Chapter 15: Another Lonely Night

“No, see, what you did here was set this phrase apart because of commas when you didn’t need to. If you were going to write it like that, you would need to write it like this,” I explain as I pull Felix’s paper toward me and mark out a few of the stray words and draw arrows. To be completely honest though, it looks like I bled out my blue ink pen on his paper.

I stretch in my chair and look out at the upturned chairs of the café. It is just Felix and I sitting in the café at the moment, which makes me feel special. In all actuality, I was here hanging out with Felix for a more functional reason than a social reason.

Felix and I had been meeting every other day before his shift and after his shift, so he could get the assistance he needs to not flunk his classes. English and history aren’t exactly my strong suits either, but how he writes makes me wonder if he paid a lot of attention in school or if he was just trying to pass with base muster.