15. Falling Pieces of the Puzzle.

Neel started with Surya-Namaskar and soon realized that this task was something exceptional.

After 100 Surya-Namaskar he started feeling a throbbing pain in his muscles, hip, and calves.

Normally he would not have felt anything even after doing 1000 Surya-Namaskar, however, the Potion of Determination was making things way too difficult for him.

But who was Neel?

He was the protagonist!

He steeled his will and decided to at least complete 200 Surya-Namaskar before taking a break.

As he did his body was oozing beads of sweat, his body was turning blood red, and his thirst was increasing every second while he was trying his best to concentrate on his goal.

An hour went by, the two hours went by, three, four.

Five hours later his body gave up.

"Huff…huff…. I did it…huff…"

Trying to catch his breath he looked at the slip and saw the numbers

{Task progress: (256/100,000)}

He was starting to lose consciousness so he decided to log off and come back at night when the night falls so the temperature won't be a problem."

'log off'

He thought and the next second he was out of the game, waking up from the bed he removed the helmet.

For the first time after playing the game, he found something interesting.

His body was drenched in sweat not as much as in the game but still, it was drenched in sweat.

There was Air Conditioner inside his room, it was rainy season right now in his state, and even the room temperature was normal.


A small seed of doubt and curiosity took birth inside Neel's mind.

'Even if I consider that I was traumatized by the game it is still impossible to sweat this much without even moving my body, then only one question remains, how?'

His brain was running faster than a computer and he felt a little uneasy by a thought.

'It can't be… I don't like where this is going.'

"Let me first…hm?"

Then another realization struck him. When he tried to speak his throat felt dry and he was thirsty. And the next moment his stomach grumbled.

'Now I really can't think about anything else but that possibility.'

Stopping his thought process there and there itself he rushed to the kitchen. Grabbed a jar of water and started chugging it down like a wild beast.

Lucy who was observing this had an amused look. (although not practically)

'It should have taken at least a week after that game's release. Why is it happening so fast? If this continues Young master won't be able to enjoy his peaceful days for long…'

She sighed inwardly.

She knew that her young master was not someone who loved peaceful days, he was someone who enjoyed the adventure and loved to vent out energy, she still wished for him to enjoy the peace while it lasts.

'I wonder how much time it will take for him to solve the mystery. I can bet on less than a week.'

'Knowing him, he would take time and try to find all the pieces of evidence before making any conclusion.'

There was only one except Neel himself who knew everything about Neel and that person was Lucy.

She has been observing her Young master for over five years and even before that she kept eye on his every single thing.

Oblivious of the fact that a robot with a maid costume was staring at him and was placing a bet, Neel was in deep thought.

'My doubt is solidifying now. But first, let me try a few more things before coming to any conclusions.'

He grabbed some protein bars from the kitchen and directly headed toward his room.

Once entered the room he wiped all of his body and just like Instagram emo boys he took some pictures of his body standing in front of a mirror half-naked.

His body which was an ideal body every teenager desires, he clicked several pictures.

After satisfying from pictures he turned the Air conditioner to the lowest temperature possible and even turned the fan on.

The temperature never really mattered to him however his next experiment was important.

Immediately after he again went inside the game.

Lucy who was once again watching over him thought to herself.

'I don't know what is going inside the game but the way young master drank the water it felt, desperate. What can make young master's body which can live as long as a few hundred years inside Emperor's Den without the need for water and food… It must be a mythical ranked treasure created by a dragon god if not a primordial god….'

The maid was excellent at guessing to the point that even the writer was scared of this ability her's.

Meanwhile, Neel once again saw the darkness in front of him fade away and a lonely, calm yet fierce, and vast desert land.

The sun started setting and it was the perfect time for Neel's next experiment.

But before that, he felt something, the muscles which were a little sore when he was on the Earth, now, slowly started aching, the thirst which he thought had fulfilled started making its presence known, the hunger which he fulfilled once again arose.

However, there was a little change this time, the condition was not as dire as before and this made his clouds of suspicion denser.

Just like every piece of the puzzle slowly taking its place, he was connecting the dots.

'But it's still not enough."

Neel thought.