6. My Charm is Irresistible I guess?

"Um…. Excuse me miss, what does your status window shows? Mine is bugged I guess?"

Neel asked a nearby cute girl thinking he will get a proper answer, but:

"This is the problem of being beautiful I guess? Even a not-half-bad-looking boy is trying to flirt ..sigh… Being beautiful is a serious sin. My charm is irresistible I guess?"

The narcissist girl just spoke as bullets fired from a machine gun.

'Name of the game and status was already weird enough but now weird players also huh, well maybe she is on periods'

Neel thought completely misunderstanding the girl.

Her thoughts right now were like this:

'oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!!!! Who is this handsome? is he an actor or someone from a big family!? He just spoke with me!! Does this means he is interested in me!? How should I reply? Will his fans hunt me in the game if I replied to him? Maybe behaving a little haughty make me look cool?'

And so on…

After a few seconds of pondering Neel decided to leave the girl alone and ask someone else.

"Hey, pal can you tell me what your status window is? Mine looks like bugged"

He asked a chubby guy who was standing behind him.

"Tsk, I know I am a little fat that doesn't mean you have the right to make fun in front of girls just to look cool!!"

The chubby guy hatefully looked at Neel.

'Life is so freaking unfaaairrrr!!! Fuukkk!!! Why is he so handsome!?? This world truly hates me!!!!'

And he was cursing Neel inside.

'Maybe I am the only odd in this place? Is being normal so odd in this world?'

While Neel was questioning his existence.

The one to break the awkwardness for Neel was the elder Wang as his next voice snapped Neel out of his daze.

"…So now you all have understood the basics let me start with teleportation, but just to confirm does anyone still have any questions?"

A beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes raised her hand and asked:

"Excuse me elder Wang but what if someone ends up in the central continent what should that person do?"

Her feminine and seductive voice made the elder's cheeks burn and turn a little red.

"kehum… So beautiful miss, even if someone were to teleport to the Central continent or rather any continent 'survival' is the primary thing everyone should worry about all the other things are secondary. But only for you beautiful lady, I will give you a hint, that seeking the help of someone who can help you is the only option. As you will be in foreign lands, but trust only those who you are sure of as the world is full of people who may use you as a stepping stone."

Looking that he has finished answering, Neel raised his hand to ask about his status window.


'Tsk, why that boy so handsome?! Does he want that beautiful lady's attention so much? Che! I hope he lands in the Central continent!'

The elder clicked his tongue and cursed Neel for no reason.

"So now that no one has any questions just get lost!! And try not to die!"

Completely ignoring Neel in disdain he spoke to everyone.

"Hehe, serves you ugly!"

The Chubby boy spoke to Neel.

'Maybe buying this game was a mistake truly!'

Neel practically shouted inwardly.

'Oh my god!! He is going now!! What should I do he ignored me as I spoke haughtily! His fans really won't hunt me down in the game right?! What should I do? Ask his name? number? girlfriend? WHAT SHOULD I DO??'

And the girl was in total Chaos.


Neel did the best thing that every protagonist does in such situations.


He sighed.

"So let the odds be with you!!!"

Snapping him out of his daze was the voice of elder Wang who raised his stick in the air and struck it on the ground.


"Let's Goooooo!!!!!"

"I will become the number 1 in the game!!!"

"Wait Hestia I am comingggg!!"


Were the shouts of all players.

And the next moment the place filled with players became empty.

Neel found himself in a void with no one around him and the next moment he found light coming straight towards him and he felt land below and opened his eyes to see…