Chapter 48: You are not alone

Felix’s eyes flutter open, and he smiles warmly when he sees me sitting there by his side. The monitors he is hooked up to beep contently, though I see that his heart rate begins increasing after seeing me.

“Hey,” Felix whispers. He coughs a couple of times, wincing when he does, and rotates his hand so I can take it. His fingers are ice cold against mine, but it doesn’t stop me from holding onto them.

“Welcome back,” I greet. Leaning up, I kiss him on the forehead.

“Well, I ought to be attacked more often if you treat me this well,” teases Felix. I gingerly flick his ear and sit back down.

“What’re you talking about? I treat you good every day,” I retort. Felix chuckles as he takes my hand and kisses it.

“I know,” he says lovingly. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“And I’m glad you’re here. Are you feeling okay? Need anything? Water? Ice chips?” I ask. Felix shakes his head.