Chapter 6: The Treaty

Thea's POV

I continue to stare into the wolf's eyes as the realization that Hudson has been entirely truthful hits me.

“Hudson?” I stupidly ask.

The wolf lowers its head slightly as if it nodding in agreement with my statement. I can't help but stare. The wolf is larger than those I've seen in zoos, and its entire body is muscular. I should be terrified; I am only a few feet from something that could easily kill me. However, with the familiar color of the wolf, honey-like auburn, I can't help but feel safe.

"Hudson. It really is you."

Again the wolf nods at me. Hudson nods at me.

In an instant, Hudson takes off into a thicket of nearby trees. I wait for what feels like an eternity before I see him emerge from the trees buttoning the last few buttons of his flannel shirt. Then, catching a glimpse of his tanned and trimmed chest, I feel the heat return to my cheeks. I quickly glance at the ground before Hudson notices my embarrassment.

"Do you believe me now? Because if not, I'm not sure how else to convince you." Hudson said as he threw a glowing 'I-told-you-so' smile my way.

"Yes, I believe. This all feels crazy, but I do believe you."

My mind is reeling. Hudson must be able to tell, and he kindly gives me as long as I need for my new reality to sink in.

"Okay, let me get this straight, so you're a…shifter."

"Yes. I thought we covered that already."

"And you're not the only one. You said Emma and the kids are too."

"Actually, there's a whole pack of us. At least five hundred."

I answer this with more silence. How the hell am I going to survive out here?

"Five hundred of you," the words nearly catch in my throat. "And you said you can't get me back across the force field thing?" I ask again with a note of desperation in my voice.

Hudson's face visibly softens at my question. "No, I wish I could, Thea. But I'm not sure how you were even able to cross at all."

"You said something earlier about crossing at the full moon."

"Yes, that thing you ran into we call the barrier. I know this is all really confusing. Why don't we walk back to the house and I will explain everything as we go. It's going to be light soon, and you can't be seen until we figure out how to get you home.

I nod and start walking next to Hudson. I turn my head quickly to look back at the invisible barrier, at the magic keeping me from going home. Despite the pain of wanting to go home, keep walking next to a werewolf.

"I'm not really sure where to start. There is a lot of history behind the barrier. Basically, five hundred years ago, there was no barrier separating our two worlds. But then humans wised up to what we were. Some of us think our ancestors got lazy, and others blame humans for pushing further into our lands. It was probably a little bit of both."

"Okay, so humans discovered your kind, but how does that lead to the wall? And why does the human world now believe your kind is only real in fairytales?"

"Well, things got gruesome pretty fast. Humans were scared of us because they didn't understand us. They started slaughtering us. They'd send out hunting parties to search for us. Naturally, the shifters fought back. Unfortunately, that only fueled the human fear of us, making things worse. So Alpha Berric signed a treaty with the leaders of the human town that settled near us."

I nod to acknowledge that I still follow what he is saying, but I let him continue.

"This treaty pushed our pack all the way out here where no humans would come in contact with us, and Alpha Berric constructed the barrier through magic to keep wandering humans out and us in. The barrier opens at midnight on full moons as a way for shifters to leave the pack, but no one has done that of their own choice. I didn't realize it was possible for humans to cross over in the same way. You were just in the right place at the right time; well, I guess to you, it probably feels more like the wrong time."

"So, will the barrier let me back out at the next full moon?" I ask.

"I am honestly not sure, but that is my hope at this point. I talked to Emma last night before you snuck out of the house, and we agreed that we would keep you hidden until the next full moon and sneak you back across the barrier. However, we don't know how the rest of the pack, especially our Alpha, will react to you being here. He is not exactly known for being understanding or rational, especially when it comes to his hatred of the human race."

Hudson gets a stony expression on his face as he talks about the Alpha. Clearly, the Alpha is not someone who I ever want to cross.

I realize that even though I am dealing with a lot by being stuck here, Hudson and Emma are risking even more to help me. So I stop and look directly at him as I say, "Thank you for trying to help me."

He stares into my eyes and nods softly.

I hear the front door open. We have walked a lot further than I realized. Emma comes running out of the house with barely controlled panic written all over her face.

"Hudson, she was seen…"