Chapter 24: Perk, Perks, & More Perks

Now, with that out of the way, it's finally time to do the actual perk selection and I have 12 level-ups pending, so I'll be able to take quite a few perks this time around.

Finished with that thought, I immediately selected level up on the status screen and as soon as I did, the holographic screen swapped back to the perk selection screen, displaying a huge variety of perks.

[ Perks ]

Perk Points Left: 12

Level 8 Perks

| Commando | Requirements Level 8: +25% Accuracy to all two-handed ranged weapons.

| Cowboy | Requirements Level 8: +25% damage done by dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers, and lever-action guns.

| Grunt | Requirements Level 8, Guns 45, Explosives 20: Deal 25% more damage with pistols, smgs, assault rifles, marksman carbines, light machine guns, grenades, grenade launchers, missile launchers, and knives.

| Home On The Range | Requirements 8, Survival 70: Able to sleep comfortably when not at home and stay aware of your surroundings when asleep.

| Impartial Mediation | Requirements Level 8, Charisma 5: +30 to speech and a knack for negotiation.

| Living Anatomy | Requirements Level 8, Medicine 70: Shows health and DT of any target as well as +5% damage increase.

| Pack Rat | Requirements Level 8, Intelligence 5, Barter 70: Items with a weight of 2 or lower now weigh half as much.

| Quick Draw | Requirements Level 8, Agility 5: Makes weapon drawing and holstering 50% faster.

| Rad Resistance | Requirements Level 8, Endurance 5, Survival 40: +25% Radiation resistance.

| Scrounger | Requirements Level 8, Luck 5: Find considerably more ammunition.

| Size Matters | (Ranks 3) Requirements Level 8, Endurance 5: +15% Damage and accuracy with big guns.

| Sneering Imperialist | Requirements Level 8: +15% Damage and +25% accuracy when fighting against tribals and raiders.

| Stonewall | Requirements Level 8, Strength 6, Endurance 6: +5 DT and cannot be knocked down unless you wish to be.

| Strong Back | Requirements Level 8, Strength 5, Endurance 5: +100 Carry weight.

| Super Slam | Requirements Level 8, Strength 6, Melee Weapons 45: All of your melee attacks are more likely to knock down your opponents.

| Terrifying Presence | Requirements Level 8, Speech 70: Your presence easily intimidates others. This effect can be controlled at will.

| Tribal Wisdom | Requirements Level 8, Survival 70: -50% limb damage from animals, mutated animals, and mutated insects along with +25% poison resistance.

Level 10 Perks

| And Stay Back | Requirements Level 10, Guns 70: Shotguns have a 10 percent chance, per pellet, to knock back an enemy.

| Animal Friend | (Ranks 3) Requirements Level 10, Charisma 6, Survival 45: Animals no longer attack you for no reason.

| Character Builder | Requirements Level 10: You can select 1 more trait.

| Fight The Power | Requirements Level 10: +2 DT and +5% critical chance against anyone wearing faction armor or clothing.

| Finesse | Requirements Level 10: +5% Critical chance.

| Here and now | Requirements Level 10: You instantly level up again.

| Math Wrath | Requirements Level 10, Science 70: Reduces all stamina costs by 10% and increases your calculation ability significantly.

| Miss Fortune | Requirements Level 10, Luck 6: You have a small chance that Miss Fortune will show up when you miss a shot to incapacitate one of your targets.

| Mister Sandman | Requirements Level 10, Sneak 60: Can instantly kill a sleeping target within reason and earn twice the amount of experience points for said kill.

| Mysterious Stranger | Requirements Level 10, Luck 6: There is a small chance that the mysterious stranger will show up in your time of need to finish off one of your targets.

| Nerd Rage | Requirements Level 10, Intelligence 5, Science 50: +50% DR and 10 strength whenever health is 20% or below.

| Night Person | Requirements Level 10: +2 Intelligence and +2 Perception between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM.

| Plasma Spaz | Requirements Level 10, Energy Weapons 70: Accuracy and damage for all plasma weapons are increased by 20%.

| Thick Headed | Requirements Level 10, Endurance 6: Limbs are 15% harder to cripple and the effects of crippling are 50% less. The lower your intelligence, the higher the modifiers.

Level 12 Perks

| Alertness | Requirements Level 12, Perception 6: +2 Perception when not moving.

| Fast Metabolism | Requirements Level 12: +20% More hit points restored when using any health restorative items.

| Ghastly Scavenger | Requirements Level 12, Cannibal Perk: Gain the ability to rapidly regain health from eating super mutants and feral ghoul corpses.

| Heavy Weight | Requirements Level 12, Strength 7: Weapons with a weight of 10 or more pounds will have their weight cut in half.

| Hit The Deck | Requirements Level 12, Explosives 70: +25 DT against explosives.

| Hobbler | Requirements Level 12, Perception 7: Your chance to hit opponents is increased by 25%.

| Life Giver | Requirements Level 12, Endurance 6: +30 Hit points.

| Long Haul | Requirements Level 12, Endurance 6, Barter 70: +200 to carry weight.

| Piercing Strike | Requirements Level 12, Unarmed 70: All of your unarmed and melee attacks negate 15 points of DT.

| Pyromaniac | Requirements Level 12, Explosives 60: +50% damage with fire-based weapons.

| Robotics Expert | Requirements Level 12, Science 50: +25% damage against robots and gain knowledge of all things robots.

| Silent Running | Requirements Level 12, Agility 6, Sneak 50: Your running no longer makes sound and vibrations.

| Sniper | Requirements Level 12, Guns 50: +25% To your headshot accuracy, and when you land a headshot, the damage dealt to the target is increased by 10%.

| Splash Damage | Requirements Level 12, Explosives 70: Explosives have a 25% larger area of effect.

| Unstoppable Force | Requirements Level 12, Strength 7, Melee Weapons 90: x4 Normal damage through enemies blocks with melee weapons and unarmed attacks.

Level 14 Perks

| Adamantium Skeleton | Requirements Level 14: Your bones' toughness is increased by 50%.

| Center Of Mass | Requirements Level 14, Guns 70: You do an additional 15% damage when targeting the torso.

| Chemist | Requirements Level 14, Medicine 60: Positive chem effects last twice as long.

| Cyborg | Requirements Level 14, Medicine 60, Science 60: +10 To energy weapons, +10% to radiation resistance, Poison Resistance, and damage resistance.

| Jury Rigging | Requirements Level 14, Repair 90: Able to repair any item using a roughly similar item.

| Light Step | Requirements Level 14, Perception 6, Agility 6: You no longer set off floor-based traps and mines.

| Purifier | Requirements Level 14: You do 50% more damage with melee and unarmed weapons against mutants.

Level 16 Perks

| Action Boy | Requirements Level 16, Agility 6: +15% to stamina.

| Better Criticals | Requirements Level 16, Perception 6, Luck 6: +50% damage with critical hits.

| Chem Resistant | Requirements Level 16, Medicine 60: Half as likely to get addicted to chems.

| Meltdown | Requirements Level 16, Energy Weapons 90: Foes killed by your energy weapons emit a corona of harmful energy.

| Tag! | Requirements Level 16: Allows the tagging of a fourth skill.

| Weapons Handling | Requirements Level 16: Halves the amount of strength required to wield any weapon and the draining of stamina from said wielding.

Level 18 Perks

| Computer Whiz | Requirements Level 18, Intelligence 7, Science 70: Can now basically perform magic on a computer.

| Concentrated Fire | Requirements Level 18, Energy Weapons 60, Guns 60: +5% to accuracy for every subsequent attack.

| Infiltrator | Requirements Level 18, Perception 7, Lockpick 70: You can somehow break through any lock now, no matter how difficult it may be for others.

| Paralyzing Palm | Requirements Level 18, Unarmed 70: Can paralyze anyone for 30 seconds with an unarmed attack.

| Walker Instinct | Requirements Level 18, Survival 50: +1 Perception and agility when outside.

Level 20 Perks

| Atomic! | Requirements Level 20, Endurance 6: In irradiated areas, +25% move and attack speed, +2 DT, +2 strength. When you have an excess rad level, stamina regen scales from 1.1 times to 1.5 times normal.

| Explorer | Requirements Level 20: All locations are marked on your map emphasis on the all.

| Eye For Eye | Requirements Level 20: For each crippled limb you have, you do an additional 10% more damage.

| Grim Reaper Sprint | Requirements Level 20: All kills restore some stamina and energy.

| Mile In Their Shoes | Requirements Level 20, Survival 25: You have come to understand night stalkers. Consuming night stalker squeezin's now grants bonuses to Perception (+1 PER), Poison Resistance (+5), and Stealth (+5 Sneak) in addition to the normal benefits.

| Ninja | Requirements Level 20, Melee Weapons 80, Sneak 80: Multiplies Critical chance by x1.15 with melee and unarmed weapons and grants +25% damage with melee/unarmed sneak attacks.

| Solar Powered | Requirements Level 20, Endurance 7: +2 to strength and +1 HP per second while outside.

| Them's Good Eatin | Requirements Level 20, Survival 55: Any living creature you kill has a 50% chance to have the potent healing items, thin red paste or blood sausage when looted.

Level 22 Perks

| Deep Sleep | Requirements Level 22: Sleeping in any bed gives the Well Rested effect, which increases your XP by 10%, for 8 hours.

| Irradiated Beauty | Requirements Level 22, Endurance 8: Sleep removes all Rads.

| Laser Commands | Requirements Level 22, Energy Weapons 90: You do an extra 15% damage and have a 10% extra chance to critically hit with any laser weapon.

| Nuka Chemist | Requirements Level 22, Science 90: Gain knowledge of all Nuka-Cola recipes.

| Puppies! | Requirements Level 22: If Dogmeat dies, he will respawn as a puppy with all memories at the entrance to Vault 101.

| Spray And Pray | Requirements Level 22: Your attacks do 75% less damage to your companions.

| Voracious Reader | Requirements Level 22, Intelligence 7: Doubles the speed at which you can read and you are now able to learn the contents of books by destroying them.

Level 24 Perks

| Ammo Depot | Requirements Level 24, Strength 7: Ammo and magazine weight reduced by 40%

| Heavy Gunner | (Ranks 5) Requirements Level 24, Strength 8, Guns 50, Energy Weapons 50: +20% Damage when using heavy ranged weapons, as well as increasing accuracy by 10%.

| No Weakness | Requirements Level 24: All special stats lower than 5 become 5.

| Resource Hoarder | Requirements Level 24, Strength 10: All resource weights are reduced by 40%.

| Slayer | Requirements Level 24, Strength 7, Agility 7, Unarmed 90: The speed of all your melee and unarmed attacks are increased by 30%.

Oh, the choices. Let me take a few moments to see what perks will be most useful in my wasteland adventure. Hmm, I know I want the weight reduction perks Pack Rat, Ammo Depot, and Resource Hoarder.

Left with 9 perk points, I continued.

I definitely want Explorer for the simple fact it will let me know where most locations are. I'll also need Light Step so I can avoid setting off floor-based traps and landmines. Living Anatomy wouldn't be bad too for the information it provides on targets which I'll be able to utilize to decide if I want to take the fight or not.

That's 3 more down and 6 more perks to pick now.

I'll pick Robotics Expert next since I can see it being very useful for taking over the RobCo Facility as well as potentially giving me more information on different robots that I may have no knowledge of.

The time to choose some combat perks has come. Now what ones do I want... 

Quick Draw doesn't seem like a bad pick since it can become a lifesaver in many situations. The next perk I'm going to pick is gonna have to be Stonewall, because getting knocked down could potentially be the end of me, therefore that's a must-have. Moving on to my next choice, I'm going to go with Adamantium Skeleton, which will increase the toughness of my bones by 50%. That's a pretty huge percentage, so hopefully if something ever penetrates my armor and skin, my bones will hopefully stop any lethal damage.

The fourth combat perk I'm picking is one rank of Size Matters, because it will give my heavy weapons a decent increase in damage and accuracy. Lastly, I'm going to choose Meltdown because if I need to kill a swarm of hostiles, there is no better perk than it. It's basically the energy weapons version of chain lightning.

With my perks picked, I went over the list one more time and confirmed the perk selection, quickly changing the holographic screen to the skill distribution screen.


276 Skill Points Left

Barter: 106

Energy Weapons: 108

Explosives: 108

Guns: 114

Lockpick: 76

Medicine: 112

Melee Weapons: 108

Repair: 128

Science: 128

Sneak: 108

Speech: 108

Survival: 72

Unarmed: 108

Damn, that's a lot of skill points.

Spending a few seconds in thought, I got on with it.

I'll fill up both lockpick and survival to 100 using 52 skill points there and leaving me with 224 left to spend.

Ding! New Perk

Ding! New Perk

| Human Skeleton Key | Requirements Lockpick 100: You've unlocked the unique ability to open any lock, no matter how complicated or difficult it may seem. Also, any new lock that you unlock from here on out will now grant 20 xp that will increase by 1 for every 10 additional skill points in this skill.

| Wild Man | Requirements Survival 100: For every 10 additional skill points in survival you reduce your necessary food and drink requirements by 1% also the ability to determine the general direction of things you consider valuable when out in the wild such as the direction of water, food, herbs, etc.

Another two decent perks, nice.

Being able to unlock any lock no matter how advanced and eventually not requiring food and water sounds pretty convenient to me, I'll have to throw some points into those two when I get the chance.

When I finished giving the two new perks another brief look, I moved back to deciding what to put my remaining 224 skill points in.

After a bit of thought, I think I'm going to bring sneak and science up to 200 and pour the rest of the remaining skill points into medicine. So I can extend the size of my stealth field, increase the power of mechu-deru, and increase my knowledge base even further. Lastly, having the option to regenerate limbs in case I lose one or come across someone that needs help seems like it could be a lifesaver, though I'll probably try to stay away from most people till I have myself up and running at RobCo Facility.

Once I came to that decision, I distributed 92 skill points into sneak and 72 points into science, bringing my remaining skill points down to 60 which I then placed into medicine, bringing its total up to 172.

Looks good, but let me give it a glance over.

A short amount of contemplation later.

Alright, everything looks good. Time to finalize it and lock things in.

As soon as I completed that thought, I wasted no time and finalized my choices, changing the holographic screen again to show my stats and 10 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points ready to be spent as I saw fit. So I did just that and put them all in luck since that is the one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. I've yet to find a way to raise. Hopefully, I will one day.

After spending the 10 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points I got from the Surpass Your Human Physical Limits quest, all my skills got a nice bump, with some even increasing their totals by about 20%.

Ding! New Quests

Ding! New Quests

Ding! New …

Oh, and several new quests to boot too, nice. Let me take a look, but I will turn in that mole rat quest first that I've been hanging on to for the last several years.


Name: Harold Todd Woods

Age: 16

Height: 6 Feet 6 Inches

Body Weight: 295 lbs

Race: High Human

Level: 24

Experience Points: 2,950/3,650

Total Experience Points Earned: 43,200

Experience Rate: 230%

Health: 1,230 | Formula: Base of 90 + (Endurance x 30) + (Level# x 20) |

Healing rate: 4.2 Health a minute | Formula: 0.1 x Endurance

Carry Weight: 592.25/3,200 | Formula: 150 + (Strength x 100) |

Critical Chance: 50%


Armor: Body Damage Threshold 27, Armor Damage Threshold 166, Total Damage Threshold 193

Poison Resistance: 105% | Formula: (Endurance - 1) x 5 |

Radiation Resistance: 44% | Formula: (Endurance x 2) |

| S.P.E.C.I.A.L. |

Strength: 27

Perception: 18

Endurance: 22

Charisma: 15

Intelligence: 24

Agility: 19

Luck: 25

| Skills |

Barter: 134

Energy Weapons: 136

Explosives: 136

Guns: 142

Lockpick: 128

Medicine: 200

Melee Weapons: 136

Repair: 156

Science: 228

Sneak: 228

Speech: 136

Survival: 128

Unarmed: 136

Skill Points Per Level Up: 24 | Formula: Base of 10 + (Intelligence x 0.5) |

Traits: |Gifted|, |Sex Appeal|, |Skilled|, |Take Another Rank 1|

Perks: |Adamantium Skeleton|, |Adeptus Mechanicus|, |All Seeing|, |Ambidextrous|, |Ammo Depot|, |Bulletstorm|, |Currency Maker|, |Daddy's Boy Rank 1|, |Educated|, |Energy Weapon Fanatic|, |Explorer|, |Gotta Go Fast|, |Herculean Strength|, |High Human|, |Human Skeleton Key|, |Human Supercomputer|, |Human Weapon|, |Intense Training Rank 6|, |Junk Rounds|, |Language Master|, |Light Step|, |Living Anatomy|, |Lurking In The Shadows|, |Martial Weapon Master|, |Mechu-deru|, |Medical Genius|, |Meltdown|, |Monstrous Physique|, |Pack Rat|, |Quick Draw|, |Resource Hoarder|, |Robotics Expert|, |Silver Tongue|, |Size Matters Rank 1|, |Stimpak Addict|, |Stonewall|, |Swift Learner|, |The Power Of Atom|, |Walking Treasure Detector|, |Wild Man|


Gear: 10,000x 7.62 rounds, 200x .50 MG rounds, |12G Laser Pistol|, |AER 18 LMG|, |Anti-Material Rifle|, 10x |Anti-Material Rifle Magazines|, 2x |Combat Knife|, |Exterminator Armor|, |Exterminator Helmet|, |Guillotine|, 100x |Med-x Syringes|, 20x |MFC Grenades|, |Mulcher|, |Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazine|, 100x |RadAway|, 5 |Serrated Spears|, 100x |Stimpaks|, |War Belt|

Loot: 500,000 7.62 rounds, 20,000 .50 MG rounds, 100 Anti-Material Rifle Magazines Assortment Of Automated Manufacturing Machines, 1 Big Book Of Science, Black Altyn Helmet, Black Hardened Metal Armor, 10,000 Bottles Of Modified Buffout, 1,000 Food Stuffs, 10,000 Med-x Syringes, 250 MFC Grenade, 20,000 Microfusion Breeder Cells 100,000 Microfusion Cells, 4 Mulcher Armored Backpack Magazines, 10,000 RadAway, 100,000 Stimpaks, 4257 Duct Tape, 25,815 Scrap Electronics, 154,821 Scrap Metal, 6,892 Wonderglue, 724,892 Other Misc. Stuff.

Robots: Hauling Bots 5, 2 Mining Bots, Sentry Bots Gatling Laser Variants 2, Worker Bots 40

Quests: 0 Ready to turn in, Many in progress, 5 Completed

Quests In Progress:

| Save dad | Objectives: Prevent the death of your father, James Watson Woods. Rewards: New Perk? and 5,000 exp.

| Take Over The RobCo Facility | Objectives: Clear out all hostile forces and set up shop. Rewards: Perk RobCo Certified, 5 Science Points, 2,000 exp.

| Undegrounder | Objectives: Clear all metros of hostiles and take control of them. Rewards: Perk Mole People, 20,000 exp.

| Such Wealth | Objectives: Obtain 100,000,000,000 caps worth of assets by any means necessary. Rewards: New Perk?, 1,000,000 exp.

| Take Over Raven Rock | Objectives: Gain full control of the Raven Rock Bunker and eliminate all hostile forces. Rewards: Perk Enclave Secrets 100,000 exp.

| Orbital Weapon Acquisition | Objectives: Find a way to gain access and control over the many orbital weapon platforms across the United States. Rewards: Perk Hand Of God, 25,000 exp.

| To The Void | Objectives: …

| Yer A Wizard …

Other Statistics:

Kill Counter: 462

Animals Killed: 462

Holy shit, what a massive improvement. Just look at those stats, and those new quests are pretty nuts too. Definitely won't be completing those anytime soon.

I gave my Pip-Boy screen another scan and couldn't help but feel incredibly satisfied from all the hard work I put in over the years.


Well, I think I've done everything that needs to be done right now in my Pip-Boy, so it's time I get a move on since I have a big day ahead of myself.

After giving my status a few more glances, I exited out of my Pip-Boy screen resuming time once again where I was then immediately overwhelmed by such a colossal amount of information and all sorts of different feelings throughout my body that I passed out instantly.


If you're looking for something else to read, that's similar to this, check out my other webnovel Wasteland Conqueror.