Chapter 21: Take Your Time

“What? You can’t be serious! The original was so cheesy!” I tease, bumping into Felix’s shoulder, smiling the whole time. Felix’s smile practically illuminates the sky as I catch the light in the blue of his eyes. He is shaking his head and chuckling to himself, which I personally take as a good sign.

“The original series is why I enjoy all of the nerdy sci-fi and space stuff that I do,” I point out to Felix.

“Still,” I say with an over-exasperated sigh. “I would have thought the modern stuff would be better.” To this, Felix shakes his head again.

“Nope. There is a special place in my heart for the original stuff. I can’t just trade it out for the modern,” says Felix. “Besides, I am more interested in what got you into the classic rock bands when you like a band like Ink Monkey.”

“Oh, don’t even get me started,” I say.