Chapter 9: Death

Thea's POV


I watch the Alpha's lips form the word, but I don't hear any sound come from his mouth. Instead, a low humming washes over all other sounds, and time seems to stand still.

I look around and see the faces of the pack members. It looks as though most are cheering or applauding the cruel decision of the Alpha. Though in much smaller numbers, others in the crowd are staring at me with hints of sympathy in their eyes, but they do nothing.

I count each breath as it leaves my body until I notice the crowd's attention shifts from me back to the Alpha, so I quickly turn my head.

His eyes are locked on me, clearly enjoying the fear his words have caused me. His nostrils flare, almost as if he can smell my fear, but then again, maybe he can. The humming in my ears slowly fades as the Alpha addresses me again.

"You will pay for your crimes, human." He pauses for what seems like a dramatic effect. Everyone present hangs on every word, including me. "You will hang until you are dead in the middle of the town square this very evening. Then our pack will be safe from you and your kind once again."

"No!" I scream, and a sob escapes me. But no one acknowledges me except for Hudson. He reaches over and briefly squeezes my hand in reassurance. His movement is so fast that no one could have seen it, but it gives me the strength to keep standing rather than collapse to my knees in tears.

The crowd resumes its cheers, clearly excited for the spectacle that will be my public execution. My stomach sours, and I am lucky my stomach is empty, or I would be wearing its contents on my shoes.

My mind spins, trying to find a way out of this situation, out of this nightmare. Finally, a single voice pierces the noise of the crowd's cheers.

"She will not be put to death, Garrison."

The Alpha's cruel smile fades to a frown, and his eyes shift from me and focus on Hudson standing next to me. He was the one to stick up for me.

"You know better than to address me in that way. Tread carefully, Hudson. Your family knows better than most what happens to those who oppose the Alpha. Now, tell me why you think this human can get away with breaking the treaty."

Hudson clears his throat and slowly starts his response.

"Alpha Garrison, you are correct that the treaty calls for the death of an outsider to break the curse." Hudson continues as he becomes the center of the crowd's attention.

"Of course, I am correct. I know the treaty better than anyone. I am the Alpha," Garrison responds as his eyebrows knit together in apparent anger.

"Then you'd agree with me that according to the treaty, any member of this pack has the right to cross the border whenever they please?"

"It is extremely dangerous to cross the border. Too many of our pack members have lost their lives because of the humans like her." The Alpha's eyes flick to me, and the crowd murmurs a quiet agreement.

"That is not what I asked. Is it or is it not the right of any member of our pack to cross the border?"

I am impressed by Hudson's assertive tone. The Alpha makes me want to run and hide, but he shows no fear of the man.

"It is a member of the pack's right to cross the border. However, in case you haven't noticed, this girl does not qualify. She is not a member of the pack," the alpha replies.

"Well, it's a simple solution, then, isn't it?" Hudson smiles as he says, "She just needs to become a member of the pack.

I stare blankly at Hudson, not understanding. The crowd expresses their anger at Hudson's words. The noise from the crowd drowns out the first word I am able to utter.

"How?" I say, hoping that Hudson will hear me. I stare at him, willing him to look over at me and help me to understand. Instead, he keeps his gaze locked on the Alpha. He does not hear me, or he decides not to answer me.

"How?" I repeat louder.

The noise from the crowd peaks at my questions. Hudson looks at me and subtly shakes his head. I understand his message not to speak. The pack does not want to hear from me. They think I am a threat. I shut my mouth and stare at my shoes, wishing I could make myself invisible.

The Alpha thrusts both hands into the air and is met with almost immediate silence.

"And how exactly do you plan to make her part of the pack, Hudson?" The smile returns to the Alpha's face. He clearly believes that he has bested Hudson.

"Simple…through marriage."