Chapter 2

The sun came out the next morning with the beautiful music of birds🕊️.As soon as the alarm went on, Kris got out of bed and washed his face. Then he went into the bathroom and rubbed his naked body under the shower. He stopped to drop the water from the shower.

At that time, Kris took the towel from the wall and covered himself. After that, he went into the clothing room. And he wore a dark blue shirt, put the tie on his neck and put a coat on it. He wears a watch ⌚️ and the shoes 👞. After that he goes downstairs. At that time, his secretary brought coffee☕️ and soup 🍜 for Kris's breakfast.

"Boss, your breakfast is ready."

"Oh okay, okay… " he said and sit down on the chair. Drink a cup of coffee ☕ and watch business news on the iPad . After finishing drinking, he just stands up. At that time, Artit said.

"Boss, you didn't eat your soup yet."

"Omm… Drinking coffee is enough for me.

Oh.. We should need to go right now. I don't wanna be late today. Today's kind of special to me. "I will have to meet a friend who didn't meet for a long time, 😊"

"I got it, boss. I will drive to Company as fast as I can💨" said and drive it..

X. X. X. X. X. X. X. X.

At Lux Company…

"Hey, hey… I just heard the CEO of the Crown company will come today."

"oh.. Really , other people said he was super handsome🤭. And also, he is as perfect as our boss💯."

"Guys stop chatting . Our boss is coming and the meeting will start at 10am. "Be prepared, ready for that!" said The manger of the Lux company .

After 10 minutes later, one of the car just arrived. A man came out of the car and walked in to the company. That person is a 25-year- old man. He has white skin and 190cm tall. Wearing Western clothes and he looks like a gentleman. His name is Sam and CEO of the Lux Company.

"Meeting is ready and everyone is waiting for you, Boss" Manger said and they walk into the meeting room.

"Morning Boss" all the employees are greeting Sam

"Morning Morning … Okay let's start our meeting " he replied .

1hour later, the meeting is over. At that time

"Today, Is the CEO of Crown company will be visiting, right?" Sam asked his Manger.

"Yes boss, I guess he will arrive soon" manger replied.

15 minutes later….

Manger came into Sam's Office and said

"Boss boss, Mr. Kris is arriving."

"huh… Mr.Kris… Who is he?" Sam asked his Manger.

"Mr. Kris is the CEO of the Crown Company limited " answered his manger.

"Arr, I got it" and went downstairs to meet Mr.Kris.

Author Note; This episode is end here. I'm not the native English speaker so, If there any spelling mistakes or grammar errors, I'm really apology you guys.🙏🏻 Thanks u for ur reading! I hope u will enjoy it!

Have a wonderful day all my readers!💖