Chapter 48: Back in the Human World

Thea’s POV

I wake to the disorienting flashes of red and blue lights, my eyes squinting against the harsh intrusion of the world. I don't remember falling asleep, and the loud sounds of voices calling to each other in frantic tones irritate my senses. The surroundings are a blur, and I try to make sense of the chaos around me.

Before I can comprehend what's happening, I find myself being lifted onto a stretcher, wrapped in blankets. The world spins as I'm carried out of the forest, the rhythmic movement lulling me back into unconsciousness.


When I wake up again, it's under the harsh glow of fluorescent lights. I blink against the sterile brightness, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of a hospital room. I'm in a bed, and my body feels achy and weak. Confusion sets in, and I turn my head to see my mother sitting by my bedside, her eyes swollen and red, tears streaming down her face.

"Thea, oh, thank the heavens you're awake," she whispers, her voice choked with emotion.