31. Meeting of Two Legends. [1]

[A/N: This chapter is about what happened after the Old man Zou tried to sneak inside Neel's consciousness. And was kicked out thereafter.

Reference: chapter 10. I've never felt this fear.

From here onwards the story will take some pace or rather the main story will start.

For a brief,

The main characters of this volume: are Neel, Lucy, Amanda, and Snow White.

Side characters: Sam, Nina, John Wills, Old man Zou, Richard White, Malcolm, and the Lord.

Mentioned Characters: Celestia, Natasha, Aman, and two elder siblings of Neel.

Antagonist: Not yet.]

[The world-building and introduction to all the characters are done.]


[Third person POV]

[Inside a space filled with countless stars.]

A figure completely naked, having white hair and closed eyes, with a calm face, sitting in a lotus position was floating in that space filled with countless stars.

Around that figure were a hundred pieces of rectangular-shaped papers, on which there was something written in the ancient language. Those ruins were shining brightly.

After kicking the old man Zou out of its domain, the figure once again started meditating.

However, the figure was not alone.

"Hmm… how long are you going to ignore me?"

Someone asked the mediating figure.


But the figure did not respond.

"So this is going to continue huh? It has been 19 years since we have both been aware of each other's presence, but you never spoke. Until today."

The 'someone' continued.

"Haaa… what do you want?"

The meditating figure spoke.

Its voice was domineering, the moment it spoke the papers around it started shaking violently.

"Haa… so you can speak huh? I thought you were someone deaf."

The 'someone' spoke in a little boring voice, trying to annoy the meditating figure.

"I saw no malice, greed, and vengeance in you. So, I ignored your presence. You meant no harm to Neel."

The meditating figure answered.

"But I can't say the same for you. You reek of vengeance, to the point I am binding you from leaking out."

The 'someone' spoke.

But this time it appeared in front of the meditating figure.

In the dark space, filled with countless stars, in front of the figure where a white and bright moon was situated.

A massive figure came forth out of thin air.

Dark black scales, massive wings, a long neck, and a long tail.

Face that was filled with rage and pride.

It had sharp teeth in its big mouth.

Its body had black scales as if it was darkness itself.

Two white big horns on its head like they were its crown, and two ocean blue eyes filled with blue fire inside like they will burn the entire universe just by looking.

Spikes were starting from its neck to the bottom of the tail where a small blue fire was burning.

It had four limbs with two being its hands and two being its legs.

The claws of this being were sharp enough to tear a gap in the dimensions.

The figure was a majestic black dragon.

"We meet for the first time dragon… or shall I call you, The fifth Dragon Emperor 'Ryu Veldarad'?"

The meditating being stood up and chuckled.

"To know my complete name, just who are you? I have meant to ask this but…"

Before Ryu Veldard could complete his sentence.

"To be bound by the hundred talismans by the best Array master the entire world has ever seen, and still able to move and speak. Just who I am? Is what you want to know, right?"

As if Ryu Veldard's mind was an open book, the being spoke with a soft smile on its face.

"Well, that is the half part of my question. The other half is, why these talismans don't affect this soul of yours? When I entered this boy's body I was astonished by your presence. Why was your soul not pulled by the system for the cycle of reincarnation? Just how strong your will to live is? To be able to defy the system itself you must be from the…"

The majestic dragon was quite confused and kept talking until at one point its eyes widened and sweat tickled down its forehead.

"Are you perhaps…?"

Ryu Veldard took a step back when he felt like his guess was correct.

"Indeed I am one of the seven Absolutes, or I shall say I 'was' one of the seven absolutes."

The figure replied with a cold look on its face.

As if his answer stopped the time Ryu Veldard did not speak anything else.

"So this vengeance you…"

After several minutes Ryu Veldard once again tried to speak but stopped when he noticed a difference in the figure's demeanor.

"I do seek vengeance. However, Neel is the owner of this life. I will ask him what he wishes to do. However, I will not meddle in his life. I died because I was weak, I lost because I was weak. I will warn Neel, but the decision will be his. After all, I am no longer the one I used to be."

"Are you going to give your powers to the boy? If you did I believe no one in the universe will attack him or his family."

Ryu Veldard asked as he was curious.

"I see… the 5th dragon Emperor has yet to acknowledge Neel. No wonder you haven't called him by his name. But do you think he needs my power? The way I can see his future I wonder even 'my' enemies would even stand in front of him."

"The absolute thinks very highly of the boy huh?"

Ryu snorted.

"Indeed I do, after all, there is only one person I know in this world that can handle more than two souls inside its body.

Although that person has a total of four souls inside his body, Neel is also an exception having a total of three souls inside."

The absolute answered Ryu.

"Hmm… but what about our help to him… we are the ones keeping him away from our souls and wills. If we were to let it out he would have died for sure."

Ryu Veldard argued.

"And we are the ones who trespassed his body without his permission."

The absolute answered in a calm voice.

This made the Dragon Emperor scratch its face as it understood. That Neel never invited or requested the two of them to live inside his body.


[A/N: Time for revelations.

Part two will come shortly.

3 chapters up 2 more two go~]