Chapter 17: Deliveries

Thea’s POV

In the morning, I make my way to Emma’s, and I can’t help but look over my shoulder all the while. Last night, I could swear I saw a shadow in the tree line next to the cottage, but the figure was gone as soon as I moved to get a better view from another window. I still can’t seem to shake the feeling of being watched.

As soon as I walk in the front door, I forget my fear as I meet Hudson’s gaze. He is smiling at me from the couch in the living room. He is wearing another flannel shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of hiking boots.

“Are you ready for your first day?” Hudson asks cheerfully.

“I think so. You said you’re coming with me, right?” I ask as I take a seat next to him.

He chuckles and says, “I won’t leave you on your own just yet. You don’t have the best reputation for knowing where you’re going.”

“You’ve got me on that one,” I say. I can feel the heat returning to my cheeks. I hate that he can get a reaction out of me so easily.