Chapter 3: Hudson

Thea's POV

We continue walking in complete silence, and I contemplate my life choices. I should have never left the cabin this close to dark, I got way too confident, and now I have landed myself in a really dangerous situation. No one knows where I am, and I am following a complete stranger to his sister's house.

In the distance, a black roof and chimney come into view, and with it more signs of life. There are clear and obvious paths now leading to the structure. As we continue forward, a quaint white farmhouse takes shape, with one of those wrap-around porches.

Sitting on the porch swing, a little girl jumps off while it is in mid-air. This leaves a young boy, bawling, still left on the swing. The little girl runs up to Hudson and wraps her tiny arms around his legs.

"Uncle Hudson, mom says that dinner is almost ready and to hurry your butt up and get inside."

"I'm coming right now. Why don't you hurry your butt up inside to tell your mom we have company while I go save your brother you trapped on the swing."

The little girl looks up at me and smiles with a hint of mischief, and takes off running towards the house. For the first time since I met Hudson, I feel like I can take a complete breath. Maybe I wasn't about to be murdered.

"They are cute. Are they your niece and nephew?"

"Yes, they are. The little girl is Annie, and this is Thatcher." Hudson says as he stops the swing to let his nephew off. "But don't let them fool you into thinking they are cute; they are both trouble."

Hudson tussles the young boy's dark brown hair, which almost gets a smile to come through the tears.

"Oh, don't worry. I have two younger brothers that taught me to stay on my toes."

We follow the little boy into the farmhouse to a surprisingly open floorplan. A giant kitchen takes up most of the space with a massive dining table that could probably seat twelve. A wave of heat hits me that makes me notice the large stone fireplace with a roaring fire at the opposite end of the home. There are several well-worn but clean couches surrounding the fireplace.

"Hudson, it is not like you to bring someone home for dinner. It is good to see you are finally making some presentable friends." teases a pretty woman with auburn hair that matches Hudson.

"Emma, this is Thea. She got a bit turned around while she was out walking. Thea, This is my sister Emma."

"I am so glad he brought you here. You would have frozen if you stayed out there much longer. Winter seems to be hitting fast this year. Where are you from, Thea? I don't think I have seen you around before."

"I am staying at my family's cabin that isn't too far from here, but I am only staying for a few days before going back to school in Texas."

"Well, we will get it all worked out. Why don't you have a seat at the table? I am sure you are starving after all you have been through."

At Emma's words, the teasing glint in her eyes had shifted into worry. She was quick to hide it as she busied herself, filling the center of the table with steaming dishes. Emma was right; I was starving after walking so far. The roast and potatoes nearly had me drooling.

"Thank you so for your kindness. I honestly don't know what I would have done if Hudson had not found me. I just got so turned around, which I don't understand because I grew up playing around my family's cabin." as I said this, I realized that my family must be so worried about why I had not come back yet. "Oh, do you have a phone that I could use to call my mom, I don't have any service all the way up here, but there is a landline installed at the cabin."

Hudson and Emma quickly looked at each other before Emma responded. "Sorry but, we don't have a landline."

"Oh wow. You guys must really be out here a way, then. I really did walk a lot farther than I thought."

"I am so sorry, Thea. Please don't worry, though. We will get it all sorted out in the morning, even if we all have to hike back together."

This news took me by surprise. I figured I would be able to get home tonight, but it didn't seem like that was an option. I didn't see a car on the property as we walked in, so maybe there were no roads that had access all the way out here either. My only option was to wait until morning.

Emma showed me to a simple but well-decorated spare room. Tank slept peacefully in front of the fireplace, where he had refused to move from since the moment he walked in the door.

"Please let me know if you need anything at all," Emma said as she walked out of the room.

"I do not know how to thank you enough. Everything is perfect. "

Emma smiles at me as she closes the door behind her. I try to get settled in, but my mind is racing over what my family must be going through. A squeaky floorboard catches my attention, so I make my way to the door and crack it open.

"Hudson, I feel sorry for the girl. I really do, but you know this could get the whole family into trouble."

"It is not her fault that she passed into the territory. It is no wonder she got so lost after crossing over."

"I know it is not her fault that this happened. But you know that we have to tell the Alpha…."