Chapter 5

Shiva and Morgan walked into the house; as soon as they stepped in through the door way. Morgan turned on the radio to block tay super hearing. Shiva seen morgan seem a little nervous, she built up the courage an asked how bad is it and what did you see. When I transformed I hide my aura through the whole patrol morgan said; What made me nervous is I saw another pack two were in wolf form the only one in human form radiated alpha energy but not all the way. What do you mean not all the way shiva asked confused, not only that I notice the guy he looks like Tyson hall. What d*mn it, we have a non aggression pact why would they try to get in here shiva asked angrily. Morgan said I don't think it was them they wasn't close to the barrier. They were hunting morgan said, what's I have a problem with is, if him and Tay was to fight right now Tay Would be killed in an instant. shiva was unsure how to answer that remark, well me and Tyson fought two years before the king and queen died. Tyson believed that woman shouldn't lead the pack and with me being alpha of the Luna pack wolves. I had an issue with it at the annual meeting which is coming up in November when it's a full moon so I will be away Morgan said. so we will need other guards here that is not wolves. Shiva said sarcastically it must be blood moon next month. How do you know Morgan said with a shocked face; we been partners for years and i flew high in the sky last year to see what actually happens. I know I smelled your scent last year shiva but anyway so you know it's actually mating season and fighting season. Shiva nodded if you see Tyson and his sons this year beat the hell out of them and make them bow to you we need their strength. For now let's see how tay is progressing. Little do they know Tay already finish mastering mind compulsion on animals when they went in the house. Tay was trying to hear the conversation till Morgan cut on the radio. Looking at the time it's already 9:30pm this to easy let's see. Let's try Ignis again tay was thinking in his head before morgan voice popped in his head saying no you don't lord tay this Barrier is not fire proof where did you learn that spell. Morgan what else happened? sorry tay outside trying a spell.wait what we will get to that later what else happened? Morgan was about to start talking again before tay used telepathy on Morgan Head. I learned this too but it's harder than these other spells. Morgan kicked tay out of her head before explaining everything else to shiva. Let's see if I can get some information out of them two. Tay walked in the house he looked at shiva than breathed and said the command tell me what you were talking we're talking about with morgan. Shiva and Morgan both jumped because they didn't hear tay walked in. What was even more surprising to shiva is he tried mind compulsion on her. Shiva started laughing hysterically you maybe a pureblood Master Tay but I have 300 hundred decades over you. I won't succumb to you so easily even if you are my lord. Morgan finally came back to her senses how are you going to try that on her and you haven't conquered the squirrel. Tay with a huge cocky grin said oh really; come tay said the squirrel came running seconds later. Once again leaving the duo dumbfounded. Sometimes I forget your a pureblood lord tay let's try a bigger animal and than we can move on to getting you a familiar. If I didn't know better I would think you two are pulling my leg with the familiar. As soon as those words came out both shiva and Morgan snapped their fingers and two creatures appeared one was a baby dragon the other was a demon in human form. Tay was looking dumbfounded. Where the hell did they come from that was cool I want one and what can these guys do? Morgan started this is my dragon familiar I call him thunder exactly the reason you thinking of so don't ask. Tay laughed Shiva looked at her demon and only said one command speak. Hello young lord my name is Richard. Tay was left speechless because he didn't know whether to be impressed or to pity the demon. As Tay thought in his head I feel bad for him Richard said to him it's not all bad she actually treats me well behind closed doors. This startled tay; you have telepathy too yes, Richard replied it's common ability. Okay so shiva and Morgan send them away I don't like people reading my mind. Technically we are familiar not people as Richard said that they snapped their fingers making them disappear. How many familiars can one have before Morgan could explain shiva interjected that numbers are not fact so far deities can have 32 but that's what we thought till we met your mother and father they both had hundreds so we not sure and Morgan don't feed him the old lies on familiars tell tay everything he needs to catch his familiar or familiars and the consequences of if he fail to conquer the familiar of his choice. Morgan with an annoyed face shook her head and said if shiva didn't cut me off those thing she said so far is true. They did have hundreds but the highest living vampire can only have 32 so idk how your father and mother collected so man but on to the next. Since you can't use any powers yet that's why shiva is having you practice mind compulsion, if you can truly master this by tomorrow night we are going get you a familiar the first one should be an attack and defense familiar. You use mind compulsion and mark the one you want with your family crest. Go get your fathers old ring out the attic with the crest mark on it. Okay it's getting late let's get some rest we have a pep rally to have fun at in the morning shiva said oh I forgot about the calls so tomorrow pep rally will be like 30 minutes to an hour delayed. Goodnight you too.

The next day we all got up early. Tay went outside to practice kick boxing,mind compulsion, and the two spells he read last night. Hmm I have to try this gravity spell hmm let's try deflate. Tay cleared his throat and said gravitas deflate. Tay looked around to see if anything is happening. Nothing is happening. Let's try this again Gravitas deflate he yelled but nothing happened. Should have read that spell more I only skimmed it. shiva went out and place traps outside the barrier while patrolling. Morgan on the other hand was already done with cleaning the ring, Done with the dishes, and breakfast was cook. Morgan was sitting at the table drinking coffee when Tay came in; go shower than we can eat. shiva came in as tay went upstairs to shower when she noticed and also went to her bathroom to shower. Tay and shiva both came down after 20 mins they ate breakfast and left for the school. After the car was parked shiva got out first and went straight to her office and locked the door. Shiva snapped and said I need all 10 of you here now! Richard and 9 other familiars appeared, all speaking in unison HOW CAN WE HELP YOU MA'AM! I need you all to get me 5 of my common vampire Subordinates, 3 shape shifters from my clan, and 4 dragons who can transform. I want them here by tonight and tell them they will be staying with us for awhile so they will have to know how to hide their aura and know how to act human. In unison YES MY LADY! They all disappeared at once; Let's get this call out of the way. Shiva clicked on her phone app and dialed Arnold Johnson. "Ring,Ring,Ring,Ring" hello who the hell is this calling me this f**cking early Arnold Growled. Shiva with a furious voice said the person you came looking for In front of humans I know this place don't have an underworld king yet but don't come causing trouble. Oh I know who this is and you dare talk to me like that you and your group don't have a real king and you dare talk to me in this way. If you apologize meaningfully before me I will not hold any grudges. Did you come looking for me to talk bullshit or did you want something shiva roared through the phone. Calm down shiva I was only kidding Arnold fearfully laughed, Anyway down to business I have business proposition for you. I need guards it's some new clan of magical creatures in Memphis I need a clean up crew Arnold said. Well why you didn't you contact Tyson shiva asked? Why would a pureblood like myself get involved with them stinky dogs Arnold yelled! Not only that I need the best of the best warriors. My prices are high shiva said confidently, money is not the issue Arnold replied. Shiva asked impatiently what do you need and I'll tell you the price for them. How much to get you on the field as my bodyguard for a year or till you kill this new clan leader Arnold said. To bad I'm not in the field I have my own job, now get serious before I hang up, fine fine let me get 10 dragons, 10 shift shaper, 10 Vampires, and 50 hybrids Arnold said grumpily. Why does it look like you need an army shiva asked deviously. I won't hide nothing from you I will admit this new clan is formidable and they are burning through my numbers. Well this will cost you 100 thousand for the all of them and 500 thousand for them to kill the new vampire clan. For both options it's 50 million for a year after killing him or her. I'll pay the 50 million okay, emailing my PayPal now send the money here shiva said. Once I have the money I will teleport them over, Shiva hung up the phone. 5 mins later shiva notification on her phone went off. Shiva snapped and Richard appeared again yes madam Richard said while kneeling Teleport these men to Arnold Johnson villa. A second later everything Arnold asked for appeared in his front yard of his villa. Richard go to Arnold mansion and tell them their mission. Richard nodded obediently before disappearing.