Chen went towards the guards and told them to pass a message to the grandmaster, the message the system had given him, the guard immediately left and went to meet the grandmaster, on receiving the message the grandmaster was shocked he asked that the prisoners be released immediately.
"what did you say to the guards that had him rushing away like a horse high on caffeine" Klaus asked
"I see you have finally woken up, you should learn to refer to people with respect, if you don't, I see a lot of knockouts in your future" chen replied
The guard returned and opened the dungeon gates to let chen and his friends out, the grandmaster would like to see you all he awaits you in the main hall said the guard
"thanks but how would we get there since we are relatively new to this environment" romeo asked
follow me a little boy of about ten asked them
"so what do you guys do here " prince asked the young boy
"training is our way of life we train so we can protect the villagers and we also learn all the arts of nature and different other skills, as for me my job is to attend to the needs of the grandmaster" the little boy said
"what is your name?" chen asked the boy
Everyone here calls me pan because I am also in charge of washing the dishes the boy said, here we are the grandmaster is behind those doors just slide them open and remember to boy in respect immediately you see the grandmaster the boy said while pointing to a wooden door
"thanks for leading us here" chen said on getting inside everyone bowed to the grandmaster except Klaus, victor tugged at this shirt till Klaus got into a bowing position
You can all rise now the grandmaster said, chen was taking in the room he saw that every corner of the room was finished with properly polished wood and that the room had mats all over, it seemed like we would have to sit on these mats chen thought while sitting down, the other seeing chens action decided to follow suit
"so why are we here" Klaus asked rudely and got and elbow to the ribs from chen
"sorry about my friend sir he is a bit rough around the edges" chen apologized
The grandmaster kept smiling while observing the crew he was impressed by what he saw their spirit and will to fight even when in difficult situations
"why is the creepy old man smiling at us" victor whispered
"so you say you are death reborn, the grandmaster asked referring to chen
"Yes I am" chen replied
Ok! Then prove it to me. Chen was still stalling because he knew that he still had a minute or two till he could use the death control again, he brought out his gun and fired rapidly at the grandmaster who didn't even move from his sitting position, while the bullets hit his skin and fell off, romeos mouth fell open In shock
"should I be impressed by that any one who has a little knowledge about magic can pull that trick easily, I have to say I am highly disappointed and you people are going to have to be our prisoners for a while till you have something more reasonable to show me" the grandmaster said
"I am surely not going back to that stinking dungeon, so better do something about it chen" bryan said
At that moment the cool down period for the death control had passed and chen could finally use it again, he summoned his knives this time and covered the blades with death's essence, "what is that black looking smoke on those blades" the grandmaster thought
"can I attack you with these blades" chen asked
Go ahead the grandmaster replied confident in his abilities, chen attacked the grandmaster and struck his knife towards the abdomen of the grandmaster the grand master didn't even make an attempt to stop him or guard himself, the knife made contact with a very dense substance when it came in contact with the grandmasters body and shattered,
The grand master smiled and asked chen if that was all he had chen pointed at the point where the knife struck and smiled back at the grandmaster, a black web like substance was seen spreading over the grandmasters body the grandmaster placed his hand over his side and pulled out a smoke like black ball and tossed it to the ground, immediately the ball touched the wood it started decaying and crumbling in on itself.
"I have finally come to terms with the fact that death has been reborn even though I can not understand why it would be given to a weakling like you" the grandmaster said
"so you believe us now" bryan asked the grandmaster
"yes I do but before we go any further I would need you to explain to me how you got this power and how you eventually got to this place"
Chen recapped the occurrences leading to his death and how he managed to be resurrected he also told the grandmaster about the system and the missions that was given to him by the system "I wonder why the infinite one would give the power to this one in a such a manner" the grandmaster thought
"I have heard all you have said and we are sorry for treating you all unjustly upon your arrival we would get you to your rooms so you can have some rest and then tomorrow we shall commence with the rules first and then the training" the grandmaster said
The grandmaster asked pan to lead the visitors to one of the rooms in the sleeping quarters "so the grandmaster finally decided to believe you guys and treat you as visitors, I also heard him saying that your training commences tomorrow, though I'd have to tell you guys training here is tough and no one is going to go easy on you, I just hope I would be able to have a go at you guys in training" pan mused
"did that little boy just challenge us?these guys over here must think that we are pushovers" chen said
"well the six of us did lose to just one of them" prince said
"let's get some rest and see what tomorrow holds for us" chen said he saw that the beds were laid on the floor and they were no bunks or bed stands, and there was little difference from a mat and whatever this bed was, "well I have slept on much worse he thought and slept off
Meanwhile chu could be seen stalking and watching the group he couldn't believe the grandmaster believed them just like that he felt had to do something about them…..