn't bully you and instead appreciate you"

"I don't want to run away" 

"You're a little kid, it's okay for you to run away. You can start afresh. Maybe a performing arts school"

"That does sound nice. There's one my agent has been talking to me about but mum and dad keep saying no"

"We'll talk to mum and dad about it the moment they get back. Now you have to shower then come down to have something to eat"

"Thanks Jessie I love you"

"I love you too Jake"
