Take a Relaxing Bath

Thea’s POV

I stand before Ms. Victoria's vibrant green front door, hesitating before knocking. Her place is the only place I thought I might be welcome, and I knew Emma would ask questions I wasn’t ready to answer.

After witnessing Hudson and Brooke kissing, I slipped away from the underground party not wanting anyone to see the mascara-tinted tear tracks streaming down each cheek. The weight of confusion and hurt prompts me to seek refuge in Ms. Victoria’s comforting presence.

“My dear,” Ms. Victoria says as she opens her door. “I was not expecting you until tomorrow.”

She tugs her sapphire blue wrapper around her slight frame and her eyes settle on my face, puffy from crying. Wordlessly Ms. Victoria motions for me to sit in her cozy living room, full of mismatched furniture all hues of deep gemstones. I take a shuttering breath as I feel her hand guiding me inside. I settle into one of the sofas with deep purple cushions, she looks at me with a kind yet knowing expression.