Chapter 13: The Cottage

Thea’s POV

Emma packs up a basket full of food and piles blankets and a fresh pillow into my arms.

"Are you sure you want to stay out in that drafty old shack?" Emma asks me.

"Hey, don't go calling it a shack. It's a charming little cottage." Hudson responds.

I laugh and smile at Emma. "Really, it will be great. Then I can get Tank out of your space." Tank responds with a small bark from his place by the fire.

"I promise I have had much stinkier mutts in my house than Tank," Emma says playfully as she bumps Hudson's shoulder.

"Alright, we're going to go get Thea settled before I have to take any more abuse."

Emma smiles and hands Hudson the basket she packed. I tell Tank to come, and he follows us out the door.

"She is really sweet," I say as Hudson leads the way down a dirt path that must lead to the cottage.

"Yeah, she is. She gets that from our mom. After what she has been through, it is amazing how positive she is." Hudson answers.