Chapter 42: Can’t Touch This

The frigid wind blasts my face as I open my car door window and punch in the code to The Pack facility parking lot. I shiver as I try and will the window to roll up faster and block out the wind. The snow has pretty much cleared, but the wicked wind remained at its freezing temperature.

I drive into the lot and park my car in the first spot that is available which, sadly, is the one at the far end. I’ll have to sprint if I don’t want to freeze before I make it to the door. I gather up my purse and the little picnic basket of baked goods I made earlier for The Pack.

It was something nice I wanted to do for a while, but other things had distracted me. School was gearing up again and I still hadn’t had a chance to do my reading because the books were delayed. At any rate, this would be a sweet sign of appreciation that The Pack sorely needed.