Chapter 10 : Valentines day school dance (part 2)... [Dawn Silver]

As everyone was all wrapped up in talk of the on coming school dance , the class was suddenly silenced once more when Bradshad reappeared , but not alone this time , he had someone besides him who caused everyone's mouth to fall including Kelsie who lazily looked up but was suddenly mesmerised ..

"Hey once again students ...uhh I know I just left your class minutes earlier but silly me forgot this young man right here.. in my office , " he added telling the one he was with " Go on... introduce yourself to the class " and with that the new comer spoke .

"Hy everyone name's Dawn Silver en' am more than happy to join y'all here at Swan High- " ( fuck his voice is deep as gad knows what)....but before Dawn could even finish speaking, Bianca spoke aloud from where she was sitted " can come sit right here Dawn.." she uttered while gesturing the boy who was sitted beside her(Stuart Reggels) , to get a new seat , that causing Principal Bradshad's brows to farrow before he intervened ...

"That won't be necessary Miss Hills ..." before he added " sorry about that Dawn..please do continue "

and so Dawn continued "yeah.. so I heard alot about

Swan High and I really look forward to having a great time here . "... and with that he stopped and yet everyone was still quiet jus' observing him .

...if Nathan Cross was a god or an angel in terms of his looks n' stuff.. then Dawn Silver was definitely the devil himself when it came to all that . He had long silky pitch black hair that reached his neck area , not forgetting the black moon shaped tattoo that was jus' beneath his hair on the side of his neck , he had silver eyes that complimented his hair ..perfectly , his well sculpted pointy noise was well matched with his beautifully shaped lips all framed by his devilishly handsome face that was well outlined by his perfectly lined jawline ...yess! everything about his face was simply out of this world ...but not at all , compared to his body , ...good lord! he was well built as hell, making matters worse he wore a not so tight t-shirt that made his upper masculine features quite visible to everybody ...his strong biceps, his broad shoulders, his muscular chiselled chest , his veiny hands (*wink* a bonus for the ladies by the way) not forgetting his glorious abs.... did I forget to mention he has the height of every girl's desired dream boyfriend.. in other words , his tall as fuck.

What am trynna say here is just that sight of him had most girls drooling just looking at him ...he excluded this strong manly aura that everyone seemed to notice.. having most girls clench their thighs together due to their arousal from imagining him doing all sorts of naughty things to them.. ( typical of females btw )...

Anyway, getting everybody out of their little trances , Bradshad spoke ! ...but not to them this time...

" And since Miss Ch'en chose to sleep throughout all this , she will do the honours of showing Mr. Silver around " that causing the whole class to turn behind and look at Melanie, who had just woken up , hearing her name , "But sir you don't have to punish her , I can do it voluntarily " ..." Miss Hills my decision is final.." he then added " Dawn you can take up that seat over there right behind Miss Ch'en, the one who was just sleeping moments ago and remember she's the one to show you around okay " ... Dawn nodded and with that , Bradshad left and Dawn went to where he was directed and took his seat , causing all the girls to throw deadly glances at Melanie.