Chapter 10

It's Friday 8 o clock in the morning, Tay finally awoke up to his alarm. Damn I over slept, tay made his way to the bathroom. On his way there he noticed shiva and Morgan doors are still closed. I guess we all were tired after that expedition. Tay showered and returned back his room. Let's see how he's doing Lucifer, Tay waited on him to appear. I wonder is there some way to I have to do it. Let's try snapping, tay snapped twice still nothing. Ant I hear you; you may be my master now but I'm not giving in all the way it was a flute you beat me Lucifer said showing his self. Why are you calling me you have two other servants beside me anyway. What are you talking about Lucifer I only fought you and I was to wore out to go look for others. Not only that you were my first choice. I'm flattered to be your first choice, but your pathetic how come you can't since them Lucifer said. Enough with the ant thing Lucifer I'm your master just call me tay, I don't like the noble stuff so I'm not asking you to add lord. Yeah right ant anyway this house of you guys is nice view, I'm going to rest now ant so don't bother me anymore. Tay grabbed his text book and throw it at Lucifer. Lucifer disappeared before the book could hit him nice try ant Lucifer said laughing. What two servants tay yelled at the top of his lungs. Tay yell woke shiva and Morgan. They both rushed to his room, what's going on lord tay are you okay as they rushed in the room. Yes I'm fine sorry I woke you tried calling Lucifer, by the way he is a dick and don't like to listen. Shiva sighed a sign of relief, well lord tay it is your first day with him give it time. Yeah morgan added not only that you two were outstanding last night tay. Lucifer will come around he just salty after losing. Well look at you tay you getting stronger shiva said. Oh yeah shiva you missed it tay did a spell that I didn't even know I had it was amazing morgan said. Anyway shiva go head get dressed and can you go get tay suit for the dance tonight I'll let them know you will be late and take the car we will take the portal. Sure, shiva left out first. Morgan closed the door before getting down to business. Lord tay call them, call who Morgan tay asked. Well let me rephrase how much do you remember last night. Hmm I remember where I beat Lucifer ass tay said extra loud for Lucifer to hear. Morgan laughed but okay what else do you remember, well I did land from the lake and made it to you that's it. Okay so you don't know that's why you can't sense them. Sense who Morgan what are you talking about you sound like Lucifer. What do you mean tay what did he say? Well he asked me why I am calling him and I have other servants to call, so I assume he mean you and Morgan. No you do have two other familiars beside Lucifer Morgan said. Last night after you fainted you fell into my army holding two eggs one all white with a clocks all over it and the other so pitch black like space. Look they burned my hand it's taking longer to heal than any other damage I have took. Morgan hand had second degree burns, I will be fine it will heal in an hour I used most of my magic with the barrier,transforming, calling lighting and open the portal I didn't get enough sleep so I will be fine morgan said. So I have two eggs huh tay said I wonder what's in there and where are the eggs anyway. Tay looked around confusedly, I don't know when I had Rin put you in your bed you still had the eggs. Since they have defensive measures to make sure no one can touch them they should still be there. I see huge amounts of magic aura on the bed like a footprint but magic aura instead. If you knew their names you could call to them. They will appear again maybe but anyway the game starts 3pm the school going to be packed go get ready I'll start breakfast morgan said leaving tay room. When did I mark two eggs when did I even get a hold of two eggs. I can't worry about that right now I got a game to win and a beautiful girl to get too. Tay got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast by the time he got done morgan was dressed and ready to go. Tay let's go, Morgan said arbor mundi portal open. Tay watched as Morgan open a portal it was different from when they last night when it was actually on a tree this time. The outter trim of the portal was gold instead of silver but the inside was still black but there was no door either. We walked through the portal arriving in Morgan's office. This handy you know you will have to teach me this soon morgan. Yeah,no you can't control your magic so tomorrow before you can go on patrol you doing endurance trying and breathing exercises. Now go to class,shiva will have your suit after the game. Tay headed to class on the way there he saw Titus. Titus yo, Titus turn and saw tay and waved. When tay got close Titus was holding his arm with bandage on his face covered in scratches. Yo man are you good your pale. Did you always have green eyes, dude I'm taking you to nurse morgan. Naw tay I'm cool man i just need to sleep I'll be okay. You can do that in her office. Bro I'm said I'm cool get your cold ass hands off me man go get ready for the game tay okay I'm cool. Dang bro I'm trying to help you but cool I'll see you later Titus. Tay headed upstairs to the second floor where class b-1 is and sat at his desk. The only time it's this quiet is when no one is around. Hey Lucifer Ik you can hear me. What do you want ant Lucifer said appearing on a desk next to tay. Tell me about the two eggs and I will rewarded you with anything you want. Yeah I'm okay ant but I will give you free information your friend watch him he's transforming to something but it's causing him pain he will be a wolf and since it seems like he wasn't born that way it's going to be painful. Wait what, what do you mean transforming. Lucifer disappeared better hurry if the vampire council found out that he's rogue they will kill him also he been this way for four days now todays the day. lucifer said with his voice fading away. Tay got up and ran to the door on his way out he bumps into Xavier. Okay what you doing basketball star. Nothing tay said was waiting on class to start. Hey Xavier have you seen titus. No just got here came straight in here but have a great game make sure we win. Yeah got you rushing pass Xavier. Tay ran down the stair to Morgan offices. Tay pulled on Morgan's doors, damn it must be locked where she go? Damn it and shiva not here either. Lucifer help me now, he didn't answer this time. You good for nothing familiar, let's see I can try telepathy but i don't know how to do it. Shit, I left my phone at home too I must to forgot to get it off the dresser. Tay leaned against the door and thought shiva. Thank you for tailoring the suit jack tip on me you did great. No need ma'am tell Tay to beat pattonville high and we good. See you later jack we have this no doubt shiva said heading out the door. As she made her way she heard tay call her name. What's wrong tay where are you. What that worked shiva can you really hear me. Yeah I can why are you looking for me I'm on the way. Okay never mind that call Morgan tell her to find Titus Lucifer told me he is in pain and about to transform he been hurt for four days. If he is caught by the vampire council they will kill him. Slow down tay why would they kill him because he was scratched by some type of not fully pureblood werewolf. Okay where is your phone why you didn't call her tay. I would if I had my phone I forgot my phone at the house. Well I get in contact with her, school should be starting go to class. if you see him act normal and contact us we will handle him I'm on the way shiva while getting into the car. Shiva clicked on contacts and scrolled down to Morgan name and clicked call before reversing out of the parking space. The phone ranged three times before morgan answered hello shiva what's going on? Shiva filled morgan on everything tay said. Okay I went to the rest room I'll start looking now. Meanwhile shiva made it to the school and morgan search majority of the build and no Titus. Shiva made her way to morgan hey have you seen him yet no I literally checked everything and still nothing. Well let's call in help zaro and Rin won't be here till 3pm when the game is starting morgan said why are they coming here morgan sorry with everything going on I forgot to fill you in on everything later, let's find titus morgan said. 3pm came around the gym is full to the brink, tay round the team up coach Jones said. Yes sir, tay went in the locker room. What y'all in here looking down for don't tell me y'all nervous. They all laughed, but seriously fellas don't worry so much we got this just do your job and have fun put all your faith in me and I won't let you down but all I need y'all to do is survive the first two quarters and I got the rest. Now let me ask y'all are you ready, yeah they yelled, no I don't think y'all ready. So I'm going to ask again and this time say it with your chest are you boys ready. Yeah they yelled, good let's go kick some butt coach waiting on us in the Hall he better prepare for that bucket of ice. Everyone went to the hallway waiting silently on to be called to the court. Titus walks in from the street entrance. Titus where have you been coach Jones said I been looking for you for days we have a game with pattonville high. What's going you look beat up and tattered go to the locker room yes coach Titus weakly said. Shiva hey shiva, yes tay I Titus just came through the door literally coach sent him into the locker room here and take him home and have morgan look at him to see if we can help him. Okay on the way, morgan tay found Titus he in the locker room he wants us to take him to our house and you check him to see what's wrong with him. The announcer just finish calling pattonville high school, without farther due let me introduce Madison prep high school basketball team. As the announcer called everyone take went to the locker room to check on Titus. Hey bro are you good seriously. Yes Titus said struggling to lean up, hey tay can I ask you something yeah anything bro. What are you really Titus asked. Huh what do you mean, I must be hearing things I could of sworn you just asked me what am I. Yes I did tay I know the truth I saw you and principle shiva fighting she had wings I saw her kill you. Yeah bro you must of hit your head but idk what your talking about. I'm not crazy tay I know what the hell I saw stop lying to me titus roared at tay. Titus calm down buddy you scaring me tay said backing towards the door. You will have tell me the truth even if I have to expose you. Tay ran out the door toward the court and the last player on the team the all star Madison prep very on team captain Tay. Everyone give him a round of applause, tay ran and wave heading to his seat. The announcer continued and last but least the coach of the year two time state champion of the year coach Jones. Coach jones, he ran out waving to the school before heading to the team on the bench. Fellas huddle up as you all know me and tay made a bet he will be the come back in the second half johnny you taking tay place in the first half so what we did in practice and we should stay in front. Let's go, the starting five went to the court while the rest to the bench. After that the whistle blow the game started. Tay we here shiva said, okay he is still there he saying he saw you murder me so be careful. He knows things, okay we got it focus on the game. Shiva and morgan got to the door and push. Ant he is transforming now I'm warning you because he could kill everyone here that's the only reason helping you.