
Thea’s POV

Emma approaches me, a small package in her hands. "Hey, Thea, would you mind taking this delivery over to Priscilla, the Gamma's wife?" she asks, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Of course," I reply with a smile, accepting the package. “Just tell me where to go.”

“The Gamma’s live right next door to the Alpha’s Mansion in the town square. The second biggest house in town. You can’t miss it,” Emma says with a smile, unaware of the shudder that goes up my spine.

I can't help but feel a tinge of nervousness about running into the Alpha while I'm alone.

Walking through the serene town, the package in my hands, I make my way to the Gamma's house. The air is crisp, and the quietness of the surroundings adds to the sense of solitude. The looming presence of the Alpha's mansion next door casts a shadow over my journey.