Chapter 31: Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

I am stunned. Speechless. What? I mean… what the ever-loving frack? Did my mom actually just say what I thought she did?

“My father… was…” The words catch in my throat as it absorbs into my brain. Mom, lower lip trembling, looks down at the ground, which is one of her tells that she is getting teary-eyed. She doesn’t know that I know this quirk about her, but I’m too stunned to hide the fact that I noticed this time.

All my mom can do over and over is nod her head. She starts biting the inside of her cheek, a quirk I know I picked up from her years ago, before breathing deeply and composing herself. Like so many times before, I watch as she pushes her emotions down deep somewhere inside her, like catching a bundle of helium balloons before they take flight and shoving them into a car, my mother is barely holding onto her control.

“Yes, baby girl,” she says quietly, voice constricted with emotion.